The Sovereign
The Palace - 2 Days Before the Execution
Zortau waited patiently for the guard to open the cell door. When it swung open, he walked into the confining space, dismissing the guard.
Gibraltr sat against the wall chained. The wolf truly was remarkable. His amber beard had grown in over the last week, the untrimmed sideburn chops he kept, particularly thick.
But the oddly colored amber eyes, a signature of the Gibraltr line, stood out the most. Beyond that, the physique and strength of this wolf could be rivaled by none.
Gibraltr had been the greatest warrior the Nation had known since its existence came about. And now Zortau would require one more sacrifice from the beast for the sake of the Nation.
His plan was working perfectly. Since Gabriella’s death five days ago and the quashing of the rebellion, 10 more beasts had abandoned their humans. The demoralized wolves had no fight left in them anymore.