Chapter 37: Evil

The Sovereign

The Palace - The Next Morning

Staring at the swirling colors inside the massive cauldron, Zortau waited patiently with his hand at the ready.

His focus was unflinching. Waiting another year would be intolerable. He’d waited long enough.

Today, the Sirens were all full simultaneously, and in full view from the palace. Their force would help power the enchanted altar.

Then, seeing the yellow flicker, he plunged his hand into the red, black, and blue swirls, closing his hand like a vice grip. His eyes widened as he felt his fingers wrap around a small struggling form.

It tried to get away. But he squeezed harder.

Making sure not to let the writhing form free, he yanked his hand out of the thick boiling liquid with a gleeful cackle.

A yellow creature the size and shape of a puppy, dangled by a hindleg from Zortau’s fist. Zortau smiled in victory, thrusting his hands into the air.

He had no time to spare.