Chapter 53: Badass

Seth and Gibraltr

The Palace - Moments Later

As the ax head whistled through the air at Gibraltr’s head, he thought about the smell of Sophie’s hair. He thought about that smile, that wonderful smile.

She can’t be dead, he thought.

Just before the sharp blade chopped his head clean from his body, Gibraltr lifted his left wrist. The ax head dinged off the thick iron wrapping his wrist.

Gibraltr watched as the ax head glanced off the iron and up over his head. In one fluid motion, he rocked back on the balls of his feet, stood, and grabbed the ax handle just below the handle with the same hand he had used to deflect the blow.

Leaning forward for more extension, Chase had given up his balance to make the mighty swing. Gibraltr took advantage of this by pivoting with Chase’s swing, sliding his right foot back to maintain his own balance and thrusting the ax head forward. The movement pulled Chase off his feet, forcing him to fall forward.