Are You Sure That Will Be Her Moment of Glory?

"That's great,"

"It's great that Xingyue is back. Our class has even arranged for flowers to be presented to the piano master. I'll go and talk to Old Yang and ask Xingyue to present flowers."

Miao Xianhe was very happy to hear that Tan Xingyue was coming back. These few days, they had been very angry when they saw the smug looks of the experimental class. They even talked about the origins of Wen Xin's piano behind her back. It was really infuriating.

"No need. Xingyue's arm is fractured. If there are too many people, she will bump into them. Just let whoever Old Yang arranged go."

Wen Xin said nonchalantly. She lowered her head and looked at the message sent by Yuan Junye. The final testing of the game had been completed, and they were preparing to hold a new product launch next week. Wen Xin was told to check out the game when she had time to see if any changes were needed.