Sonoza Episode 11

And after giving the king two days to make a decision, he leaves.

And then on the same day, all the officials are presented in the king's court. Where the king informs everyone about the safe war.

"We cannot give up, we will fight and they will kill." A minister in the king's court says. In response, everyone supports him.

"Okay. Then send your ambassador to their army before the war and accept the war. Complete the preparations for the war here." says the king excitedly.

"I will go to the army myself with this message. Until my return, you will ensure the safety of the people." Prince Jacob stands up and says.

"Okay. Write the royal message and put it in the hands of the prince and complete the preparations for the war As soon as" the king says, an official gets busy writing. After some time, he writes the message and hands it to the prince. And Prince Jacob takes the message and rides alone on his horse and leaves the palace towards the forest. Then he meets Sonoza who was riding her horse toward the forest.

"Where are you going?" Sonoza asks stopping her horse.

"Yes," says Prince Jacob, halting his horse in front of Sonoza.

"Is it news that a very important issue has turned to the state?" Prince Jacob says softly.

"Jacob, what's the problem?" Sonoza inquires gently.

"It is that very soon a state is going to be attacked by us. This state is much more than us in strength and quantity. And our defeat in the field of battle is victory. But then this royal message is in front of you." Prince Jacob says as he delivers the royal message to Sonoza holding and opens the message and then starts reading it.

"We are accepting war."

" Yes."

"Can I come with you? May be Possible for me to have a better plan? If not, then we will fight, but before that, we should try to stop this war."

"Can you stop the war?" Jacob says in surprise.

"I can try," Sonoza says softly.

"Then let's go." Saying this, Jacob gives his horse away. After which Sonoza drives her horse. And then two days ago both of them two cross some rivers through the forest and reach the battlefield. Where the army of Jazba state was staying. Once there, Prince Jacob approaches their leader to take Sonoza to him, asking for permission to meet him.

"Both of us have brought an important message to the state of Saber." Prince Jacob says excitedly stands before the leader of the Jazba Kingdom and says.

"What message do you have?" The leader of Jazba state proudly says.

"You know that the name of our state is spread far and wide and we and our state are very brave. Then a powerful state like you want to fight with us. Otherwise, who likes war with others? But despite all this, I would like to say, is it not better that we do not go to war and save both states from great destruction because war will not be beneficial to either of us." Sonoza says excitedly.

"Hahaha… You are a cowardly state, but a girl has brought the message of your state at a very young age. The two states will not be harmed by the war, only your state will be harmed." The state leader laughs. Then a prince arrives there.

"Father will come here very soon and will declare war after pondering the problem of the state of Saber." The prince smiles and says.

"But we don't want war," Sonoza states to the prince of Jazba. who was standing on Sonoza's right side?

"You are beautiful, princess. And believe your words, I can help you. But I am fighting this war not to stop it, but to spare your life and make you the princess of my palace. A princess likes me. That's what I was searching for, and I think my search is complete. And after the war, I'll marry you as a reward. You'll be a reward of my winner." The prince of Jazba state looks at Sonoza and says.

"But this is cruelty, you also know. Where our state will be punished, you will also be punished. And believe me, you and your army will be forced to accept defeat." Sonoza says sternly.

"We have no other option but war." Prince smiles and says.

"Then we accept it. Complete your preparations for war as soon as you can. Remember that the state you intend to conquer will bring defeat to you. I will like to read the state's message in Jacob. " Sonoza looks at the prince and says, extending her hand to Jacob. And then Jacob places the royal message on her hand.

"The state of Saber welcomes you to war with literature. We know that no one has invited you to war in this way before today. But we are giving because we are not afraid of defeat and Neither will we lose because every person in our state is a soldier. And a soldier does not lay down his arms until the life leaves his body, and even if you win the war, you have to rule. Not a single person will be left alive. And before we die, we will punish you so much that even your generations will not be able to forget it. If it seems appropriate, then go back from this, otherwise, our army will reach you for a long battle, and we will also declare on our side. War. And we are sure you will accept it." Sonoza reads the message and gives it back to Prince Jacob.

"Two days from today, my father, the king of the state of Jazba, will come here, then we will attack you." says the prince angrily.

"Happy war." Saying this Sonoza starts to leave.

"And listen, princess, tell the king that a kingdom a girl can never win, and after we win, if you don't listen to me, I'll make you a prisoner." says the prince angrily.

"Win the war first. It will be better for you." Sonoza says this and leaves. And Jacob smiles at the prince and leaves. Both ride their horses and rush toward the state. Then Sonoza stops her horse from reaching the forest.

"What happened?" Jacob halts his horse and says.

"It's hard for us to win the battle. He's outnumbered." Sonoza says bowing her head.

" I know..." Jacob says worriedly.

"Our state is weak," Sonoza says in a damp voice.

"I know, but we have to go now." Saying this, Jacob turns the horse away. And Sonoza runs after him. And throughout the journey, she thinks about the war. Night falls on Sanoza and Prince Jacob arriving at the kingdom. On reaching the state, Prince Jacob goes to the palace with the message of war. And Sonoza goes to her house.

"Sonoza, my daughter, you have come." Mom hugs Sonoza at the door and says.

"Yes, Mom," Sonoza says with a slight smile.

"The war is about to, begin," Mom says in worry.

"I, know," Sonoza says as she enters the house.

"And we can't win this war anyway because our army is too few. Mom, I won't get a chance to prove myself. I lose." Sonoza says crying.

"No, my child, perhaps this is the time in which you can prove yourself. Perhaps this is the time that brings you to the world. Face it bravely, we are with you." Mom Sonoza says with a smile.