Note -sorry I don't own Naruto Kishimoto does



When Kakashi got caught in water prison jutsu, team gai came for rescue.



"Wait !!! don't touch the barrier or you will burn to ashes."..."Let me remove it first, then you can enter."

"WHAT !!!" A startled lee shouted.


After reaching Tazuna's house,

"Now that we all settled we should introduce ourselves." Kakashi said with a lazy tone

"I am MAITO GAI eternal rival of Kakashi Hatake."

"I am ROCK LEE."

"hey I am tenten."

"Hyuga Neji."

"I am Kakashi Hatake."

"Uchiha Sasuke."

"hey I am Sakura Haruno."

"Uzumaki Naruto."

"Hey Sakura chan!!! you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. will you go out with me ???


"NO WAY!!!"

"You are so weird."

With that Lee got depressed. Then he perked up again.

"Hey Naruto chan will you go out on a date-"

"no." Naruto told him with a monotone.

"What ?"

"I like girls. So forget about me and I already have a girlfriend. And I have no plans to break up with her."....."But plesantries aside, we should talk about How to handle Zabuza next time we face him and on top of that that fake hunter nin is also a wild card. We don't have any information on her."

"WHAT!!!" Every one except Kakashi & gai, asked with surprise.

"So you noticed."

"noticed what Kakashi sensei?" Sakura asked.

"Hunter nin should cut off the head of their target and burn the rest of their body on the spot and the hunter nin took Zabuza's body away. On top of that she used a senbon to kill him or should I say she put him in a temporary death like state." Kakashi explained cooly.

"If you knew, then why didn't you tell anything Naruto ?" Sasuke asked with a sharp tone.

"As I told you earlier, we didn't know anything about the hunter nin, She may have a chunin level chakra reserve but Kakashi was low on chakra and rushing to a fight without knowing your opponent or underestimating them is just plain suicide."..."And then there's Gato. But let me set a barrier around this house first along with some traps, after that we can talk about those problems in detail."

Kakashi nods in approval.

Later that night,

"So both of teams are here, We should discuss how to proceed. My team seven should train as they are clearly not ready and team gai in the meantime should guard Tazuna. With the amount of injury, Zabuza will take atleast two weeks to heal and come for us. And in the meantime we also should collect information about Gato."

After team discussion every one else left to sleep while Sasuke and Naruto went to the roof to guard duty.

on the roof top -

"Naruto, ..... how are you so strong ?"

"What do you mean ?"

"We are of same age and I was never able to beat you in the past since academy days, you know so much different techniques even without anyone teaching you. I am a Uchiha genjutsu should be a speciality of our sharingan but even in that you are better than me.Just how ?"

after a prolonged silence Naruto started to speak

"I did have teachers. Hokage jiji taught me the basics of fuinjutsu and gave me a lot of books regarding the matter. and for genjutsu, .... I had an older brother figure who taught me.

..... Uchiha Sishui." ...."And as for why I am so strong, because I don't let my emotions control me."..."Human emotions are versatile, if you can use it as a drive to achieve something it can be a great allie but if you let it control you it will devour your entirety. " ..... "You are too obsessed with your brother that you aren't even able to learn that something is odd with the massacre. "

Sasuke looked at her with an angry and confused expression..." Uchiha clan was the most powerful clan in konoha. And Itachi massacred it in a single night. Surely he would have a initial advantage but I don't think even hokage can pull that off alone."

Sasuke is very angry. " what do you mean ?"

Naruto looking at Sasuke for some time, putted on a privacy seal.

"What I am about to tell you is the known information about Uchiha massacre.

You will not tell anyone or take any actions after knowing this or I will have to kill you before you kill Itachi."

Sasuke stared at her.

"Some parts of it is S-rank secret punishable by death."

"12 years ago Kushina Uzumaki was giving birth to a child.

she was the previous jinjuriki of kyuubi.

You see, a tailed beast can not be killed it only can be sealed inside a living human vessel. but kyuubi is special,it only can be sealed inside an uzumaki because of their special chakra.

But a female jinjuriki's seal weakens during child birth.

on the night of October 10 a masked Uchiha infiltrated the village ripped apart kyuubi from my mother, used mangekyo sharingan on kyuubi and made him attack the village.

After that night some of the shinobi and civilian started to blame Uchiha for kyuubi attack.

At the same time a man, no a monster in human skin started to manipulate the Uchiha elders to stage a coup d'etat against the village.

Uchiha clan head was against it. So was Itachi and Sishui Uchiha.

but under the pressure of elders Fugaku Uchiha had to go with the clan.

