
Many people walked over with Liu Cui, but everyone was watching the commotion without helping. Only Bai Lan's face was covered in tears. She was genuinely worried about Shi Sen's safety.

After the second son of the Chen family's mother opened her door, everyone walked straight into her courtyard.

"Let's go and take a look!" Chu Liu glanced at Shi Sen and whispered to her.

After the two of them hid outside the Chen family's courtyard and stood on their tiptoes, they could see the situation in the courtyard clearly.

"They're not up yet? Mrs. Chen, call the children out!" Shi Yan was anxious to see Shi Sen suffer public humiliation, so she hurriedly shouted.

Bai Lan was extremely afraid. Last night, she had been pestered by Liu Cui. Seeing that Shi Sen had not returned, Bai Lan wanted to look for her, but Liu Cui said that Shi Sen had stayed at Shi Yan's house for dinner. Perhaps it was too late, so she stayed there overnight.

Although Bai Lan was anxious, she couldn't do anything about Liu Cui. She really thought that Shi Sen had stayed at Shi Yan's house. She didn't expect them to be so vicious as to treat Shi Sen like this.

Bai Lan didn't know if Shi Sen was in the room or not. She wanted to rush forward to beat Shi Yan, Liu Cui, and the others apart, but she was too weak to break free from Shi Yan and Fang Rou's restraint.

As the door of Chen's house opened, Bai Lan tensed up. Her hands began to tremble, for fear that what would happen next would be difficult for her to accept.

"Mother!" When the second son of the Chen family opened his eyes, he was shocked to see a group of people standing outside the house.

"Put on your clothes quickly!" When Mrs. Chen saw her naked son, she thought that the matter had been settled and walked into the house with a smile. "Let me see if your wife is still asleep."

Mrs. Chen smiled as she looked at the bed. the second son of the Chen family stood up from the bed with the blanket. When Mrs. Chen saw the person under the blanket, she couldn't help but scream.

"What's wrong?" Liu Cui thought that the second son of the Chen family had gone overboard and put Shi Sen's life in danger, so she ignored the naked second son of the Chen family and hurriedly went forward to check. If Shi Sen was really dead, she would extort a sum of money from the second son of the Chen family.

After she saw the person on the bed, Liu Cui's face turned pale. It wasn't Shi Sen on the bed, but her youngest son, Shi Tu!

Moreover, Shi Tu was completely naked at this moment and was covered in bloody wounds. When Liu Cui realized the seriousness of the matter, she fainted.

"Mother!" When Shi Yan realized that something was wrong, she walked forward and saw her second brother's miserable state.

"What's going on?! Why is it my second brother?!" Shi Yan suddenly took a few steps back and her loud voice made everyone present look at the bed.

When they realized that the person on the bed was Shi Tu, everyone gasped and started discussing.

"What's going on? The person who slept with the Chen family's second son is Shi Tui!" Zhou Mei widened her eyes in disbelief. The drama Liu Cui had asked her to watch was actually that of her youngest son!

"Aunt Zhou, don't spout nonsense!" Fang Rou was also a little shocked. Upon seeing the chaotic scene, she only hoped that the matter could be suppressed.

"How am I spouting nonsense?! Isn't it obvious?!" When Zhou Mei heard Fang Rou's words, she frowned unhappily. As she looked at the messy bed, she curled her lips in disdain and lamented, "Everyone in the village knows that Shi Tu is unscrupulous, but I didn't expect him to be so perverted that he doesn't even let a lunatic off!"

"Shut up!" Shi Yan scolded Zhou Mei as she pinched her mother's vital points.

"Alright, alright. The Shi family has really broadened my horizons. They dirtied my eyes with such a scene so early in the morning!" Zhou Mei muttered as she left. The others also left tactfully, but everyone had gossipy expressions. The Shi family's scandal couldn't be hidden no matter what.

Bai Lan was also completely stunned by the scene in front of her. She had never expected the person on the second son of the Chen family's bed to be Shi Tu. Now, the Shi family's reputation was completely ruined. If Shi Song found out, he might cause trouble.

She heaved a sigh of relief when she didn't see Shi Sen, but Bai Lan was still a little worried. Where was Shi Sen now?

After Liu Cui was woken up by Shi Yan, she was still a little dizzy.

"Mother! Why are you guys all looking at my wife?!" the second son of the Chen family asked his mother in confusion.