Chapter 20: The Wardens

Sophie and Ilaria

That Nation - 6:20 AM

Ilaria watched as three of the wolves dressed in armor, led by a gray wolf, stalked toward Gibraltr growling ferociously. They all appeared in beast form, like she had seen Gibratlr that morning.

Other wolves had circled around behind them, quietly closing in. We’re going to die, she thought.

Then, the wolves stopped, their heads turning to search the forest.

Laughter rang out from somewhere in the distance. Its echo bounced off the massive trunks of the trees.

Gibraltr chuckled, standing upright again.

“Could you be any more predictable Chase?” a deep voice boomed through the forest. More laughter rolled in from even more directions.

The gray wolf spun around, searching for the source of the voice.

A tall, handsome, dark skinned wolf in human form stepped out from behind a tree in front of her. He casually leaned against the trunk, folding his muscular arms across his chest. His bright green eyes were locked onto the gray wolf.