8 – Emotions

Cody gives up on sleep and throws the blanket off him, sick of staring up at the ceiling. There's no point in it now. It's almost four in the morning, and he hasn't so much as closed his eyes.

Not since he saw her. Felt her cum at his touch.

The thought has Cody's raw cock throbbing with the need to release once again. It's acting like he hasn't been working off since she walked out of his office yesterday.

The first thing Cody did when her lush body left his office was take his cock out, along with her panties, and proceed to come all over them. He's been doing the same thing all night.

Cody looked down at the sticky mess that were the panties and realized that they probably didn't even have her scent on them anymore. He couldn't help but smile, enjoying the idea of covering her in his own scent.

It was a power trip for him, and one that he relished. He imagined her reaction, and the thought made him even more excited. It was a game to him, one that he was determined to win.

When she walked into the room yesterday, he felt his knees go weak and his heart start to race. He was frozen in place, unable to move or even speak. The sight of her was overwhelming, and he struggled to compose himself.

Cody was overwhelmed by her presence. He felt a surge of desire, mixed with fear and uncertainty. He didn't know if he could handle the intensity of his feelings, or if he was even ready to face her.

Despite his trepidation, Cody was drawn to her. He wanted to reach out and touch her, to feel her skin against his own. But he was afraid of rejection, of saying or doing the wrong thing.

His mind kept on playing the scene when she sat down, her tight skirt hugging her curvaceous figure. The button between her plump thighs looked like it was struggling to hold on.

Cody felt drawn to her, and without hesitation, he moved closer to her, eager to be near her voluptuous body. He couldn't help but admire her full, luscious lips and the way her eyes sparkled in the dim light. He was captivated by her seductive aura and couldn't resist the temptation to get closer.

He almost believed she was sex worker, and felt a surge of pity for the woman, who must have been forced into this lifestyle by circumstances beyond her control. He wondered what her story was and how she ended up here.

He also felt a sense of anger towards the men who drove by in their cars, slowing down to leer at her and make offers. They were taking advantage of her vulnerability and exploiting her for their own pleasure.

He still remembers as sat in the corner of the room, watching the young woman across from him. She had long, flowing hair and delicate features that made her look like a porcelain doll. Despite her youthful appearance, Cody couldn't help but wonder if she had already been with another man. The thought made his blood boil with jealousy.

He barely knew her, but he felt an inexplicable connection to her. It was as if they were meant to be together. Cody couldn't shake the feeling that she was somehow his, even though they had only met once.

The woman caught his eye and smiled, sending a wave of heat through Cody's body. He felt himself drawn to her, drawn to the possibility of a relationship. But he also knew that he couldn't let his jealousy get the best of him. He would have to tread carefully, lest he push her away with his possessiveness.

Cody watched as she stood up and walked over to him, her hips swaying with each step. She reached out her hand and took his, pulling him to his feet. Cody's heart pounded in his chest as she leaned in close, her breath hot on his neck. He knew then that he was lost, lost to the allure of this young, innocent woman.

As soon as Cody was able to focus, he quickly grabbed the résumé from Rosy, Jordan's assistant and started examining it closely. He carefully scrutinized every detail, verifying each one of her credentials.

As he suspected, he discovered that her résumé was full of lies. She was far too young to have already graduated from college, and he couldn't believe that she had even bothered to list false achievements on her résumé.

However, one thing that caught Cody's attention was her address. It was the only piece of information that seemed to be accurate. He couldn't understand why she would lie about everything else, but not her address.

It just didn't make sense to him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and disappointment as he realized that she had tried to deceive him with her résumé.

Cody couldn't believe how much he was drawn to her. He had to know more about her, so he left work early and drove by her house. At first, he told himself that he would only drive by once, but he couldn't help himself.

He kept going back and forth, telling himself that he would be satisfied if he could just catch a glimpse of her. But as he drove back and forth, he realized that he was becoming increasingly obsessed.

He spent hours driving past her house, but he never saw her. He started to worry that she might have noticed him, that she might be scared of him. But he couldn't stop himself. He was captivated by her, and he couldn't resist the urge to keep trying to see her.

As Cody watched the woman walk alone on the deserted streets, he felt a surge of protectiveness. She looked so fragile and vulnerable, and he couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her. He gripped the steering wheel of his car tightly, his knuckles turning white with tension.