Willing to Join

Chu Liu thought that Shi Sen was unwilling to leave this place, so he patiently advised, "As long as you train well, there will be many opportunities to go home in the future. Moreover, you might even get a gold medal. At that time, you can go wherever you want."

"Can I bring my mother to the city with me?"

Shi Sen looked at Chu Liu expectantly. She wished she could leave the Shi family with Bai Lan immediately.

"I think so. When the time comes, you can apply for a dormitory. If it really doesn't work, you can rent a house nearby."

Chu Liu didn't expect her to ask this, but Mr. Liu admired Shi Sen and would probably satisfy some of her requests.

Shi Sen seemed to have made up her mind and said seriously, "Then please tell Mr. Liu that I'm willing to join."

Upon hearing Shi Sen's words, Chu Liu was a little pleasantly surprised. "Alright, wait for news at home tomorrow morning. Mr. Liu will probably go and talk to your family."

After parting ways with Chu Liu, Shi Sen returned home happily.

"What happened? Why are you so happy?" Bai Lan had just finished preparing the food when she saw Shi Sen walk in with a smile.

"There's good news." Shi Sen smiled at Bai Lan mysteriously and said, "You'll know tomorrow."

Bai Lan didn't ask further. Seeing that Shi Sen was happy made Bai Lan feel much better as well. The two of them went to rest after dinner.

The next morning, Bai Lan wanted to collect the Yan family's rice, but she was stopped by Shi Sen.

"I'll go myself."

Shi Sen estimated the time and felt that Mr. Liu should be here soon, so she said to Bai Lan, "Mom, wait a moment. I'll go with you later."

Bai Lan had no choice but to return to the house to prepare the ingredients. She still had to send buns to the Yan family tonight.

Before Bai Lan could pour the ingredients into the basin, the village chief's voice came from the courtyard.

When Liu Cui and Shi Song saw the village chief coming, they came out to welcome him.

"There's good news for your family!" When the village chief saw Shi Song, he introduced Liu De to him enthusiastically. "This is Mr. Liu, who has trained many world champions."

"Hello." Liu De shook Shi Song's hand politely and looked at Shi Sen and Bai Lan, who were not far away.

Shi Sen also saw Chu Liu beside Liu De and nodded at him with a smile.

Chu Liu coughed nervously and said to Bai Lan with a smile, " Shi Sen is very talented in table tennis, so our coach plans to bring her back to the city to join the national team."

"The national team?" Bai Lan was surprised, but looking at the calm Shi Sen, she suddenly understood.

Bai Lan wasn't the only one who was surprised. Shi Song and Liu Cui were also shocked.

"Village Chief, are you sure? When did Shi Sen learn how to play table tennis?" Shi Song didn't believe that Shi Sen had the talent to join the national team.

"How can I be mistaken? Mr. Liu is the top coach of the national team. Shi Sen can't miss such a good opportunity!" The village chief knew that Shi Sen's granddaughter had never been valued by the Shi family, but for Mr. Liu to take a fancy to her, Shi Sen must be very capable.

"Come in and sit!" Although Liu Cui didn't understand the situation, from the village chief's attitude, she could tell that Mr. Liu was a big shot in the city.

Liu De felt a little uncomfortable while being led into the house by Liu Cui. He felt that Shi Sen wasn't valued by this family and the old couple in front of him didn't seem to think that their granddaughter was capable at all.

"Shi Sen is very outstanding and might be able to bring glory to the country in the future!" Liu De praised Shi Sen. However, in contrast to Bai Lan, the old couple in front of him were not happy at all.

"What glory can she possibly bring? It'll be good enough if she doesn't embarrass the family!" Liu Cui didn't want Bai Lan and her daughter to be so smug.

Liu De didn't like people slandering the disciple he had taken a fancy to and was a little dissatisfied. "Shi Sen is a talent I've taken a fancy to. For so many years, I've never misjudged talents."

"Mr. Shi, Mr. Liu is right. The Shi family is about to produce a talent who might even bring glory to the country in the future!" The village chief's words made Shi Song understand that Shi Sen had really caught the coach's eye.

"Then, Shi Sen, do you want to go?" Shi Song asked.

"Yes, Grandpa, I want to go!" Shi Sen's tone was firm. When she looked at her mother, she realized that Bai Lan's eyes were filled with relief.