
Eliyah was up on the mountains training all by herself She was fighting and practising her aimings with knives, she felt something behind her she flew and threw a knife but that knife was stopped on the air It was Jasper who showed up.

"You tried to kill me Skairipa?"

"I knew it was you"

"Thats why you wanted to kill me?"

"I knew you couldn't die, what are you doing up here?"

"Checking out for you ofcourse"

"Sm doing fine Jasper no need to worry"

"It's okay you can talk to me El I know you're still looking for (the shadow hunter)"

"Two and half have passed I need some answers why did he left his villege like that?"

"He must have a reason, last time we saw him he turned into a phoenix but he was not himself as the powers were controling him"

"Something must have happened am sure of that"

"Well share with me your ideas we will talk find a solution together" Clair showed up to them.

"You might wanna see this guys" They left the montains and went to the villege. Khuisar's village is as of usual people organisez together to fight monsters their daily activities takes place usually in day light while devil hunters does the work too. Miller was at the market well standing Jasper Clair and El showed up.

"What happened here?"

"The well seems to stop moving as if the monsters have stop trying so hard to get out"

"Well that's good news though right?"

"I don't think so"

"What are you talking about?"

"You are locked somewhere in the dark and once you find your way out you are trying so hard in your powers to get out, but the door from the outer world is shut and locked, you try and try and just suddenly you stopped in just like that way what do you made you stop? While you were so desparate to get out?"

"If I were so desparate to get out then I would still keep on trying to break the door, that means they are going to blow up the well?"

"Or they have found another way out of here"

"Oh My God"

"We have to find another way out before they do, I think they split up trying to find a way"

"Well Count me in it I will figure it out"

"Great meanwhile We have to maintain peace and safety here" They all agreed.

Outerlands it was tonight Madi and Mini found themselves an abondened house to settle for the night, It was very dark outside.

"Well this place is filled with darkness all the time"

"I don't think this is a coinsidence me being here"

"There you go with your story" They suddenly heard some voice as If a creature was moaning for hunger.

"Did you hear that?" Madi was very shocked hearing that they heard it again.

"Oh No No No No" Madi was pressured.

"Madi Madi come on talk to me what do you know of this?"

"This is very bad, we shouldn't be here"

"Hey hey am here talk to me what is going on?"

"Have you ever heard of a Nagzuls?"

"What is that?"

"They are dark riders absorbing souls whereever they go they bring darkness Shit I shouldv'e known the first time we get here"

"Tell me more about them"

"You heard the sound right? That sounds they make it's made of mermaid's inncer voice to call upon their feeding, and I those voices are very dangerous to human beings it is powerful enough to summon human wherever they are"

"And why aren't we summoned?"

"Because we are not normal human" Mino was shocked.

"That means my powers didn't perished or taken away"

"Come on we have to stop it from killing human" They looked at the window and saw Humans were walking slowly going for where they heard the sound.

They got out and try to stop them, those human's eyes were green.

"They can't stop?"

"The sound is drugging them we have to go for the Nagzul now" Madi used her super speed and to find a Nagzul Mino tries his best to run too. They reached somewhere and saw A Nagzul Mino was his first time seeing a nagzul it was a creature with no face it has a hood but inside the hood it was darkness you couldn't afford to see the face only the shadow.

"Oh My God" The Nagzul stopped making sound soon as he heard that. Madi mouthfolded Mino. And said in a lower voice.

"They can hear a very far opened Sound, they can smell fear too" They were hiding behind the stone the nagzul was going to the stone but human started appearing that nagzul wanted to feed so he started focusing on the human.

"We have to go now!" That nagzul wanted to absorb human soul but Madi showed up and snatched that human away from it. Mino showed up and hit it but It didn't felt anything The Nagzul took a stare at Mino.

"Well that was great"

"Avoid his stares Mino" Mino was kicked he fell far to that stone and broke it. The nagzul was foing to him Madi showed up she turned into a half monster and breathed fire at that nagzul's hood. It started burning and it died the only thing remained down it was it's hood.

"Whew that was close, we managed to kill it but why the people are not normal yet"

"Because Nagzul never hunts alone, they travel in group"Mino was surprised suddenly they were sorrounded with nagzuls some were on the horses and some were on their feets.

"It's time to die Mino, If you still have your phoenix power I really think this is a good moment for you to burst your fire out"