2.6. Surrounded by gossiping people


Dany let out a small shaky breath. I was as surprised as everyone else in the room. I thought I would let it go when he started to tell lies and would reveal the truth later but someone interrupted him. And that someone was Nova.

"Do you need me to repeat? Why are you lying?"

Dany started to panic.

"I-I didn't, I remember clearly. I was almost hit b-by a truck and you-"

"You're lying again."

He closed his mouth in fright, not uttering a single word anymore. The aura around Nova was heavy and scary, so much that even a lion would run away. No one dared to make a single noise, as not to attract the wrath of the angered man.

"I do remember something like that happened years ago, but it wasn't you, right?"

He got up and walked in front of Dany, looking down at him in contempt.

"But you thought I wouldn't make the difference since you guy are twins."

Dany looked up and screamed.

"It wasn't Angel, it was me! We're the same physically, how could you tell the difference when you don't know us?!"

Nova smirked and started to walk in my direction.

"There's one thing that distinguish you and your brother…"

He mad me sign to stand up and grabbed my right hand, showing it in plain sight.

"And that's the scar on his hand. I don't have a really good memory for people's face but I can certainly not forget about such a wound. It attracts attention since it's obvious it wasn't accidental —the knife clearly went through his hand."

Oh, so he remembered.

Ten years ago, the original almost got hit by a truck but fortunately, Nova was there and caught him on time. After that, Nova stayed with him for an hour because he was crying. At that time, he wasn't famous but when he made his first appearance on TV one year later at the age of eighteen, the original immediately recognised him and became his biggest fan.

It was the original's hero but his bastard brother destroyed that.

It's even worse when you learn that it was Dany who pushed him on the road that day.

In the original timeline, Dany also revealed thIs lie in front of the cameras but Nova couldn't care less and didn't realise he was lying. Looks like the fact that he's my husband, and is therefore interested in me, brought back his memories.

But wasn't he interested in Dany? I hurriedly opened the system and when I had what I wanted, I closed it with a sigh.

Nova never really liked Dany. In fact, he was unable to have feelings like normal people —a similarity he shares with Amory. He became interested when Dany's food became good, which was after the original got kicked out of the competition. Dany stole his recipe book before he left the house and used them for the challenges. Besides, he also knew the instructions for the challenges beforehand since he slept with one of the directors.

But then again, it wasn't Dany but his food that interested him. At the end of the cooking show, Nova asked Dany to become his personal cook, which means that he would live in the same house as him. During a year, Dany tried to seduce him and in the end, he gave in. But what I didn't know was that he was never able to catch romantic feelings for Dany.

They would have sex and live together but that was all their relationship was about.

I felt relieved but also upset. That meant that he didn't have feelings for me either. Then why is he interested in me now? Is it because he recognised my soul? Because it really is me and not the original even though we're supposed to be the same person since those are my past lives? Whoa, that's fucking my mind up.

When he let go of my hand and went back to his seat, I sat down felling my legs giving up. I'll think about it later, when I'm in a calmer environment.

"Your dish was awful. You'll be one of the three who will have pass the elimination test. Go back to your place, now."

In the evening, we all went back to the house. Dany was saved at the last test and was back in the competition. Miraculously, he was able to make a more decent meal than the others, but his mood was still as sour as before.

After the humiliation he came through during the show this afternoon, it wasn't surprising. But I don't have any pity for him —he tried to earn my man's sympathy by saying bullshit and pretending to be me. I'm just glad Nova saw through him and stood up for me.

It doesn't matter how much the public loves me, I couldn't do this myself without looking like the bad guy. And obviously, that wasn't my purpose.

The first person who went to talk to me when I entered the house was the manager, who told me I had to go to the confessional and answer the film director's questions. I grumbled in discontentment.

Damn, that thing can be useful sometimes but most of the time, it was annoying. The questions were always way too personals and I'm the kind of guy who can get shy easily. Especially when it comes to my dear husband —and I know they will want to talk about him after what happened this morning, and in the forest, and at the end of the test…

Wasn't he focusing a bit too much on me today? Now that I think of it, he wasn't really different in the last world —spending his days clinging to me.

I entered the confessional and sat on the sofa in front of the camera and the director.

"How are you today, Angel?"

I gave a small smile.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"What happened ten years ago?"

"I fell on the road and almost got hit by a truck but luckily someone caught me and brought me back on the pavement. That person was chef Nova but at that time, he wasn't famous so I didn't know who he was."

The filming crew smiled. That was a great story that could brought them a lot of money so they were really enthusiastic.

"Before today, did you know that chef Nova and that stranger were the same person?"

I nodded.

"Yes. A year after the incident, he made his first appearance on TV and I immediately recognised him… I've been following his career since the beginning."

The director took out a small notebook and turned the page. Did he write his questions on it as not to forget them? What a thorough man.

"How did you get that scar on your hand?"

I raised my hand with a bored expression.

"Oh, that? It was eleven years ago, I think. An accident in the kitchen. Nothing bad, though. I'm fine, it doesn't hurt now."

He nodded even though he didn't believe me. But he knew I wouldn't say more so he didn't insist. He turned a page again.

"What happened eight years ago?"

I smirked inwardly. Now was the perfect time to reveal more details. I'll stay vague but not enough for them to give up on asking. I pressed my lips tightly and looked down, as if reminiscing a bad memory.

"I fell on the stairs and almost died because I cut my head open. But well, it was an accident; it wasn't my brother's fault nor mine."

They opened their eyes wide in excitement. I struggled to keep my composure —it was so funny how it was easy to manipulate people.

"What do you mean?"

I looked back at the director, confused.

"What do you mean by 'what do you mean'?"

Seeing my genuinely confused face, he sighed and gave up —he won't have more information about this for today. He then decided to change the subject radically.

"Do you like chef Nova?"

See? When I said that their questions were way too personal, I meant that. I felt my face heat up and I couldn't restrain a smile blooming on my face.

"Of course I do, he's my hero."

The director smiled and thanked me before I left for my room. When I arrived in front of my door, it was already half open and someone was inside. I entered and closed the door behind me. Amira was sitting on my bed, waiting for me.

"Tell me everything~"

I let myself fall on the bed like a wimp, a headache piercing through my brain.

Damn, why do they all like gossips in this house?!