24 – Grandfather

As Olivia lay in bed, she couldn't help but think about her past and the struggles she had faced. She had always put the needs of others before her own, and that had often left her feeling overwhelmed and drained.

Growing up, Olivia had been raised by her grandfather after her parents passed away. He had always been there for her, and she had dedicated herself to taking care of him in return. But despite her best efforts, she had ultimately been unable to keep him out of a nursing home when his health began to decline. The thought of it still brought tears to her eyes and a heavy weight to her heart.

It was no wonder, then, that Olivia had little experience with relationships. She had always been too busy taking care of others to even think about romance. But as she looked over at the clock on her nightstand, she knew that there was only one thing that could bring her some comfort at the moment.

As Olivia grabs the sleek, black cell phone Cody had given her and slings her old, worn backpack over her shoulder, she can't help but feel a sense of unease as she makes her way through the opulent home. The walls are adorned with expensive artwork, and the furniture looks as though it has never been sat on or used, giving the impression that the home is more for show than for actual living. The place feels cold and impersonal, like a museum rather than a home.

Stepping out of the grand entrance, Olivia takes a deep breath of fresh air and starts to make her escape from the fancy building. She walks down the tree-lined street, the autumn leaves crunching underfoot, and heads towards the bus station. As she waits for the bus, Olivia pulls out her metro card and glances around at the other commuters, feeling out of place in her designer clothes that seem more suited for a runway than for public transportation.

Finally, the bus arrives and Olivia boards it unnoticed, taking a seat near the back as the engine rumbles to life. She watches out the window as the cityscape whizzes by, still trying to wrap her head around the fact that this is now her home.

Olivia slipped into a cream-colored dress that brushed against her skin, the fabric soft and silky to the touch. The dress came all the way to her neck, with short sleeves that revealed her pale, slender arms. The top was form-fitting, hugging her curves and making her feel confident and feminine.

A thick navy belt cinched her waist, drawing attention to her narrow waist and hourglass figure. The dress then started to flare out, the hemline hitting mid-thigh and allowing her to move freely. She had picked this particular dress to wear because it came with a pair of navy flats, the color a perfect match for the belt. She knew her feet would thank her for choosing this outfit, as the flats were comfortable and supportive.

As she made her way to the nursing home, Olivia inhaled the fresh, crisp air, the scent of flowers and grass filling her nostrils. She hopped off the bus at the right stop and walked up to the nursing home, the sun warming her skin and making her feel alive.

Larry, the security guard, greeted her with a small wave, a friendly smile on his face. Olivia stopped to chat with him, asking about his new baby and how everything was going. Larry beamed with pride as he told her about his little bundle of joy.

Once inside the nursing home, Olivia nodded at the front desk nurse, who was busy going over a stack of files. The nurse looked up and met her gaze, her eyes tired but friendly. She pressed a button to grant access, and Olivia signed in, asking how everything was going. The nurse replied with a weary smile, telling her that it had been a busy shift.

Olivia then headed straight to her grandpa's room, her steps quick and purposeful. As she walked down the well-lit corridor, she could hear the faint sound of elderly voices and the hum of machines, the atmosphere calm and peaceful.

Olivia stands in the doorway, taking in the familiar sight of her grandfather sitting up in bed, a Western playing on the TV in front of him. He is dressed in his usual dark green flannel pajamas, the fabric soft and well-worn from years of use. She knows he must have at least two dozen pairs of these pajamas, each one the same color and style.

His thick, gray hair is combed to the side, highlighting the deep wrinkles etched into his face. She remembers the days when they used to watch Westerns together, sprawled out on the couch with bowls of ice cream in hand. She would usually end up falling asleep during the film, her grandfather's steady breathing and the comforting sound of gunfire lulling her into a peaceful slumber.

Olivia takes a deep breath and steps into the room, leaning against the door frame as she waits for her grandfather to notice her. She knows it is easier this way, to let him notice her first and gauge his reaction. When he finally turns his head, she feels a nervous flutter in her stomach as she wonders what will come next.

As Olivia walked through the door, the familiar scent of her grandfather's cooking wafted towards her, making her stomach growl in anticipation. She could hear the soft hum of the TV in the background, and the sound of her grandfather's voice as he called out to her.

"Hi Grandpa," Olivia said, a smile spreading across her face as she approached him. She took in the sight of him, sitting in his favorite armchair with a newspaper in hand. He looked older than she remembered, but his bright blue eyes were still sharp and full of life.