Chapter 39: The Old Wolf

Sophie and Ilaria

The Palace - 10 Minutes Later

In a very narrow alley, Gabriella opened a side door and they entered a musty smelling corridor. The corridor ended in what appeared to be a docking area.

Gabriella purposely headed towards a side door in the bay and knocked.

“Come in,” a deep gravelly voice said.

Gabriella opened the door and they entered. A grizzled white wolf in beast form sat facing away from them looking out a window. He craned his head back to look at them. Ilaria recognized him from the courtyard the day she had arrived.

“Gabriella,” the old wolf said in greeting.

The odd feeling that they were being followed still bothered Sophie and Ilaria.

“Sindolin, my friend, how are you?” Gabriella asked.

“Well enough. And who is this?” he asked, wasting no time.

“Sindolin, I’d like you to meet Sophie. Sophie, this is Sindolin,” Gabriella said.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Sophie said. “Gibraltr mentioned you. He said I could trust you.”