chapter 10

James was dumbfounded looking at the lady in front of him, or rather the Lordess. He had decided to talk to her while walking. He was still carrying the sacks and it still was difficult. The Lordess was walking besides him and was very gleeful.

James: Why did you ask if it was India?

Agni: Oh, it reminded me of the time I had visited another plane of existence. Their mages usually sit in that position when it comes to higher order magic.

James: What is a Lordess my Lady?

Agni: Stop calling me my Lady, if you want to respect me that much call me my Lordess. A Lordess is exactly the same position as that of the Lady. Except we are independent and are not married to the Lords.

James: You have Lords in your plane!

Agni: Well yes, and also Arch-Lords higher than the Lords and then comes the Gods or the devils and higher than them are the primordials. I have enough power to consume this entire world.

James: That is nice to hear.

James was kind of happy in having such a wonderful elemental. She was powerful enough and she could also take the shape of a human.

Agni: So why did you summon me?

James: I wanted to be a Dark Lord and wanted someone powerful enough to build me a castle and empower it with soldiers.

Agni: I have received information about this world and working from my friend. If I am not wrong, you are tired of the tyranny of the women folk and would like to live in the hills, alone.

James: Yes.

Agni: Tell me something. Why did you not kill the baby elemental that you had summoned.

James looked aside at the Lordess walking besides him and stopped in his path. Agni looked at James as he had stopped.

James: Elemental or not, it still had life of its own.

Agni: True, but most of the wizards find it easier to kill it with ice magic than not. The only reason I bonded with you is that I was deeply impressed by the fact you let the baby live. And also, by the fact that you wanted some elemental who could take the form of a human and I knew you were cooking a plot. Also, that I was bored and you did produce enough energy for a gate.

James: So, you were spying on me and if I had not been liked by you I would have been dead.

Agni: I was not spying on you. The baby was my baby. He told me about you. And yes, we would have had a fight of wills. Not only that I could have easily denied the summoning.

James: Maybe I should use more power next time to call forth an arch-lord of fire.

Agni smiled and started walking. James walked alongside Agni.

Agni: The most effective form of summoning is to go for an astral travelling into the realm and find a suitable being for the summoning rather than a random one. And next time, try to get a primordial on your side, maybe another element.

James: What can you do?

Agni winked at James.

Agni: Many things.

James: Such as.

Agni: I can create the castle you wanted and can teleport you from here to there. I can also become attached to your life force and can come whenever you call me. When I am away, you just need to call me. You will have an affinity to the fire magic as I am your servant. As you have me as your servant, your mana creation will increase drastically.

James: if we were able to teleport away, why the hell are we walking.

Agni; Oh hell, it is a really beautiful place. I have many of my brothers doing jobs there. The Devil king is rather kind.

James looked at Agni and laughed out loud. The first laugh he had had in many years. He looked at Agni who was also laughing alongside him.

James: if just by summoning my mana generation increases wouldn't it be better if I keep on summoning elementals.

Agni: Yes, but it will take a lot of time and will be useless. It would be rather better if you chose to summon a primordial by keeping on collecting mana over a larger period of time. That is more time effective.

James: I am here to hunt a dragon.

Agni: Do you want me to help you?

James: No, I want to do it myself. But I want you to take me to the dragon.

A twenty-foot-high and thirty-foot dragon was resting in the open area of the forest. It was like a home for the dragon and the space was vast for a dragon. The boundaries were filled by the forest and no lower beings which crossed into the open are had survived. The dragon was utterly careful of the fire he had control over and made sure that the forest was never burned though it was him who made the clear area by burning the forest.

There appeared a flame to his side and it grew to be of the size of the human. Two humans came out of there. James looked at Agni in a questioning manner.

James: When you say teleportation, you have to specify that it isn't fire-walking.

Agni looked at the dragon and licked her lips. James looked at the dragon and readied his weapons one by one, his spells one by one. The dragon had not noticed James in the beginning but after the speech he was aware. It turned his head and blew fire in the direction of the human.

James stood his ground and used fast stepping to advance to the dragon's wings. He made a deep cut and ran alongside it length, making the cut longer. The dragon cried aloud in pain and turned to fight James. It blew fire on James again. The fire was not effective against James. The dragon seemed to note it. The dragon's tail caught James on his back and he was thrown away. The impact due to the magic was reduced but he still felt the pain. The dragon inhaled fire deeply lengthening its throat and shot a lightning bolt form his mouth. James absorbed the energy, but it was too much for him and he dropped on his knees with the sword as a balance. The dragon came forwards and started creating lighting again. James used the self -heal spell and ducked to the other side in a thirty-foot stride. The dragon missed the lighting bolt on the trees.

