Chapter 14

Belinda and Edward are still alive and just walking into the second haunt of the night. Edward looks from left to right as they come in, just to see if he can spot something suspect. Once it becomes apparent that there are employees of David Oswald in the building anything they have to hide will be covered up immediately.

The barman regards them with an angry glower, very similar to the manager of the previous establishment. “Why don’t you just do yourselves a favour and get the hell out of here while you’ve still got your fucking legs?” Charming, eh?

Edward looks the man up and down and, without saying a word, shakes his head. Belinda knows from his body language in the last bar that he isn’t comfortable with this aspect of the job but thinks that he handles himself really well. He does learn things very quickly. Her first instinct is always to consider turning round and leaving, but she knows that it is something that she can’t do.