2.4. So soon?

Nova entered the house in an expectant mood and walked straight to the kitchen. He didn't know why he immediately went there but his instinct told him to. It was like something was pulling him towards the door and he opened it. And then, he saw him, sleeping with his face buried in his arms against the counter —the one he wanted to see for two days.

He felt odd. It was like he knew that person by heart. He didn't know why but he felt like he had met him in the past but he couldn't remember clearly where exactly.

He walked towards the young man and stood in front of him without doing any noises as not to wake him up. There was a few bowls and plates in front of him whose contents seemed cold already. Too bad, he really wanted to taste his food again.

The kid must have fallen asleep while testing new recipes the night before.


Then his eyes landed on an opened book next to the sleeping boy. He took it and skimmed through it. New versions of already existing recipes, list of ingredients with their descriptions and specificities, tests of flavours' blends, notes, strike-throughs —messy but still completely understandable.

Well, he's the son of the most renowned chef after all, no wonder he's a genius —like father, like son.

He felt salivating. Oh god, he really wanted to eat all of these —but only if they're prepared by the boy himself. He tried to eat his own cooking but his palate was so delicate that he wasn't satisfied even by himself. It didn't matter how much he practiced, how much he tried, it was always too tasteless for him.

Only when he ate the younger man's ramen, he finally felt like breathing again.

Nova felt his hands becoming itchy. Without thinking, his free hand moved on its own and went to find its way to the boy's head. Patting and slowly ruffling his soft beautiful brown hair. It was so natural for him that he didn't realise what he was doing until someone grabbed his wrist.


I woke up, startled, at the feeling of a hand playing with my hair. I forcefully grabbed the stranger's wrist and looked up with a glare.

Who the hell is touching me in my sleep?

But my anger faded a bit after seeing who the person was. Hair that was so blond it seemed white, and shiny green eyes that were looking at me in surprise. What the hell, I should be the one surprised. Furthermore, can't you function normally for once? You damn useless system!

I got rid of his hand swiftly and was about to say something when I noticed what was in his other hand.

My recipe book!

I tried to catch it but he just raised it over his head so I couldn't grab it. I jumped and tried to snatch the book away in vain. I swore inwardly on my size. Why do I have to be one head smaller than him? The universe is unfair!

"Hey, give it back!"

But he only chuckled at my useless attempts and raised it even higher as to anger me further. But instead, I was speechless. It was the first time I saw him smile —certainly the first time in his life since he's always expressionless— and, damn, what a sight. I stood there staring blankly at the most handsome man I've ever seen becoming even more handsome —if that's possible.

Realising that I've suddenly became immobile, he lowered his arm and waved his hand in front of my face, a hint of worry and curiosity in his voice.


My heart stopped. I felt like a bucket of ice water was being thrown on me and I shivered. That was just a coincidence, right? I mean, his favourite food, the way he caressed my head like I was a little kid, the nickname he gave me… all of these things are just coincidences.

There was no way he reincarnated. And if that was the case, what were the possibilities for me to go in the right world, in the first try? They were infinitesimal.

But then… fuck, I can't imagine that.

I remember I tried to read a book about transmigration in my original world but gave up because it was boring —the main character was naive and stupid. I've always wondered how the male lead was able to fall in love with such a foolish and immature guy so I stopped reading after the first two chapters.

Maybe I should have read further so I would have known what is supposed to happen next —like how the male lead was able to appear in the following world.

Because right now I'm a bit confused.

What if it's not Amory and I cheat on him? Damn, I would never be able to face him after that. But if it's him, then that means he's like an immortal or something like that? So if I go back to my original world and die, will I be able to see him again afterwards?

I thought he was a normal human and that we'll meet in the afterworld but I think I'll have to change my plans now. But first I need more informations and I feel like I'll learn more once I finish this mission.

I came back to reality when I felt his fingers brushing my cheeks —I didn't feel any displeasure at his touch, in the contrary, a hot tingling sensation was spreading on every inches of my skin and I felt the blush creeping on my face. Fuck, it's really him.

I snatched the book and tried to run away, too flustered to face him. Besides, there was a camera filming the whole scene since the beginning, hiding in a corner, and it made me even more embarrassed.

But before I could make a step forward, he grabbed my forearm and pulled me towards him, making me fall into his broad sturdy chest. I pushed him back in reflex but his strong arm was holding me tightly in place.

"Hey, wha- ?"

I froze when I looked up at him. He seemed a bit perplex and his eyes weren't looking at me but somewhere next to me. Curiously, I followed his gaze until it fell on my hand, which he was holding. His thumb was tracing the scar that was engraved on my hand, from the back to the palm. Nova furrowed his brow.

"That scar…"

Oh… I completely forgot about it. When the original was nine years old, he fought with Dany and the latter stabbed his hand with one of their father's kitchen knife. It hurt a lot and bled a lot but the original hid the truth and just said that he had an accident while cooking. That was the time when he still tried to love and care for his brother.

Nova's arm, which was around my waist, moved to grab my chin and he tilted my head to look at him. My eyes were opened wide in surprise but also expectation.



Before he could finish his sentence, Amira bursted in the kitchen happily. I yanked Nova away and stepped a few steps back, red-faced. She stared at us silently, blinking her eyes for a while. I cleared my throat.

"W-what is it?"

She smiled playfully.

"Oh, I was just coming to tell you that Chef Nova would visit us today to inform us about the next challenge… but it looks like you already knew he was here~"

Nova nodded and then looked at me.

"Well then, I'll be in the living room with the other contestants. You two hurry up."

And he left. I stood there in silence, face red in discomfort, facing an amused Amira. She walked next to me and grabbed my arm, guiding me towards the living room.

"So, tell me. I want to know everything~"

I grumbled but it only made her laugh harder. When we finally joined the others, they were all sitting on the sofas waiting for us. We sat and Nova started explaining the next step of the competition.

"Today, we'll go in a farm in the mountains. Your challenge will be to cook something with all the ingredients you'll find on site. It will have to be a dish you could serve to someone who went hiking and walked the whole day. Something reinvigorating and comforting."

Whispers spread in the room. It promised to be fun, though.

"If there is no question, then go prepare. The van is waiting outside."