Meeting an Old Friend

Shi Sen didn't stand on ceremony anymore and began to attack. The two of them didn't give in to each other at all. The range of their movements became larger and the situation became tenser and tenser.

"How entertaining. Other than Yang Jie, no one else has been able to compete with Wu Ping for so long!" Han Yu felt that Shi Sen was extraordinarily capable.

It could be seen from the competition with Feng Shu yesterday that although Shi Sen was a newcomer, she was clearly very talented. During competitions, geniuses had an advantage over those who relied on hard work.

Seeing that Shi Sen and Wu Ping were about to tie, the crowd was fascinated. The battle between the two of them was very intense and it was a miracle for a newbie to be on par with Wu Ping.

"Feng Shu, it's normal for you to lose to Shi Sen. With her current level, she doesn't seem like a newcomer."

He Yue, who was watching from the side, said that even she might be instantly defeated by Shi Sen. Feng Shu's strength was average, so it wasn't surprising that she lost to Shi Sen.

Feng Shu was upset. She thought that Wu Ping would defeat Shi Sen, but now, Shi Sen was actually on par with Wu Ping. This was something Feng Shu had not expected at all.

As Shi Sen observed the score, she finally threw a sidearm. Wu Ping didn't hit it across the net, so she lost another point. Then, the two of them ended up in a draw.

There was a lot of discussion at the scene and Shi Sen's strength was gradually acknowledged. Wu Ping felt a little embarrassed, but she still forced a smile and said to Shi Sen, "You did well. It's very impressive that you're able to reach a draw with me."

Shi Sen also smiled. Although Wu Ping had an aggressive playstyle, it was obvious that she wasn't patient enough. Now, Shi Sen understood why she had lost to Yang Jie.

Ever since she tied with Wu Ping, fewer and fewer people challenged Shi Sen. After all, they didn't want to look for trouble. Therefore, Shi Sen was much idler.

After the training ended, Shi Sen applied for a pass from Mr. Liu. Because she was worried about Bai Lan, Shi Sen returned to the small apartment as soon as there was a break.

"Mom, I'm back!" As soon as Shi Sen entered, she saw Bai Lan, who was still tidying the room.

After Bai Lan cleaned up, the room had become more cozy and tidy. As Shi Sen looked at the gentle Bai Lan, she felt touched.

"How was your training?" Bai Lan finally relaxed when she saw Shi Sen.

"Very good. How are you, Mom? Are you adapting well?" Shi Sen didn't want to leave Bai Lan alone in the apartment, but she had just joined the team, so she had to focus on training.

"Pretty good. There's a market downstairs, and the prices are okay. I've been out looking for work for the entire day, but there's no place around here hiring people."

Bai Lan had heard from Mr. Liu that Shi Sen didn't need any additional fees for training, but she and her daughter needed some living expenses. They didn't have much money left, so Bai Lan was a little anxious about finding a job.

Shi Sen had also been a little troubled by their financial situation. Although she had mastered all the medical techniques, she didn't have any medical school degree after all. Moreover, she had to train every day, so it was very difficult for her to find a job.

"Don't worry. We have a day off tomorrow, so I'll go to the street nearby to take a look." Shi Sen wanted to open a small shop for Bai Lan, but she couldn't afford it at the moment.

"Alright, I'll go out and look for work tomorrow. It's fine even if I can only be a waiter." Bai Lan didn't ask for much. She only hoped to earn some money to support themselves.

After reaching an agreement, the mother and daughter split up early the next morning and began to look for work.

Shi Sen walked on the street aimlessly. She actually didn't want her mother to go out and work, but there was still a year before the college entrance examination. Although she had the ability to get into a university, she didn't have the chance to be admitted with flying colors.

"Call the doctor! Someone fainted!"

As Shi Sen was in a daze, she suddenly heard a cry from the road. When Shi Sen looked in the direction of the voice and saw a middle-aged man lying on the ground, she quickly walked forward to help.

However, when Shi Sen saw the face of the person lying on the ground, she was shocked.

"Professor Yan?" Shi Sen was a little nervous when she saw her former mentor faint by the roadside. After Shi Sen recalled that Professor Yan had very serious hypoglycemia in his previous life, she said to the people beside her, "He might have fainted because he didn't eat breakfast. Do any of you have candy or chocolate?!"

Yan Jing didn't completely lose consciousness, so when he vaguely felt someone feeding him something, he swallowed the candy.

As Shi Sen watched Professor Yan slowly regain consciousness, she was relieved.

"Thank you." After Yan Jing gradually regained consciousness, he looked at the little girl who was looking at him anxiously and thanked her gratefully.