Seth and Gibraltr
Club Tropic, Miami Beach - 12:50 AM
The girl, Amanda, was up on her knees grasping both of Seth’s thick sideburns in each hand as she gazed down upon his face. She spun his head round and round looking into his eyes that glowed amber continuously now. She took an index finger and traced one of his pointed canines.
Gibraltr, also lost in the throws of the ecstasy Seth had taken, overlapped with Seth now. His own massive wolf head spinning in sync with Seth’s. If anyone at the club could have seen Gibraltr, they would have thought they were seeing double—a really odd double.
Seth had ordered a total of eight bottles of booze. And as a result, he now had a massive crowd at his table. Young people were openly making out and fondling one another. Others were snorting what Seth figured was cocaine—but he didn’t know—right off the table top.
A number of the staff at Club Tropic had been trying to get his attention as well. They probably wanted him to pay a portion of the bill so they knew he was good for it.
But being drunk, high, and having fun, Seth didn’t feel much like appeasing them. Right now, he just didn’t care. He never got to have fun like this. His whole life was training and duty.
Yes, the Nation certainly did have its drinking holes. In fact, some of the tap rooms of Tierdoon were marvelous pieces of architecture.
But there were always so many rules. Too many rules. Nothing like this place existed in Seth’s life. He was reveling in it. Miami’s the most wonderful place in the two realms, he thought.
And then he heard the screaming. He thought he had heard a loud crashing sound too.
He glanced over to see the staff looking over the balcony to the main floor of the club. So were a number of other people.
Then Seth heard another scream. He blinked a few times and tried to get his wits about him.
He listened and sent his senses out to check the club. His eyes widened. He could feel the imp, and then, he could feel something else.
An overpowering presence. Could that be the GigGoddess? he thought. No! How had he missed it entering the club?
Gibraltr clicked into place, taking over. The beast growled at the girl, “Get off of me.”
She backed away onto the bench, face now full of genuine fear as the man in front of her grew in size and his eyes blazed with amber ferocity.
Gibraltr grabbed hold of the table and flipped it over. Heads flew back, the hanging lamp smashed against the ceiling, and powder filled the air as Gibraltr’s hulking form emerged from the alcove. People screamed, scattering down either end of the balcony.
He looked down onto the main floor to see an absolute disaster. The imp—no longer in disguise—lay unconscious on the floor, shattered glass all around it. Nearby people looked upon it with their hands covering their mouths in astonishment.
But the imp was not why people were screaming. What Gibraltr saw next couldn’t have surprised him more. His breath caught.
Standing 20 feet from the imp’s little pink body, chest heaving, was a woman. Her bright purple eyes stared up at him directly.
Thick dark curly hair framed the face of an angel. She was naked from the waist up too. Her heavy breathing highlighted her nudity. She appeared to be wearing a purple skirt, and she had white sneakers on her feet.
Gibraltr thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
He knew what she was right away too, but that wasn’t possible. He knew every wolf alive. And the Sovereign Nation did not abide rogues. Something didn’t make sense. This wolf appeared scared and confused. Who was she? She couldn’t be the GigGoddess? Could she?
He shook his head, trying to clear some of the effects of the bourbon and ecstasy.
Still trying to gather his wits, he decided to take action. He jumped up onto the wrought-iron railing. It bent under his weight.
And then, without much thought, he leapt. He slammed into one of the skywalks, grabbing at it for purchase. He realized now just how inebriated he had become.
The skywalk began to buckle under his weight. Before he could find another hand hold, it gave way. He crashed to the dance floor, bringing half of the skybridge with him.
If there had been chaos before, now the club was complete mayhem.
He lay on his back for another moment before gathering himself and turning onto his stomach. He looked up to find the wolf in purple still standing there, staring at him in amazement.
“Now, just you hold on a moment,” Gibraltr said. He tried to get to his feet but stumbled, his head swimming. He could hear sirens in the distance. ‘Why did you do this Seth!’ Gibraltr roared internally.
He looked back toward the girl in purple. The ecstasy induced haze surrounding her made her appear angelically beautiful. She had heard the sirens too, and he could see that she was looking for an escape.
“No, no,” Gibraltr said. “You’re coming with me.”
The purple wolf gave him a look like he was insane.
“Sophie!” a voice yelled from above. The wolf in purple looked up. Shaking her head with a look of disbelief, her search for a way out became desperate. Then she saw the exit sign on the opposite corner of the VIP section, and ran for it.
“Now wait!” Gibraltr roared. “We have to talk!”
Gibraltr got to his feet, stumbling after her. In his blurry vision, he saw her slam into the exit door, knocking it off its hinges.
He continued to stumble after her. When he got through the door, he found himself in a narrow back alley. He looked first one way, then the other, and saw her sprinting down the alley.
He took chase. She was fast, very fast. Normally he would have been able to outrun her fairly easily, but in his drunken state, he struggled. Determined, he continued on.
She turned a corner and he temporarily lost sight of her. When he reached the same corner, she wasn’t there. He kept running, glancing down alleys as he went, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.
As he approached Alton, he caught sight of her. She had turned down a dark street and was now scaling a tall building in leaps and bounds. Still very drunk, he shook his head trying to shake it off. Then he continued the chase.