
Daniel was grumpy and uncomfortable at my appearance, I simply wanted to remind Mother that we needed to go home, she could spend the whole greeting if I didn't remind her. Mrs Felicia was all smiles when she saw me, she was always like that, I didn't know why she liked me so much and she would always call me her "Husband", she was someone I feared rather than like, she was so blunt, fierce and ready to "tear clothes" when she was fed with somebody, she introduced me to Danny and insisted that I should be his friend.

Daniel didn't look anything like his chubby mother or sister, he had a more darker skin, a smaller nose and a bigger lips, he was broader, his muscles stacked inside his black T-shirt and dark jackets, he wore darker jeans which matched with the jackets and a slim gold chain. His hair was low but neatly cut and he leaned arrogantly on the Siena watching me, sometimes looking away, maybe hated me, he had his mother's personality instead.

I tried shaking him and wanting to talk to him before he left for home but he was in sliding into the car and zooming off. For Jesus's sake I was going to be positive when next I see him.

At home,I did the dishes and made the Lunch. I did that myself . I was old enough, it won't sit well with me leaving them for mother . I was her only child, companion and the man of the house ever since Dad died.

We ate in the sitting room, Mother told me how uncomfortable she was about me being friends with Danny, she told me how he dropped out school, and how he has always been a hard headed person.

I suspected that when we met, his arrogance and grumpiness says it all.

"Mummy don't worry about me, God doesn't give his children battles they cannot win" that was all I needed to say.

When Friday evening came, I didn't know I would see Danny, but this time not at the church, but at the front of a bar or maybe a clubhouse, he leaned at the trunk of a Mercedes Benz, puffing out his smoke, he recognized me instantly, I smiled and drew close to him like the spirit of God had directed me, he seemed uneasy and held his burning ciga between his fingers not wanting to inhale them,

"Broh, how are you?" I brought out my hands to shake him but he didn't want to, he had his other hands in the pockets of his black sweater and the other with his ciga, the music was loud and blasted crudely in my ears.

" Am okay " he mumbled angrily, and that was fine by me, that gave me a little bit motivation, he was the assignment that I need to fix.. He makes so nervous and unsure of myself. For some reasons, I stayed a little more. I would love to catch with him.

Why was I still here? maybe I made him uncomfortable because he wasn't interested in small talks with me. It was awkward. Maybe I should do something more daring.