James remembered what was told to him about the dragon. It is just another living being like humans. He remembered learning that the dragon's spine at the neck was the weakest. He knew that the sword would not be much useful in such a situation and thence sent the sword into the extradimensional space and called forth a spear. He charged the spear with electricity and took a jumping streak. The tail of the dragon came again but this time James used his spear in defiance and the charge was released, causing the tail to relapse. James saw the weak spot of the dragon. He twisted in mid-air and landed with the spear on the weak point of the dragon. The dragon roared and cried, thrashing here and there, but James still held on. James wanted to release energy but he knew it will take some time. He suddenly called onto the fire element within him and released fire through the spear. The dragon arched backwards as energy flowed within him. The dragon started blowing out fire into the air.

It was now a play of power. James called on to his full potential and released all the energy as fire into the body of the dragon. The dragon kept on releasing the energy. The dragon's body became stiff; tiny cracks started appearing on the dragon, the dragon body fell down exploded from within the stomach. The dragon was dead.

James went downside and walked with the spear as his balance. He healed himself. He looked at the corpse of the dragon and remembered that he had to leave it right there.

James looked at the nearby trees that had caught fire. He looked at Agni who was still making a lewd face at the dragon corpse.

James: Agni, can you control these fires from spreading.

Agni sucked in the energy of the fire and looked into the eyes of her master. The flames had subsided.

Agni: Master, can I have the corpse, I mean can I feast upon it.

James: Do you normally eat food.

Agni: No, but dragon is fire made flesh, and this one by your fire is even better cooked. Consuming this dragon will increase my power and also yours.

James: So, you will get a promotion.

Agni: only after the bond is broken and I am free.

James: Do as you will.

James knew the fact that the corpse was supposed to be left for the academy to claim. But he also knew that such a rule existed as it was hard for the people to bring back the remains. He watched as Agni turned into her flame self and devoured the dragon into nothingness. He was able to feel a slight increase in his magical strength as well as his physical strength. He somehow knew that his body had become much harder, like a dragon's

Agni approached James.

Agni: if you do not misunderstand me, there is something, I would like to speak.

James: Go ahead.

Agni: If you want to be a Dark Lord, be diplomatic, but be a real bad-ass and learn to order people.

James looked uncertainly at Agni. He knew what was told was true.

James: Okay.

Agni: Also, stop using spells. Start using the flow of magic to get the things you want done. Otherwise you will lose in a battlefield.

James: I will try that. Agni, I want you to take me to the outskirts of the city. Then I want you to go to the hills and build a castle. Also fortify it with your minions and it would be helpful if for now they can look like humans.

Agni talked in by cutting the speech of James.

Agni: Will glamour do?

James: Glamour will be fine. Also, if any of the representatives of the queen asks, say that you are the new dark lady. Not a Lordess, but a dark lady.

Agni: fine.

James: Let's move.

James was walking from the place he was teleported to by Agni. He knew he just had to call her name and she would appear. He wanted to get to the city fast before noon, as he wanted to have something other than biscuits. James was really happy by the turn of events.

The city was bright and so was the people in it. Some were tired to the bones but had the shiny appearance of having accepted the miseries of life while others were plum and enjoyed life to the fullest. Either way, it was true that any person seen during that time had a gleam in his eyes. James walked on through the city. He knew it was the E-block. To the south was the F-block and the north the A-block. James walked around looking for a horse to be hired. He saw many horses and its riders but knew by its appearance that they were not for sale.

James was in an ordeal as he could neither use his teleportation magic nor call on for any help as he was not supposed to show any signs of being a wizard. He walked slowly when he saw a normal horse rider walking alongside his horse. He approached the rider and bought the horse for ten silvers, which was one tenth of a gold piece. He rode on the newly obtained horse and went on to the block B. Even though he was stopped once or twice during the passage, seeing the twin star crest, he was left to pass.

James had reached the Rookwood house and had handed over the horse to Erwin. He had also pointed out the fact that the old horse was dead and this was a horse brought from a wayside. As being a prominent family, they did breed their own horses and ordinary horses were of no utter value there.

James was sitting in his room after having had a good lunch whence Selena walked into his room, furious. She walked from one end of the room to the other end of the room and stopped in front of James. Her body still bounced perpendicularly as her anger was rising through her veins.

Selena: Why didn't you tell me that you had received a mission to kill a dragon.

James looked at Selena flabbergasted. He did know that a big political war was going on and that he was being targeted as the game changer, but about the mission, he knew nothing.

