Can't Get Her Way

After Li Ling thought about it for a moment, she suddenly made up her mind. She pulled Fang Rou to a more hidden place behind the wall. Then, she looked around warily and whispered to Fang Rou, "Do you know Chu Liu, who came from the city with Mr. Liu?"

When Fang Rou heard Chu Liu's name, she nodded in embarrassment. The boy called Chu Liu was too eye-catching the last time she saw him at the Shi family's home, so Fang Rou had a deep impression of him.

She originally thought that she could return to the city in Shi Sen's place and improve her relationship with Chu Liu. However, Fang Rou didn't expect such a scandal. Her plan to return to the city in Shi Sen's place was completely foiled.

When Li Ling noticed Fang Rou's expression, she felt that her plan was feasible and she said to Fang Rou seriously, "Shi Sen probably slept with Chu Liu."

"What?!" Fang Rou didn't expect Li Ling to say this, so she looked at Li Ling in disbelief, only to see her nodding firmly.

"I saw Shi Sen and Chu Liu coming out of his house early in the morning. Otherwise, why would Shi Sen have the chance to go to the city? She might have slept with many people already." Li Ling slandered Shi Sen without any guilt.

Fang Rou's expression turned ugly. No matter what, she couldn't accept Shi Sen being with the person she had a crush on. In that case, how could she face Shi Sen in the future?

If Shi Sen returned to the city and won an award, wouldn't she be completely superior to her?

Looking at the dejected Fang Rou, Li Ling was very satisfied and added, "Shi Sen looks down on us to begin with and has always been arrogant, so if he really gets together with Chu Liu, she might be even more contemptuous towards us."

Fang Rou was a little absentminded. She didn't know why Shi Sen had suddenly changed so much. Not only did she suddenly know how to play table tennis, but she was also very good at it. Moreover, she acted like she wasn't afraid of anyone.

Moreover, Fang Rou and Shi Yan couldn't understand why their supposedly foolproof plan had become like this.

At that time, she and her mother had already confirmed that Shi Sen had fainted, but in the end, the person lying on the second son of the Chen family's bed became Shi Tu. When they asked Shi Tu, he actually didn't know what had happened. He said that after sending Shi Sen to the second son of the Chen family's place, he had been knocked out.

the second son of the Chen family was crazy, so they couldn't get anything out of him. The only person who knew the truth was probably Shi Sen. However, they were in the wrong after all, so they didn't dare to confront Shi Sen.

"That's because she's lucky. We don't have a chance to go to the city now."

Fang Rou's grades were not bad, but she was in a small town after all, so it was very difficult for her to get into a good university in the city. Moreover, there were still two years before she would take the college entrance examination. At that time, Shi Sen would have lived in the city for a while already and definitely would have received a better education than her.

Li Ling was the same age as Fang Rou, so she had almost no chance of going to the city either.

"I heard that the eldest son of the Chen family is doing well in the city. Without his help, Mrs. Chen won't be able to support the second son of the Chen family." Li Ling rolled her eyes and continued, "This time, something so serious happened to your second uncle, so get your grandmother to talk to Mrs. Chen and think of a way to transfer you to the city."

Fang Rou didn't expect Li Ling to give her such an idea, but she did want to go to the city.

"Will this work?" Fang Rou was a little hesitant, but her mind raced.

"Why not? If you don't follow Shi Sen into the city, she'll outshine you sooner or later."

Li Ling couldn't leave the village herself, but she was unwilling to let Shi Sen have her way. Fang Rou's relationship with Shi Sen was average, and from her performance just now, it was obvious that she had a good impression of Chu Liu.

Li Ling felt that if Fang Rou could follow Shi Sen and the others back to the city, Shi Sen and Chu Liu's relationship might change, since Fang Rou wouldn't want to see Shi Sen live a good life.

Fang Rou was tempted by Li Ling's idea. She felt that if her mother told Liu Cui about this, she might really have a chance to study in the city.

"Alright, I'll go back and discuss it with my mother."

Seeing that Fang Rou was convinced, Li Ling smiled. "I sincerely hope that you can live a better life than Shi Sen. Fang Rou, if you go to the city, don't forget about me, your friend."

Fang Rou nodded with a smile. She could tell what Li Ling'an was thinking, but she didn't want Shi Sen's life to go smoothly either.

When they returned home, Fang Rou told Shi Yan her plan, but Shi Yan was clearly resistant.