32 – The Jealousy

As Olivia stepped into the elevator, her heart was pounding with nerves. She glanced at her reflection in the mirrored walls of the elevator and quickly looked away. She could feel the weight of Kevin's gaze on her, and she couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious.

She clutched her backpack tightly, as if it were a lifeline. The elevator doors closed behind her, and she was trapped in the small, cramped space with Kevin. He was so tall and broad-shouldered that he seemed to fill the entire elevator.

"You seem nervous," Kevin asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes," Olivia replied, her voice shaking slightly.

"Don't be nervous," Kevin said, giving her a reassuring smile. "Cody can be a bit intimidating at first, but he's really a good guy."

"Thanks," Olivia said, grateful for the reassurance. "I'm just a little nervous, that's all."

The elevator hummed to life, and she could feel the movement as they began to ascend. The walls of the elevator were mirrored, and Olivia couldn't help but glance at her reflection. She saw her own wide-eyed, nervous expression staring back at her, and she quickly looked away, focusing on the floor indicator above the door.

"So, you're Cody's new assistant?" Kevin asked, making small talk.

"Yes," Olivia replied, trying to steady her breathing.

"You're going to be great," Kevin said, his voice low and confident. "I can tell you're going to be a valuable asset to the team."

The elevator dinged as they reached their floor, and the doors opened with a smooth, mechanical sound. Kevin stepped out first, and Olivia followed behind him, her heart still pounding. As they walked down the hallway towards Cody's office, she could feel Kevin's gaze on her, and she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Was he judging her? Was he attracted to her? The questions swirled around in her mind as she tried to steady her breathing and focus on the task ahead.


Olivia Meyers walked into the sleek, modern office building, her heart pounding with nerves and excitement. She had just landed her dream job as an assistant to Cody, one of the most powerful and successful businessmen in the city. She had always admired his drive and ambition, and now she would be working alongside him every day.

As she made her way to the elevator, she couldn't help but feel a little twinge of jealousy as she saw Cody walking out of his office with a stunning blonde woman. She was clearly his last assistant, and Olivia couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious about her own appearance. She had dressed up in her best pink dress, but she still had her backpack on, a reminder of her humble beginnings.

Cody's mind raced as he saw Olivia walking into the office with Kevin. He had instructed her to wait at home until he could escort her himself, but here she was, arriving with his bodyguard. He couldn't help the feeling of jealousy that gripped him as he saw Kevin's arm around her, a playful grin on his face.

He knew he had no right to be jealous, Olivia was just his assistant, but the thought of anyone else touching her made him want to rage. As he hurried over towards her, he could feel his anger rising, and he had to remind himself to keep his cool. He couldn't let his emotions get the better of him, not in front of his employees.

But as he looked into Olivia's innocent eyes, he knew that he was in trouble. He had always been able to control himself, to keep his emotions in check, but this girl had a way of making him lose his mind. And he knew that if he didn't keep a tight grip on himself, he would lose her before he even had her.

Cody hurried over towards her, a look of annoyance on his face. "I told you to wait at home," he said curtly.

"I didn't want to be any later," Olivia replied, trying to sound confident.

The blonde woman sneered at her. "She looks like she should be in high school," she said contemptuously.

Cody nodded to Kevin, his burly bodyguard, to escort the blonde out. Kevin did as he was told, but not before giving Olivia a little wink that made her blush.

"Thank you, Kevin," Olivia said, unsure of the protocol in this situation.

"Thank you for breakfast," Kevin replied, a hint of mischief in his voice.

Cody's hand locked around Olivia's arm, pulling her into his body. Olivia's heart pounded as Cody's hand locked around her arm, pulling her into his body. She could feel the anger and jealousy emanating from him, and she didn't know what to do. She had never been in a situation like this before, and she didn't know how to handle it.

She tried to think of something to say, something to explain why she was here with Kevin, but her mind was a blank. She could only stand there, looking up at Cody with wide, innocent eyes, as he growled at her, "You two had breakfast? What are you thanking him for? Did he fucking touch you?"

Olivia's mind was racing, she couldn't believe the way Cody was talking to her. She had never been spoken to like this. She knew that she was just an assistant, and she didn't want to cause any trouble, but she couldn't help the feeling of anger and betrayal that was rising within her.

She wanted to tell Cody that nothing happened between her and Kevin, but she knew it wouldn't matter. He was possessive and jealous, and she knew that he would never believe her.

She couldn't deny the fact that she felt something for Cody, but she didn't know if it was the right thing. She didn't want to be just another one of his possessions, she wanted to be respected and valued for who she was.

As she looked into his intense gaze, she knew she had to choose her next words carefully. She couldn't let her emotions get the better of her and lose this opportunity, But at the same time, she couldn't let him treat her like this.

"No, he didn't touch me," Olivia said, looking up at him fearfully.

Cody's gaze softened a little, and he dragged her into his office, slamming the door shut behind them. Olivia knew what was coming next, and her body trembled with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

He dragged her into his office, slamming the door shut behind them, and he knew that he had to keep a close eye on Olivia, and on his own feelings for her. He couldn't let anything stand in the way of his success, and he couldn't let anyone get in the way of his plans for her.