
The next day, we all dressed in suits for the wedding. It was my first time seeing Daniel in suits, he choose to wear grey suits instead but it looked so perfect and neat on him. Mine was just okay. Not as perfect as Daniel has said.

I sticked with Daniel during the wedding party, everyone of the men were mostly busy with their partner, or other people. We sat close to the wall, sipping from our glass of wine, quietly watching the happy bride and groom.

Daniel has been giving me every space that I ever wanted, and I didn't know why. He didn't even want to stay so closer to me, he always, was drifting away as if I was a fire that could burn his skin. A slight pain flashed through my heart. Was I seriously resenting him?, I thought I didn't care.

Basil brought a lady with him when he came to our side, this wasn't the lady he came with, this was another one. the former, I remembered had a more quiet personality, but this one here, looked sharp and extroverted. They settled on the remaining seat.

" I told you that I have a friend I wanted you to meet." Basil said, he was talking to Daniel,

" Hi, am Evelyn" she waved, her smile was so wild that I noticed her spaced-front teeth, she was chocolate skinned and had big boobs, I disliked her instantly.

" oh!. Hello " Daniel took her hands and held it for a while in his palms. "Nice meeting you" he was faking his smile.

"Okay!" Basil interrupted their long handshake, he stood, reached for my shoulders and said "we will give them time to catch up" he smiled politely at me, taking me away from them.

He took me to join the other men. I didn't pay attention to whatever they were saying, but sat quietly, going through my phone. I wondered when it will feel okay to leave. I felt uneasy and bored of everything. I glanced at my back to know if Daniel was okay, I saw that he was having a great time with her, i had the urge to go back there to steal her spotlight. She would be shocked to know that i wouldn't even try for it.

It was dark already and I was drowsy from all the wine I must have drank out of boredom, I wanted to leave for the hotel room, but Daniel wasn't even concerned about the night. He obviously was enjoying Evelyn's closeness and slight caress, the last time I checked It was my touch and closeness that he wanted. I hissed. I opened my messenger and texted him, that I wanted to go home.

Thirty minutes later, we were on our way back to the hotel with Evelyn sitting at the back. She had told him that she was staying at the same hotel too.

"Why not stay tomorrow, let's have fun at the pool" she was asking Daniel

"No, we can't stay, am working on Monday" I blurted, hating how demanding she was with someone she barely knows.

"Oh! Okay" I hated that she was polite, it made me looked bad.

When we dropped at the hotel, she demanded again that he should take her see her off, and he did. I left them and headed for the room.

It took a little long before Daniel came back. He walked straight to the bathroom, without a glance my side.

"Evelyn, she's beautiful, are you planning to make her your girlfriend?" I waited so much to get this off my shoulders.

" Yes, are you jealous?" He teased, he lay by the other side, carefully gazing my way. He looked clean and smelled good from "after shower", he wore only a silk trouser.

"Jealous, my ass. I don't care" I hissed. I was provoked.

He smiled, his eyes showing a kind of tenderness for me. " she's sweet but I don't think I like her that much" he said. And was that relief I felt?

I wasn't interested in asking more questions, why was he asking if I was jealous?, It would actually be better if he had a girlfriend. At least he won't be with me all the time. I reached out and switched off the light before resting my head on the pillow, I moved close to him allowing our shoulders rub each other. I could hear his steady breaths and the intensity made my toes curl. Without thinking, I took my hands caressing his belly muscles, it felt hard and defined. His breathing harsh and fast. When I looked at his bulge, it was bigger and bolder.

This was the reactions I wanted. I wanted to know if I was still the one that made him helpless, i didn't know why I want to taut him. it made my heart swell and hard to see his lust for me. I pulled my face closer and pecked his lips, wanting to taut him. He wasn't taking that, he grabbed my face and crushed my mouth.