James: Selena, can we talk of this later. I had slayed a dragon today and am tired.

Selena stopped there shortly and looked at James to see whether he was joking or not.

Selena: Fine.

Selena walked out of the room and later it was informed to James that special food was being made for him. Food that will help him recover. He was forbidden to leave the room and was forbidden to see anyone.

The days had passed like furies and James had also revived himself. He was even better than before. He looked at the newly developed body of his and was happy to see such. He knew the time would arrive when he would have to kill his fellow humans. What he wanted was just peace and sovereignty.

Selena came to meet him yet again and this time seemed to be a little calm over the edges. Any proper observer could see that she was angry from within. Selena looked at the tired form of James and hugged him in a motherly embrace. She let him g and sat by the table facing James, and spoke in a mild manner.

Selena: It has been verified that the dragon was indeed killed by you. The reason I was angry is that such missions are usually given in pairs and you were not done so.

James: Everything worked out for the best, isn't it better than somebody else claiming I had no part in the hunt.

Selena: True. But the remains seemed to have been stole. Not only that, the princess Ruby has moved against you by saying you had taken the help of your family. But that was reputed by the monitoring device.

James: how does it work?

Selena: It just checks if the mission is completed by the person it was given to. Anyhow, did you know that the knight that always stayed with princess Ruby was murdered.

James: How am I supposed to know that?

Selena: Rosy did deny it to me. Personal battalions are completely loyal to their masters. But if it was indeed you, be careful.

James smiled slightly and advanced his face forward.

James: I am leaving for the academy tomorrow. If possible, inform my attendants.

A brand new day of troubles waited for the man interested in freedom, had he chosen the path of the dark lord, had he chosen to be a rebel. The man named James walked towards his house that was assigned for him. At his side walked Erwin and he was still the same. Being a military family seemed really nice for James as he was not really good at the chit chats. He had not waited for neither Amelia nor Selena and had started the travels soon. He had lost count of days being in the room with no way of knowing the time, except the occasional visit of the maids bringing him food.

James was a good rider on the horse and still he was uneasy on the horse as the horse was feeling uneasy. Anyhow, he did reach his house which was covered with boundaries and the house's front land was full of training material's which was presently accommodated by his battalion. James looked at the design of the house and saw the similarities to the academy he was enrolled in.

James: It does look a lot like an academy and less like a house.

Erwin: It is supposed to be the training ground and the place where the soldiers are accommodated. The guests are rare and hence the appearances do not have much value except for the internal designs of the room of the high officials.

James: Interesting. Tell me Erwin, do you expect me to train you in any manner, or the battalion as a matter of fact?

Erwin looked at James thinking how the answer is supposed to be. He decided to believe in his master and tell all the facts as such.

Erwin: Even though we receive funds from the Rookwood family, we are your personal battalion and have taken the oath. If you ask us to kill ourselves, we shall do so, if you ask us to rebel against your family or even the queen, we shall do so. We have left our own families behind and now we are a new family. It is expected that you teach us your techniques so that wee can follow your orders properly.

James: True, but if I knew wizardry and I taught you so, wouldn't it be a possibility that I could be betrayed by my own comrades.

Erwin: No. We are supposed to keep each and every one of your secrets.

James knew not what to make of these. He could train his battalion as to be powerful and also to be loyal to him. The problematic fact was that he could not trust anyone there. Anyhow, the fact still remained that he had to have them for the sakes of battles and if any of the battles did approach, he would be the first one to be commissioned in the frontlines of the army. James decided to teach them the arts.

James had reached the entrance and the members came to salute him. He gave back the respect and walked on his own towards his room as was guided by his right Lt. He then sent for his Left Lt. and waited for her, alone in his room. A few minutes later, Rosy appeared in his room and they were left alone for the discussions.

James: How did the assassination go?

Rosy: It was successful. None knew it was us.

James: Good.

Rosy: If I may, why did you ask us to assassinate her.

James: The knight was the right hand of the princes and stood beside her in all the matters. It will give us some time to be ready before she attacks me politically. Also I wanted to test you.

Rosy: Now what.

James looked at Rosy who was standing in front of him in attention position and smiled inwardly looking at the ferociousness behind the beautiful face. He remembered the time he was disgusted by her guts, but maybe it won't be such a bad thing at all.

James: Tell Erwin to divide the troops in the batched of twenty for the purpose of training. You along with the twenty people under you get aligned at the practise grounds.

