note-sorry I don't own Naruto Kishimoto does

CHAPTER FIFTEEN (Beginning of the end)

In between the match of Gaara and lee, Feathers started to fall from the sky. Hokage realising it as a wide scale genjutsu, quickly dispelled it. But before he could react kazekage took him to the roof top, which immediately got covered in purple barrier after they reached their.

Fortunately Jiraya has given him his flying thunder god seal.

Outside the barrier, Raikage decided to side with the leaf.

He doesn't need to worry about the village either, because it seems Naruto has created a barrier around the village.

As he doubted, kazekage turned out to be his ex-student Orochimaru.

"Kukuku Jiraya you seems to have finally succeeded in creating your own flying thunder god seal. " ....."But I want to play with sensei only." with that he started waving through hand signs, but before he could finish it, hokage attacked him with shadow shuriken jutsu.

But the jutsu didn't reach him.

Infront of them, there are four coffins.

Slightly shaking, three of them opened.

Hiruzen was both angry and frightened.

Before him stood first hokage Hashirama Senju, second hokage Tobirama Senju and ghost of the Uchiha Madara Uchiha,"

The fourth coffin disappeared in puff smoke.

"Before you ask me where you are, you are in pure lands . I have summoned first and second hokage to help me kill third hokage. It is unfortunate that fourth couldn't join.

And as per you, Uchiha Madara, I want to see the true glory of sharingan. That's why I have summoned you with the exact power as your prime self." Orochimaru explained to the reanimated shinobi.

"Hashirama !!! It seems all your efforts were in vein. Even after your death I get to destroy our village."

"Tobi I told you not to create such a technique !!!"..."I can't even move my body on my will."

"Shut up big brother !!! I am in a same situation !!! To think I will be summoned by my own technique."

... "hmmm a puppet is no fun."

Uchiha Madara was not expected to be reanimated. He expected Nagato to use rebirth to revive him. But it seems the time hasn't came yet. So he just has to dance along. With that he started to go outside the barrier to destroy the village that he and Hashirama had once created.

"Jiraya don't worry about me. Go after Madara.

Don't let him destroy the village." hokage shouted

meanwhile Jiraya is sweating profusely.

He never imagined that Orochimaru will summon Madara, and if he is in his prime as Orochimaru claims then even gods cannot save the village.

At that moment someone teleported inside the barrier.


"Well shit! it is Uchiha fucking Madara !!!" the first thing Naruto said after appearing inside the barrier.

"You have a foul mouth for a brat!!!"

Madara told her with a slight anger.

"Ara ara, you are planning to fuck the entire humanity, for someone who died vergin, don't you think that's a bit too much." Naruto retorted.

Hashirama burst into laughter.

But Jiraya noticed that word. Then he understood, Naruto must be someone who has the memories of her previous life.

No wonder the prophecy changed. The treatment in the village have snapped her.

"Enough talk !!! If you can move your mouth then you surely can fight !!!" Orochimaru is getting impatient with all these reanimations.

"Don't order me brat !!!" Madara told in a cold tone.

And then the barrier opened and he went outside the barrier. Jiraya quickly followed.


Jiraya and madara engaged in a taijutsu battle. But Jiraya got overwhelmed after some times When madara was about to stab Jiraya with a kunai, he found dodging himself from what seems to be very thin gold threads.

If not for his sharingan, he could have sliced into pieces. He recognised the feeling, it is same as Mito's chakra chains. And on top of that the strings has wind nature chakra running through them.

Madara was prideful arrogant but not foolish,

He knew Uzumaki chakra chains can cut off his chakra. And he was not allowing it to happen.

"It seems you are not all talk, little girl !" Madara told her excited. He had never seen such a technique in his lifetime. So he wanted to see what the girl has to offer.

"Let's dance !"with that he sent a burst of purplish blue chakra. The ground under his feet cracked creating a carter of about five feet radius.

"Ara ara if you are so excited to dance so why are you fighting, you should open a dance school or become a dancer yourself. I am sure you will earn a lot of money."

Even with Edo tensei's control Hashirama was rolling on the ground with laughter on Naruto's comment.

But Madara got a tick mark. Before he could dash forward, Naruto let lose her tiny bit of chakra.

It was almost black with golden hue. The ground shook with the pressure, building started collapsing.Madara hadn't seen such chakra before. No one on the battlefield has ever seen such chakra before. It was far more denser than tailed beast chakra, that the anbu surrounding them started to choke and faint.

Without any word, Naruto teleported right behind him and kicked him in the back, sending him flying. Destroying houses after house.

