Ch. 27 Research in the Yin District

Sitting down to make the ghost blood glue real quick I then pack up and head back towards the dungeon but immediately bolt the other direction and take the long way when I heard a strange rattling of chains. Yep that's how you know the guard captain is about to kill you... Lol...

After what I'ma go ahead and say is an indeterminate amount of time wandering the street because I got lost not because I accidentally wondered into the yin distract of the ghost town... No that's not where the rapist ghosts are kept... The other ghost usually imprison them... Not to stop them from moving on that's what all ghosts want to do so it's not issue if they help there peers the ghosts just see the rapist phase of longing ghosts to be a form of stealing there goal from them. Yes that's all they ever wanted but if they can't even be concious and decide who their partner is what's the point in getting it? A ghost has eternity to fulfill their last wish letting a longing ghost wait out her rapist phase isn't gonna hurt them. So most rapist ghosts are imprisoned into a female only prison until they regain themselves. The female only prison is usually placed in the yin district and is run by longing ghost who have yet to find their partner helping the younger sisters recover. I've always wondered... If you are a wardon in that place... Aren't you basically ensuring you will never find your partner? Unless it's a woman but locking a lesbian rapist ghost up in there would waste there time... There's no male long ghosts... The lust crazed male ghost usually don't have a virginity cap... They just want to fuck more and fuck... So usually those ghosts are killed by the yin ghosts right away. Some of the yang ghosts attempt to save them from time to time... But while the longing ghosts who have just died are called rapist ghosts... The sex crazed male ghosts are called pedophile ghosts... So... It's hard to defend them... No one knows why but sex crazed ghosts tend to want to have younger and younger women no matter what... Some have speculated it's them longing for their youth or more specially their life... All that's really known is no sex crazed male ghost has survived long enough to regain their conscious... As the only thing that aids them in recovering their sense of self is usually fulfilling their desire... and if someone truly desired that outcome they'd need... Thousands of baby girls... Not lolis... No... Babies... Lolis would be like a jalapeno to a spicy foods lover... It's good but not good enough. Anyways... No one has ever been stupid or demented enough to try that... To my knowledge... The closet someone has ever gotten was the story of the Madam and the Rooster. Where a Madam fell in love with the bastard son of a count who frequented her whore house. However the bastard never even looked at her even when she confessed. Despite her being a virgin she was still just a whore in his eyes. So she killed him and when he became a ghost led him defile her... But then he lost interest in the middle aged madam so the madam chained him up and became a whore in her own whore house to breed him "food" all the boys were killed the moment they were born but the girls were tossed to him just as soon. But it wasn't enough he still seemed to be going insane so the madam forced all her whores to stop using contraceptives and give birth for him to... Slowly she managed to stabilize his conciousness but one day the count visited as while he ignored the death of his bastard son his young daughter who took up policing the city was contacted by one of the whores who wanted to save her baby and when the count saw the face of the ghost chained up in the basement hungry looking around at the unconcious bodies of young girls but searching for one younger the count killed him out of disgust and his daughter took in all the girls and trained a fighting force... Long story short that was a story about a all female group of knights in a distance kingdom who went on to lead that once counts daughter to become the sole ruler over the kingdom. So while the story was kinda about the ghost it's really more about the queen... I forget her name... Anywho whilst I was... "Lost" I spent my sweet time looking around the yin district... Possibly scouting out the chance of completing my quest... Avoiding the occasional skeletal patrol squad or random guard captain sighting... Well I say sighting but if you see the dude your already dead... The moment you hear him you gotta run if you don't pick the right direction you are also dead. Anyways after carefully picking over the districting and bribing a few ghosts and even telling another what I needed, who blushed herself into a giggle fit that ended in laughter that shook the buildings nearby... She seemed cool... but she told me if I saught to achieve both my goals at once I'd probably need to die and become a ghost so I could have all the time in the world... Which was... an interesting proposal... But I passed and also passed by a few open windows of women changing and bathhouses... No male ghost is allowed to be their only men of other races has ever entered and survived... and those tend to be very rare due to this being an undead town and the ghost district... if you aren't both those things it's very difficult to get in without hundreds of thousands of people trying to kill you... Looking out at the end of the ravine while standing at the entrance of the castle I can't help but think it'd be so much quickly if I skipped this castle quest bullshit... sighing I walk in... Vred is probably related to or the actual real body of the original Bjorn so I'd like to remove the last piece of him that isn't a chunk of his conciousness forever stuck in a dildo with only the power to vibrate... Haha... It's not nearly as powerful as the compass he once had... I wonder why he designed a compass anyways... Oh by the way... The quest never went away when I ditched his soul shard and removed his influence so that means I don't have to make it into his phylactery... But if I had done it using specifically his soul shard then I likely would have ended up bringing him back and then if his real body was already dead he would have resurrected whole again but if his vampire self was present he probably would have turned into two one the vampire and the other a ghost... Or a real item spirit because his body would become his phylactery... Hmm oh btw after researching the nature of phylactery to remove his power over the compass I did learn something interesting while phylacteries in themselves can't be made by a player... as we already do that... We can create spawn points of sort... Create a personal soul shard isn't that hard but creating a spawn point is difficult... The best I can think of at this point is a myriad ring... Basically creating a twin phylactery where many people can spawn on one person's location or that person can spawn to them... It'd require all parties be willing and they'd have to wear the ring when they did it... but logically it'd make for an interesting travel mechanic...