Sonoza Episode 05

"This guard will take all the young men into the forest and prepare them for the forest, and if I too go into the forest and do what they make everyone else does, I can become a good warrior. Then it is possible. Something. And if not, then you will take care of yourself, won't you?" Sonoza smiles to herself. And again she leaves the house. Then the morning sun begins to rise. And in the sky, a group of birds takes their flight towards the forest, seeing which Sonoza smiles.

"Mama, I will come back, I promise you. I may be late, but I will come. Don't worry, I am going to be a warrior." Sonoza leaves the house after writing on paper and keeping it on her bed. Meanwhile, Mamma goes to Sonoza's room and looks. Where they find that slip. And mother read Sonoza's letter and ran towards the door but Sonoza was gone by then

"Today we have to reach the forest before the birds," Sonoza says as she runs away. And then running, she crosses a bridge and reaches the forest. It was the first time that Sonoza reached the forest before the birds. Sonoza enters the forest and happily sits on the ground. And the self begins to laugh. Then the voice of a guard "youth." Sonoza is heard.

And Sonoza gets up and starts sneaking into the depths of the forest. After going some distance, she sees the night guard. With whom there were other guards. And all those young men had studied to become warriors with the night guard. Apart from this, many other youths were also present. All of them had a sword in their hand.

"You are all here to be a warrior. Your first target is to find food for yourself in this forest and cook it and then eat it. None of you will be given food here. And remember before you go. Whoever gives his food to another will be imprisoned for life. Or if anyone tries to escape from here, there is no way for him to return. Except by death or else. To admit defeat and give the state a hundred gold coins. Now you all choose what you want. Death, victory, or compensation." The guard says bitterly.

"We all want to win." All the youth wave their swords in the air and say.

"Go, then, prepare for yourselves today's food, hunt. And protect yourselves from the wild beasts of the forest. Whoever helps another or hides without a fight shall be killed." Saying this, the guard goes to his hut. And all the young men go out into the forest to study separately meanwhile, Sonoza runs away with a guard's sword. And it eats by finding its food in the wood. When she is eating, then she feels a wolf coming towards her. And then immediately grabs his sword and runs away. Then, by running the chariot, he stands in front of Sonoza.

"You want to fight?" Sonoza says to the wolf. And the wolf growls at him.

"I have defeated many old wild beasts, but only my thoughts. Now I should turn my thoughts into reality?" Sonoza said, moving towards the wolf. And the wolf moved towards Sonoza. And then the two clashed. After a few minutes of fighting, Sonoza is slightly injured but she kills the wolf.

"Reality is quite different from ideas." Saying this Sonoza stands up and then falls. She tries to stand up again. And walking with the support of a sword, she reaches the river. And then after washing his wounds, he climbs a tree, lies down with his sword tied to his leg, and sleeps. And she is happy and sad when she completes the daily target alone and calls herself a fail or pass.

She also helps many young people during training. Many youths used to mention it while telling their stories, but no one saw it. Similarly, seven years of her life pass in seven forests. Seven years later Sonoza looks exactly like the girl in her drawing. Who was a beautiful as well as a brave girl? Sonoza is so good at what she does. That the skill of wielding two swords at the same time is also learned. He also does archery, wrestling, and horse riding in the best manner. And then all the youth are gathered. And the same guard stands in front of all the youth.

"When you people came here, you were young and weak in strength, but not so now. Now you are all old and strong in strength. And now you are all entrusted with the responsibility of protecting the state and many like me." They will be brought here to prepare the new guards. Now let's go back to the state and meet our own. Reach the palace and accept your responsibility. Any one of you can be chosen for any job." The guard says loudly. And all the young men wave their swords in the air. And then the army prepares to leave for the state. And Sonoza smiles at the birds as she walks out of the forest towards the state.

"Then there will be a competition." Saying this Sonoza moves towards the state. And enters the state before sunset. He reaches his own. Knocks on the door. So mom opens the door and sees Sonoza.

"Mom, it's me, I'm back," Sonoza says softly. And the mother hugs him crying and then takes him inside.

"When you go out, if anyone asks you about yourself, tell him that you have gone to your aunt's house to learn ironwork. This is where your father is." Mom says softly.

" Okay fine..." Sonoza says, nodding her head. And mother hugs her again. In the evening, when Sonoza's father comes home, he is very happy to see her.

"So tell me, did you learn something there?" Dad says happily.

"Everything she wanted to learn," Sonoza says happily.

"You wanted to change people's thinking too. You can never become a warrior by secretly training as a warrior. Have you ever thought about how you will prove yourself?"

"I'll do it, dad, just like I did it. Just give me a little more time." Sonoza says softly. And Dad smiles and nods.

The next morning in the palace, the queen and the king were sitting in their royal chairs, and in front of them stood a twelve-year-old prince, Prince Jozef.