Rosy left James waiting there alone. James knew the fact that it was better to do somethings sometimes rather than nothing and in other times vice versa. James walked slowly towards the practise grounds which was in the entrance. He saw an officer and learned from her that the walls were a method of anti-prying so as to make sure their training regiments was not visible to the outsiders.

James looked at Rosy and the twenty aligned before him. He looked at them and said.

James: Where is Erwin?

Erwin was sent for and received in the grounds. He was asked to stand besides Rosy.

James: I want the battalion to be divided in the units of twenty for the purpose of training. There shall exist a training commander for each unit and they shall train their respective units. I want Rosy and Erwin to decide the best commanders possible as if now.

Later it was decided by Rosy and Erwin through discussion the other eight commanders other than themselves. The others were relieved from the sight of their master and the rest of the ten commanders were standing in front of him.

James: I want you to train yourselves the art of military strategy from the books.

All: Yes ser.

James: I shall teach you particular methods which cannot be learned without the help of a master. Now I want you all to get ready and attack me.

Everyone looked at him for a fraction of second and started attacking him with their own weapons. James stood their unscathed thanks to his newly developed skin. He looked at everyone calmly and noticed that almost all of the regiment were there, watching the fight.

Some of them began using magic spells and James nullified each with the respective counter spells. James looked at everyone and saw the graveness in the situation.

James: All of you stop. Why are you not attacking properly?

A commander stepped forward and saluted him by touching his right fist to his heart.

Lewin: Lewin reporting ser. Not everyone can take on a fully grown dragon themselves.

James: When we are among ourselves, I would like you to lose all the formalities and would like you to call me James.

Everyone looked at their master comprehending the changes that was brought there. Even though they were well trained a simple and raw power always beats techniques when the difference is high.

James: Where are the weapons commissioned from?

Erwin: Everyone brings their own weapons from their past. After that they are supposed to deal about their own weapons with the money they earn.

James: It seems like all of you can do with better weapons. I shall modify your weapons myself with magic and be sure not to mention it to anyone outside this battalion. Also, Rosy and her group shall be trained in shadow magic but for the battlefield shall be trained in the fire magic. Other all shall learn fire magic too.

Erwin: Are we going to learn to use the fire spells in the battlefield.

James: Up to the extend of formation battle. You should not forget what you have already leaned but uniformity in a battalion is very much needed and we do have to begin from somewhere.

Ella, one of the commanders under the Erwin came forward and said.

Ella: Ella ser. But I already know fire magic, but learning them in the field of military is rather baffling.

James: Everyone, leave the centre of the ground and stay at the boundaries.

James went to the centre of the field and started his spell. He remembered being told to not use the spells but the flow of magic by Agni. He also remembered that the spells were created as a way of using magic easily and fast rather than producing the magic themselves. James concentrated the pull on his core and reached towards fire. He lifted his hand towards the air and released all his mana reserves he had through fire. The sky turned red; fire erupted from his hands a fire was moving in the shape of tornado with his hands as the base. The end of the fire was not seen. James had seldom used magic even though he knew them. He looked at the fire and then released the energy into the air. The tornado of fire began growing on its own accord. James pulled out a stone from the ground and willed the fire to enter the stone. The stone's edges broke down and there appeared a beautiful red gem with the shade of orange. James approached back his new students and looked at them.

James: Can you do it Ella.

Ella: I am sorry ser for having questioned it but I do not know the spell for such a magnificent attack.

James: It was not a spell Ella.

Ella: Are you saying you are a fire elementalist.

James: Yes. Also, that I want you all to be fire elementalist. Here, have this gem. Use it in battle and the same fire will be released. Only in case of emergency.

James gave the gem to Ella. He then looked at everyone and said.

James: The fire elementalist is the most powerful in the beginning as fire consumes everything and it is one of the few elements that can grow on its on accord. All of you listen to my words carefully. Look into your magic core and try to tap into the fire within you. Use your emotions and spread the fire to your finger and shoot the fire into the air.

Many of them tried and after some time, almost all of them had firebolts coming from their fingers. James looked at the development and felt a ton of satisfaction.

James: I want all of you to increase a hold on the fire element and increase your own power. Remember to try different patters and try to combined your powers. Try the military formations with the fire elemental.

All: Yes ser.

James: Commanders, I want you to bring the weapons of the people under you to me one by one for the modification. I will be in my room.

James had left them knowing that like him what most of the people thrived for was power and he was sure they were going to practise. He was sure they were in need of extensive practise, but he knew now was not the time. He wanted to improve himself first.

