Hypnotized... Deep Coma

"Yanzhe, I've heard that Master Xi's girlfriend is a doctor, and quite a talented one. How about we apologize to her and ask for her help with Gu Xiang?"

Gu's father settled next to Gu Yanzhe, having been fully briefed on Gu Xiang's actions, and agreed his daughter had gone too far. Yet, she was still his daughter, and he couldn't bear to see her in this comatose state.

"Dad, let's think of another solution. It's too late; Master Xi has already gone to bed."

Gu Yanzhe really didn't know how to approach the situation, especially after seeing Master Xi's anger earlier.

Then, he remembered Nan Xu was also a doctor, and an impressive one at that.

"Dad, I know who to contact. Let's not disturb Master Xi; this doctor is just as capable." Saying this, Gu Yanzhe grabbed his phone and stepped away to call Ling Yichen, hoping he could bring Nan Xu over.

Once he got through, he heard the bustling noise on Ling Yichen's end, sparking a glimmer of hope.