
The nights was so cold, I rolled restlessly on my bed, I couldn't sleep and it was because I kept hearing his funny laughters and seeing his face as I close my eyes, Everything about Nnamdi and I, were not proper and shouldn't ever happen Bros. When I stop seeing him it would be so much better for my brains and hearts. I couldn't think straight whenever I was with him, i felt giddy watching his lips, he told me things that were important to him and I can't help but imagine if those sharp lips were soft or rough. He said he was 23, he looked younger than that. He was addictive and I needed to stop seeing him, I had assured myself,

The next afternoon, I left for his house, he had invited me last night, I didn't want to go, but I was curious to know what he has to say to me, maybe just this one last time and am done seeing him. I won't be able to sit still if I didn't 't know why he was inviting me over. On my way, I hoped that his mother wasn't at home, I can't deal with her at this moment.

"Hi" I mumbled when he opened the gate for me, his beaming face welcomed me instead, we shook hands when I came inside, and it clicked to me, how badly I wanted to see him, he looked homely in his black singlets and yellow boxers short.

unlike our our well built home, Nnamdi's home was small and compacted, he directed me to the sitting room, There were a lot of odd paintings on the sitting room wall.

He joined me later on the sofa, he reached for the remote, clicking to different channels, it was a DsTv and it took him minutes to get the right channel, he was telling me how he wasn't expecting me this early. I didn't want to tell him that I couldn't sit still if am not here at the moment.

I wasn't even interested in watching the Tv, or maybe I couldn't concentrate,

I was giddy at the smell of his perfume, and the boxers he wore were so short, his thighs were hairless and his legs very long, it didn't look girly, it looked manly with a touch of elegance, My cock hardened and I couldn't believe it, I thought my heart might explode, I fidgeted and leaned my back on the sofa, silently watching him, I didn't know what to do with him, he gave all his attention to the Tv and I wanted nothing more than to take his arms and manhandle them. I told myself several that this was a man and I shouldn't have this feelings for him but my boner didn't care, it was more excited than before.

" I need a model for my paintings" he said finally " are you interested?"

" Am not sure" I was restless

" But I would want you to, you would be a perfect model, you have a great body" he nagged, swiftly pushing my shoulders. I couldn't take it anymore, I was hot, horny and bothered, the palms on my shoulders, added to my agony, I was furious, I thought of him on his knees and his red tongue tasting my hard-on, my lower parts squirmed at those thoughts. I lived up to my dreams when I manhandled his hand, I roughly took his hand on my shoulders, and pried them apart,

"Stop!" he groaned, all parts of me liking it, i released him. He was furious now and ignored me for a long . I sat restless, so angry that he was ignoring me and was so calm about it, he was looking away and I didn't know what to do but draw closer to him.

I noticed he still has the plaster on his knees, that was the only flaw between his hairless thigh and legs, I reached for his knees, squeezed the skin beside the injury, his body were surprisingly toned and smooth. My hands threaded carefully but boldly towards his thighs, I squeezed so hard that the marks of my palms appeared on them,

" stop" he whispered, pleading, pushing my hands away, he looked so scared, and it wasn't because of me but because of my actions.

I didn't listen rather I pulled him close, my hands hanging possessively around his waist, titling my face to his neck, I wanted to smell more of those cheap perfume that made me dizzy.

when I bit his neck, he groaned "Stop" again, pushing me away harshly, I didn't know what came over me but his cries made me want more, I insisted, forcefully pulled him close and needly sucked on his neck. My hands on his waist, slipped into his singlets and made for his bare skin, I stroked his tummy briefly before reaching for his breasts, but they were no breasts, it was a flat chest that has hard nipples, I didn't care but squeezed the nipple I could touch, he groaned and roughly pushed me away, moving as far as possible from me,

"What do you think you are doing?" He looked stunned and frightened, his face and ears were red.

I glared at him furiously, I wanted to hate him so badly.

" Am not gay " he stammered,

I stormed on him enraged, I shove him against the wall and choking his throat, " Are you saying am gay?" I spat

" I didn't say it " he yelled at me, not scared that I was about to hit him with my other fist, "But if hitting me will make you fell better, just get it done with" he dared me but I didn't, i rammed him against the wall one last time before leaving.