Defy Standards

"Really? Actually, Feng Shu isn't bad either and knows a lot of tricks. Shi Sen is a newbie, so it's inevitable that shi senhe'll be intimidated by her."

Han Yu didn't have high hopes for the girl called Shi Sen. However, Shi Sen's appearance was very gorgeous, so she was very eye-catching among the female team members.

However, it was precisely because Shi Sen was too good-looking that no one thought that she was outstanding.

"She can't beat Shi Sen." Chu Liu sounded very certain, so Han Yu didn't say anything else. He looked at Shi Sen and Feng Shu, who were already preparing to start.

"You can serve first, in case others think that I'm bullying you!" Feng Shu didn't think that Shi Sen was a threat to her, since she was a country bumpkin.m

Shi Sen didn't say anything as she took the ball and prepared to start. Shi Sen's serve was very ordinary, so Feng Shu caught the ball easily and looked even more disdainful.

Shi Sen's expression was very calm as she observed Feng Shu's playing style.

After a few consecutive rounds, Shi Sen had completely seen through Feng Shu's playstyle. Suddenly, she scored a high ball. Feng Shu didn't react in time, so she lost the round.

"Good shot!" Han Yu originally thought that the two of them were evenly matched, but when she saw Shi Sen suddenly exert strength, she realized that she was familiarizing herself with Feng Shu's playstyle.

"This girl is quite impressive and is still able to keep her composure. No wonder you're so sure that she'll win." When Han Yu looked at Chu Liu, he realized that his gaze had been on Shi Sen the entire time.

"Consider yourself lucky this time. I won't give in to you anymore." Because Shi Sen had scored first, Feng Shu looked unhappy and her attitude gradually became serious.

After Feng Shu threw a high-hanging arc ball, Shi Sen caught it. After a few exchanges, she suddenly changed lanes and threw another ball at Feng Shu, which she missed.

The first time, she said that Shi Sen just got lucky. However, the second time, Feng Shu's expression changed completely.

Shi Sen didn't look easy to deal with, so Feng Shu's friends were worried for Feng Shu. If Feng Shu really lost to a newcomer, that would be embarrassing.

Seeing Feng Shu's expression change, Shi Sen didn't hold back anymore and focused on serving long shots.

Feng Shu was already a little flustered, so seeing that Shi Sen's playing style had changed, she couldn't help but feel anxious and failed to catch Shi Sen's serve.

Next, Shi Sen had a complete advantage over Feng Shu. After one aggressive serve after another, Feng Shu's forehead was already covered in sweat. After several consecutive losses, she was completely flustered.

There was no suspense about the outcome of the competition. Shi Sen won the game and Feng Shu scored zero points.

Everyone was very surprised by the outcome of the competition.

Feng Shu felt a little embarrassed. As Shi Sen kept winning, Feng Shu's face gradually turned pale.

"I'm not feeling well today. You just got lucky!" Feng Shu gritted her teeth. No matter what, she couldn't accept that she had lost to a newcomer and didn't score a single point.

Seeing Shi Sen's calm expression, Feng Shu couldn't find fault with her anymore and could only leave the training ground angrily.

Seeing Feng Shu leave, the other team members immediately walked towards Shi Sen. Everyone was very interested in this newbie who didn't let Feng Shu score a single point.

"What competitions have you participated in before?"

"You did well. Why don't you spar with me?"

"Where did Mr. Liu bring you back from?"


Everyone kept asking Shi Sen questions, so Shi Sen didn't know who to answer for a moment. She was at a loss when she saw Chu Liu walk into the crowd.

"Alright, that's all for today. It's Shi Sen's first day in the team. If you want to compete with her, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future." With that, Chu Liu pulled Shi Sen out of the crowd.

"Chu Liu!"

Shi Sen and Chu Liu had just walked out of the training ground when they saw a tall boy running towards them.

"Hello, Shi Sen. My name is Han Yu. I'm Chu Liu's teammate."

As Shi Sen sized up the smiling boy, she remembered that he was also a famous table tennis player in her previous life.

Looking at the boy's youthful face, Shi Sen felt that this feeling was quite surreal. In her previous life, he was a world champion, but now, he looked like a teenager.

"Hello." Shi Sen smiled as she greeted him.

"Let's find an opportunity to practice in the future, but you have to remember not to be so ruthless next time. It'll have a negative impact on you." Han Yu was also thinking for Shi Sen's sake. It would indeed be bad if word got out that a newcomer had defeated an old team member by a landslide.

"Yes, I understand." Shi Sen didn't plan to let Feng Shu to lose so miserably, but Feng Shu was too arrogant. Shi Sen didn't like her contempt towards country bumpkins.