15 – Bra

As I watch Olivia walk back to the chair, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and power wash over me. I know that I hold the upper hand in this situation, and the fact that she is willing to follow my orders, even if it means compromising her own desires, only serves to heighten my arousal.

I reach out and give her a playful pat on the backside, relishing in the way she flinches slightly at the unexpected touch. She settles back into the chair, spreading her legs wide in a way that leaves no doubt as to her own arousal.

Despite the fact that I'm paying her to be here, I can tell that she genuinely wants this. I can see it in the way her fingers fumble with the buttons on her shirt, in the way her breath hitches as I watch her. I can smell the musky, earthy scent of her desire, and it's almost more than I can bear.

I can't help but wonder what's going through Olivia's mind as she sits there, letting me touch her and look at her like this. Is she thinking about the money she's earning, or is she genuinely enjoying the power dynamics at play? I can't help but be curious, but at the same time, I'm not sure I want to know.

For now, I'm content to enjoy the moment, to revel in the feeling of control and the sight of Olivia's flushed face and parted lips. I know that this is just the beginning, and that there's much more to come.

I stood up, feeling a weight on my shoulders as I gazed down at Olivia. She was staring up at me with a mixture of fear and determination in her eyes, and for a moment, I felt a twinge of guilt for the harsh words that had escaped my lips.

But I couldn't let that show. Not now, not when I was still trying to figure out how to handle the strange mix of emotions that seemed to bubble up inside me every time I was around her.

"Do I have to do everything, Olivia?" I asked, my voice laced with frustration. "You should be getting the easy tasks on the first try. Don't make me regret hiring you."

The words tasted bitter on my tongue, and I knew they weren't entirely true. I would never regret hiring Olivia, no matter what mistakes she made. There was just something about her that drew me in, and I couldn't shake the feeling that she was meant to be here, by my side.

But I couldn't let her know that. Not yet, at least. I had to keep up the façade of the confident, successful CEO, even if it meant pretending to be someone I wasn't.

Olivia's eyes narrowed, and for a moment, I thought she was going to argue with me. But instead, she simply stood up, a determined look on her face.

"I'm sorry, Cody," she said, her voice steady and sincere. "I'll do better next time. I promise."

I let out a sigh, feeling the tension between us dissipate a little. "I know you will," I said, offering her a small smile. "I just want you to succeed, Olivia. You deserve it."

She smiled back at me, and for a moment, I forgot all about the pressures of the business and the secrets of my past. All that mattered was the present, and the beautiful, determined woman standing in front of me.

"Yes, Mason. I'll do better," Olivia gasped, her fingers fumbling with the buttons of her blouse. She had always been a little self-conscious about her small frame, and the tight, tailored shirt did nothing to hide her curves.

Cody watched her struggle for a moment, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. He knew she was trying her best to impress him, but the way the buttons strained against her skin only served to distract him.

"The buttons are too tight," Olivia said, frustration creeping into her voice.

Cody's amusement turned to concern as he saw the frustration on her face. He took a step closer to her, reaching out to gently grip the material of her shirt. "Here, let me help," he said softly.

Olivia's eyes widened as Cody's fingers brushed against her skin, sending a shiver down her spine. She couldn't help the way her heart skipped a beat at his touch, no matter how inappropriate it might be.

With a swift movement, Cody ripped the buttons open, revealing the creamy expanse of Olivia's chest. She gasped in shock, her hands flying up to cover herself.

"That's called problem-solving, sweetie," Cody said with a wink, his lips curving into a sly smile.

Olivia's cheeks heated with embarrassment, but she couldn't help the flutter of excitement that ran through her at the boldness of Cody's actions. He was always so confident, so sure of himself. It was one of the things she admired most about him, even as it intimidated her.

As she looked up at him, her eyes caught on the hint of darkness that lingered in his gaze. She knew there was more to him than just the charming, successful businessman that everyone saw. There were secrets and demons lurking beneath the surface, just like there were for her.

Despite the risks and the uncertainty, Olivia couldn't help the way her heart raced at the thought of exploring those depths with Cody. She knew it was dangerous, but the pull between them was too strong to resist.