
Mino picked up a stone ready to throw it at him that man vanished and appeard behind him he collected his powers and hit him hardly at his back Mino fell and from inside his body came out a phoenix and lay down on the ground Mino stood up he was shocked staring at the phoenix.

"See what am saying?" Madi showed up to them she was shockingly walking while staring at the phoenix down the ground.

"What is this? What did you to him?"

"It's simple, this is a proof that the phoenix still lies with in you but you need someone who can aim it to wake it up, you have done some terrible things the Gods punished you by locking the phoneix along with it's powers but they didn't take it away from you"

"And why wouldn't they? Why doing this?"

"Because you are the only person in history named to be the one true legend Mino, If you work for me I assure you that I will bring your powers back" Madi was shocked bearing that.

"No one is working for anyone here you bastard" Madi wanted to fight him that man turned his eyes into yellow and controlled Madi he putted a poison inside her body.

"Boo.., what did you do to her?"

"It's simple you work for me and I won't have to kill her, If you don't want to work for me then she will die as will your village girl and the rest of them"

"Put that thing out of her mouth now"

"Just say the word and I will spit it out"

"Mino don't" Mino stared at her.

"I will do as you say"

Mino agreed to him That man returned back the phoenix in Mino's body and offers him a hand. Mino accepted as he stood up slowly beside him.

"Don't follow us, you will regret it" Mino and that man turned around to walk away. Madi was left alone she hurry turned into Demon and started running towards the village soon as she was about to enter the village she turned back into human form and bugged into Octavia she eas barely breathing.

"Hey what happened to you?"

"It's him, he has Mino he took him"

"Who is Mino?" Eliyah showed up to them They ignored her Miller and the others showed up too Madi explained it to them El was shocked.

"Seriously, you couldn't stop him Madi?"

"What do you care? You dumped him remember" Octavia got prepared to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going after him, If I can smell their scent I can be able to catch them soon"

"It's too dangerous, Mino said he didn't want to be followed" Jasper Miller and Clair were shocked.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh Crap!!"

"What are you hiding from us you two?"

"Kane's real name is Mino, Yes he is Mino your flesh and blood brother and he is also a Phoenix"

"What?!! You are telling me that the man who was with me was the one they called "the shadow hunter" all this time" Eliyah was surprised and lost she didnmt know what to think or do.

"There's a reason for everything" Suddenly the earth started shaking bery hardly.

"What is that?" They heard a heavy roar. Madi was shocked. Harry showed up with Rafael.

"Hey guys miss me" Harry turned into a creature he was one big creature none of them never seen before.

"Oh My God Harry, what have you done to your self"