But Sishui and Itachi were against it.

they knew that if coup d'etat happened then a civil war will erupt which will result in more bloodshed.

So they cooked up a plan. Sishui will use his mangekyo sharingan on the elders postponing the coup d'etat. While the hokage will find enough evidence against that man to expose him. and finally Uchiha name will be cleared and a war will be avoided.

But before that happened that man attacked Sishui and stole his right eye.

So he gave his another remaining eye to Itachi to use against the elders and committed suicide."

"I was too lost in mourning for Sishui. And before hokage jiji can take any action, Itachi had already been massacred the entire clan.

..... but the night of the Uchiha massacre, kyuubi felt the exact chakra signeture as the masked Uchiha from inside of uchiha compound."

"Yes that's right, I am the current jinjuriki of kyuubi. And I think that that man who stole Sishui's eye and the masked Uchiha had something to do with Itachi's action."

when Naruto looked at Sasuke,she saw her sharingan spinning two tomoes in each eye.

"Sasuke.... your eyes....I think you have awakened your sharingan."

Sasuke looked at her with wide eyes.

After that night Sasuke became more quite.


Next morning at team seven training, Kakashi showed them tree climbing exercise, which Sakura and Naruto were able to do in one try.

After finishing the exercise Naruto left on her own.

after Sasuke finished tree climbing, he started searching for Naruto.

He found her meditating in a clearing of the forest.

"You know the name of the man who killed Sishui, don't you, Naruto ?"

Naruto opened her eyes.


"Then tell me."


"So that I can find out the truth and kill that man."

Hearing that Naruto started laughing.

"You know what, I would have told you my foundings about massacre long ago.But I didn't because of this. For a genius you are quite a simple minded fellow",-and then Sasuke felt a pressure, it wasn't directed at him, the pressure was far more greater than Zabuza, It wasn't directed at him but he is already starting to loose consciousness. Then it suddenly disappeared.-" You said you will kill him ?"- Naruto asked in a calm voice, but before Sasuke could answer she spoke again.-" Just death isn't enough for him !!!

I have far more greater plan for him, something worse than death. You can chase Itachi all you want but, Those two are mine."

"You know what Sasuke, you are living for the shake of revenge, which is pretty much useless in my opinion." ....." You are my teammate now, so don't do anything stupid, and one thing more, that man has Sishui's eye, even hokage can't do anything because of it, he can literally brainwash you and make you his puppet and you won't even realise it."

"You know what, you shouldn't talk this about anyone in public, I will seriously kill you if you spoil my plans."

"Then teach me." Sasuke pleaded.

"What ?" Naruto wasn't expecting Sasuke to ask her to teach him. She believed that his pride won't allow it.

"Our targets are related to each other."

Naruto was in no obligation to help Sasuke.

"I don't have sharingan so I can't teach you and your chakra is not dense as mine so I can't teach you my techniques. You should ask Kakashi...aarrh"...

"Fine"..."But mission is first priority."

Later that night,

"So Naruto chan did you get any information on Gato through your shadow clone ?" Kakashi asked.

"Yeh I send a few around the town in disguise of civilians.

His main hide out is in the middle of forest, it's a large castle. He also has many other hide outs around the island. But most of the time he stayed in his main hide out.

I wasn't able to learn anything about Zabuza."

"Wait, I thought team seven was training !!!"

Ten ten asked in a surprise.

"Yeah but after finishing up training I decided to do some reconesence ."

"I say we should kidnap Gato, put him in a genjutsu and make him transfer all his property to us, then we can kill him." Naruto proposed.

"But that won't be easy Naruto chan, you told me that there are around 900 thugs are in his main hide out." Kakashi said.

"But those low level thugs couldn't even see through an e-rank genjutsu." .... "From what I able to gather Gato is greedy as hell, he doesn't even pay his hired thugs well. So I don't know how he even able to hire Zabuza!!!"

"All right, Guy , lee, Sakura and tenten should guard Tazuna and family. I, Naruto, Sasuke and neji will go for Gato." Kakashi finalized the plan according to Naruto's information.

After all of them agree, Guy and his team stayed with Tazuna in case someone came back for Tazuna And Kakashi and his team went for Gato.

It was easier than anyone thought, Because of Naruto's accurate information and Kakashi's planning, the mission has gone smoothly.

Next day the news of Gato being assassinated and about his stolen properties

spread around the island.

people are celebrating.

The bridge was completed without much problem . Zabuza and his partner's absence made this clear that they were no longer after the bridge builder.

After the bridge is completed,it is named as "The great leaf bridge "

Wave got 40% of gato's total properties.

After the mission is over both the teams returned to konoha.