Planning Revenge

"Endure? They didn't intend to let us off the hook in the first place, so what's the point of just enduring it?"

From the moment Shi Sen was reborn, she didn't intend to suffer in silence anymore. In her previous life, she had always endured everything silently, but in the end, what did she get in return?

In this life, if anyone wanted her to suffer, she would let them have a taste of true suffering.

Bai Lan didn't dissuade Shi Sen anymore, since she knew that what Shi Sen said made sense. She had endured it for so many years, but had only been bullied even more. However, with her understanding of Shi Yan, she wouldn't let this matter go easily.

"Sen, ask Mr. Liu when you can return to the city tomorrow. The sooner, the better. I'm worried that something will happen if you continue to stay here."

Of course, Shi Sen knew that Shi Yan would think of a way to take revenge on her, but she wasn't afraid at all. Seeing Bai Lan's concerned expression, Shi Sen comforted her, "Alright, don't worry. I'll practice with Mr. Liu tomorrow when I have time. I won't give them a chance."

Bai Lan nodded, but her uneasiness didn't dissipate.

On the other side, Shi Yan was dragged into the room by Liu Cui to change into clean clothes. Thinking of Shi Sen's smug expression just now, Shi Yan was indignant.

"Mom, I can't let that little b*tch bully me like this. Even if Dad doesn't care, you can't just let them get away with it!"

Shi Yan frowned as she looked at Fang Rou's swollen cheek and her heart ached.

"I've never hit Rou Rou before, but she was actually beaten by that little b*tch today. No, I can't take this lying down!"

Liu Cui knew that Shi Yan was dejected, but from the looks of it, Shi Song wanted to maintain peace.

"Mom, don't tell me that just because Shi Sen has connections with people from the city, you don't want to offend her?" Looking like she wouldn't leave unless she got what she wanted, Shi Yan asked Liu Cui sarcastically.

"What are you talking about?!" Liu Cui locked the door and patted Shi Yan's shoulder reproachfully as she said angrily, "I'm your mother. How can I not side with you?!"

"I've already been bullied to this extent, but you haven't done anything, so how are you siding with me?" Shi Yan pursed her lips and pulled Fang Rou's hand as she muttered to herself, "She's your biological granddaughter, so you think Rou Rou deserves to be wronged!"

Liu Cui knew that Shi Yan was saying this out of anger, but she still felt a little uncomfortable upon hearing her words. "It's not that I don't want to help you. I wonder why that wretched girl, Shi Sen, suddenly became so tough? She's so sharp-tongued that I can't come up with anything to refute her!"

Fang Rou also found it strange. Shi Sen was acting very abnormal, as if she had some deep hatred for her. Fang Rou felt a lingering sense of fear just thinking about it.

"We can't just let it go! Rou Rou, compete with her tomorrow to knock her down a notch!" After Shi Yan finished speaking, she saw that Fang Rou seemed a little afraid, so she scolded unhappily, "Trash! Are you still my daughter? How can you be frightened by that little b*tch?!"

Fang Rou's face hurt to begin with, so after being scolded by Shi Yan, she cried as she said aggrievedly, "How can I know how to play ping pong? If I can't beat her, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing?"

Shi Yan was about to scold Fang Rou for being a failure when Liu Cui stopped her. "Yan'er, don't force the child. If we can't compete openly, we'll think of another way. No matter what, we have to prevent Shi Sen from going to the city!"

Shi Yan's eyes lit up as she asked, "Mom, what way can you think of? Can you tie her up?"

"Go look for your second brother. He has many friends, so he'll definitely have a way." Liu Cui was clearly implying something else.

Shi Yan thought of the hooligans Shi Tu usually interacted with and understood. No matter how capable Shi Sen and Bai Lan were, they were still women. If their reputation was completely ruined, she didn't believe that anyone would still fancy them.

"Alright, I'll go look for Second Brother now. He has many ideas, so he knows how to deal with that little vixen!"

Shi Yan walked out of the house impatiently and Fang Rou hurriedly followed. She knew her mother's personality. It seemed that Shi Sen was going to suffer this time, but she deserved it.

Fang Rou rubbed her swollen cheek as she thought to herself, "Shi Sen, I'll definitely go to the city in your place!"

Fang Rou followed Shi Yan on the way to her second uncle's house. Thinking of the city boy she had seen today, she was filled with anticipation. City dwellers were so good-looking. If she could get a boyfriend from the city in the future, what could Shi Sen compare to her with?