Naruto wanted to finish Madara as quickly as possible. So without delay she again teleported behind Madara and used SEVERANCE.

But this time he dodged the attack with eternal mangekyo sharingan spinning madly.

Ofcourse Naruto wasn't going all out . But then Madara made a single handsign and blew a see of flame towards Naruto.

She could just teleport away. But Madara wanted to see what she will do to save the ninja behind her.

But the flame just vanished.It was like it was absorbed into nothingness.

But Madara used this moment to activate his Susanoo and attacked Jiraya.

Naruto didn't want to save the man.

So she hesitated for a moment. But seeing that Jiraya isn't doing anything to save himself,At the last moment Naruto teleported infront of him.At that moment she saw him teleporting away using his flying thunder god.

But it was too late for Naruto to dodge or teleport away . Of course she can use suspended world or null barrier but she didn't want anyone to see them now.

But that was apparently a bad idea. Susanoo's sword hit her and released her henge.No one noticed due to the cloud of dust created by that attack, but Naruto wasn't happy about it.

She wasn't injured or anything,but she didn't like it.

{Shinyu san ! don't use henge anymore}

[as you wish master]

The she unsealed her Benihime and with a single swing she cut off Madara 's susanoo's arm.

Then he flew to the sky wings open, horn glowing gold and eyes glowing blue. Benihime in her hand and with the armour she wore, the girl looked like a devil who has descended from heaven.

In all her glory she hovered over the sky of konoha.

Everyone including Orochimaru and the hokage is looking at her.

Madara was stunned. He had never seen someone like this before.

Jiraya was grimacing on the ground.

But one thing is for sure, Madara had made up his mind. He has to finish her here and now, otherwise she will stand in her future plans.

With that he activated his rinnegan.

seeing madara activated his rinnegan, Naruto got ready to teleport both of them away from village. Forget about invasion, if she fought madara a little bit more power than she is currently using she was sure it will destroy the village.

She again swang her sword. This time Madara bring his sword to block the strike. But instead, his Susanoo got severed in half.

Without wasting a moment Naruto created a portal useing void shift, teleported right behind Madara and kicked him towards the portal.Madara and Naruto went to a different place.

While Naruto was fighting Madara, Hiruzen, Orochimaru,Jiraya and others were awa struck by the power Naruto had shown.

Between his battle Shikaku Nara, head of the jounin spoke, "Forget about nine tails, If she is really this powerful, she can destroy nine tails herself. And that chakra is not nine tails, but her own."...."Just hope that Madara will not control her like he controlled kyuubi."

Orochimaru was greetings his teeth, he was thinking about taking Naruto as a subordinate.

But with this amount of power, taming her will be impossible.

Hiruzen decided to use dead demon consuming seal to seal away first and second hokage's soul.


Madara was not happy.

Every attack he threw at Naruto got absorbed into nothingness.

Even the power of his rinnegan is not working.

When he attacked her with shinra tensei the attack blew away the landscape behind her but not her.

She was using some space manipulation ability to deflect the attack.

His Susanoo is practically useless since she was cutting it like butter.

Genjutsu wasn't working either.

The red beams from her horn were shattering space itself.Between his fight,out of nowhere

a green beam of light came at him.

He dodged it but passing near him the light died down, reviling a fuinjutsu marked sphere.

Then Madara froze, no the space around him froze.Unable to move Madara saw Naruto coming towards him wings open, horn glowing with her full glory.

First time in his entire life Madara was terrified, he the great Uchiha Madara, who have cheated death, awakened rinnegan after the sage of six paths, was scared.

Kurama was enjoying the show inside his cage with popcorn that Shinyu has given him.

He was enjoying every single moment of it.

And the horrified look on Madara's face made it even more sweet. It doesn't matter if he can't kick bastard's ass himself, but he is satisfied with the show his host was giving him.

"I don't know how putting the entire world under genjutsu will help you achieving peace,

but your goal is commendable, outright heroic.

But you know what, I don't give a damn what happened to humans. All I want to live how I wish. A luxurious life where no one can order me around. But for that I need alive, working, talking humans, afterall I don't want to cook my own meals.

So that's why your goal and mine are different

Your goal is that of a god , achieve peace and all those bullshits but mine is that of a demon." then Naruto raise her palm towards Madara. And ghost of the Uchiha sucked into nothingness.

{That took longer than I thought !}

[No, master was enjoying her fight.]

{You are not taking my side Shinyu san}


With that Naruto teleported back to konoha.