He had spent the rest of the day and the day after modifying the weapons of his battalion with magic. He had strengthened it with magic and had even added the fire elemental core to it. He had also added the other cores to many weapons. Now that he thought about it, he could have had the dragon's hide as a material for weapon creation. But as the dragon's body was absorbed, it was a win after all.

It was the third day after he had arrived in the centre of his battalion. He had decided to leave for the academy that day. He was having his breakfast when one of the soldiers came to him and informed him that the third princess of the state had arrived. James slowly finished his breakfast and went to the parlour where the princess was waiting. He went inside and saw that Princess Ruby had a new knight whom he had not seen the previous time.

Rosy was also in the room and along with her two other officers. James went and bowed slightly by tilting his back. Ruby smiled with an innocent face and looked at James.

Rosy: You are supposed to drop to your knee male.

James noted that Rosy had formed a fist and the others were getting angry themselves. Maybe having a family was not that bad after all. James knew the choices before him and he had already decided to go for a full-scale war. He did not want to stop it now that he had a battalion or the war was not officially declared.

James: I shall not do so as it is not asked by the code of conduct.

Ruby: Always the head strong one, are you not? Anyway, I have come for something else other than the fact of making you bow your head.

James smiled and took the seat opposite her highness and had a relaxed face for the display though he was boiling beneath. He calmed himself and reverted back to his inner calm.

James: Are you expecting me to reciprocate with a statement your highness.

Ruby smiled and took a small sip from the tea on her hand. James took a new tea from the table and enjoyed it. After the long silence, finally ruby spoke.

Ruby: My knight was killed recently.

James: It is a sad thing to hear so.

Ruby: True. But the reason I have come is to ask about the sky turning red and flames of really high magnitude being visible. Twice did it occur recently. Once in the forest a few days back and next three days back near your training camp.

James sat forward and stared into the eyes of the princess. She sat with a little unrest and stared back.

James: Are you accusing me princess.

Ruby: There is nothing to be accused of as it is not a crime according to the rules to have such a power. The last time such a power was seen was nearly a century back. The spells do get lost after the wizard dies.

James: What do you mean?

Ruby: A male being a wizard is not punishable by the law, rather it is taken care that no male is taught wizardry. Though from time to time a wizard or two appears. They do think they are really big and try to be a real player. They usually die before their manhood ripens.

James: I am sure my manhood has already ripened princess.

The knight behind the princess unsheathed her sword and advanced towards James. Rosy stopped her in her accord and they were locked in the blades. Ruby raised her hands without leaving the sight of the eyes of the man-wizard in front of her. The two women retreated to their respective corners.

Ruby: You should control your tongue.

James: The things I learned from you.

Ruby: Can surely get you killed.

James: Be sure to celebrate my demise then.

Ruby smiled and touched the hands of James. She came forward a little and said in very convincing voice.

Ruby: Why don't you join the Senviness. I will make you a one-star knight. Maybe you can even be my consort.

James: I am very much astonished by the prospect.

Ruby: Why? There are very few countable people who were able to kill a fully grown dragon. No one had even travelled as far as you have. Travel further and you might have died. Not many are powerful like you. You need a powerful family like the Senviness. Powerful people should stick together lest there be a power struggle. If you can help me I could even be the Queen and you my consort.

James looked at the princess and turned his eyes towards his comrades. Ruby returned back to her seat and looked at the others.

Ruby: Of course, you can keep your battalion, or if you need be I can make sure you get a better battalion.

James did not know what he wanted. Whether or not to accept the offer. The ideas of honour and dignity over betraying a family did not exist in his mind. What he wanted though was to be powerful. But was ready to trade power for freedom or freedom for power. One cannot exist without the other wherein exists other beings.

Ruby stood up and left towards the door. The knight had followed her. There the princess turned and looked at the man in thoughts and said.

Ruby: I will not wait an eternity for you male.

James turned his head and looked at the princess. Even though he did not worry about the ideas of honour and dignity among the society, he did have his personal dignity. He stood up and said.

James: The answer is no princess. I shall rather be homeless than be with you. I would rather be the consort to an elf as is said in the myths than be with you.

Ruby's face turned the shade of red. Her mind was filled with the emotions of revenge and when the path of the revenge is closed to one's mind, therein creeps in the negative thoughts that was fought with the idea of revenge.

Ruby: You shall not live peacefully for much longer.

James did not honour it with an answer but rather laughed out loud and said to his subordinate.

James: Rosy, show our guests outside as soon as possible. If they do not comply, use force of necessary.

Ruby turned and walked away fast furiously. Rosy and the others followed her. James sat there again and continued enjoying the tea that was in front of him. Nothing is better than a warm cup of tea after having signed your own death sentence.