note -sorry I don't own Naruto Kishimoto does


It has been three days since Naruto left the village. She has asked Hinata to search for the files on her and Uchiha massacre. She has given her a communication channel seal and a teleportation bracelet in case she got into trouble. Communication seal allows both of them to talk to each other telepathically. And teleportation bracelet will allow hinata to teleport near the markers that has been set before.

I have been sitting in my hotel room and eating a new flavour of ramen I found in this town. I may not need to eat anymore, but I want to taste it anyway. Jiraya just left a few minutes ago to collect information or should I say to have sex. Suddenly I felt someone was trying to contact me through telepathy net.

# Naruto sama...

# Wow Hinata chan since when did you calling me Naruto SAMA ?

# Technically you are my boss now. Even if we are friends, at the line of work,a subordinate should treat it's lord respectfully. and it suits you so I will call you with sama now on.

#Ok ,okay but did you find anything.

# Yes, I have to dig Danzo's rathole to find the details.

# Wow Danzo !!! Did anyone found you ?

# Yes it was a well guarded place . So I have to kill all the 20 root agents to get the files. and I have to kill eight more while returning.

Surprisingly I didn't hesitate to kill them.

# Well.... Then we are good I guess.

# Yes. Now should I teleport to you ?

# Yes !

Then a portal opened infront of me. Hinata has a big wooden box in her hands.There are so many files in their.

"Naruto sama I found some interesting files on Senju clans as well. So I took them. "

"Well that's great !!!"

After reading all the files with the help of Shinyu within a minute, I got angry beyond what I thought would be impossible for me.

Danzo is the one who leaked my status as jinjuriki and HOKAGE DID NOTHING.

Danzo is the one who sent his root shinobi to rape me and torture me that night and fucking HOKAGE KNEW ABOUT IT, BUT DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO PUNISH DANZO, and Danzo's justification, to harass me for getting too close to Uchiha !!!

Danzo is the one who convinced Hokage to give order to eradicate Uchiha !!! Danzo is the one who threatened Itachi to kill Sasuke if he didn't massacre the Uchiha and Hokage allowed it.

For every single damn things the culprit was Danzo. Hokage knew everything but did nothing to his beloved gay wife Shimura fucking Danzo.

On the files of Senju clan, Danzo had his root give information regarding every senju to the enemy villages. It turned out he was interested in Tsunade. But Hiruzen didn't let him take her. So he is the one who planned for

the deaths of Senju Nawaki and Kato Dan during second war to break Tsunade and make her join the root. But Tsunade broke beyond repair.

After delivering the files, Hinata teleported back to the village.

While I was thinking about what can I do with these information, I heard someone is knocking at the door. There are two people outside. One's chakra signeture is exactly as Itachi. Another has a large chakra reserve ,large enough that it can be compared to a tailed beast. I decided to play a prank on them. So I opened the door and greeted them.

"Hello brocon Itachi. Hello shark face."

Itachi's expression didn't change. But kisame gave a confusing look.

"Ahh don't worry. I know about the truth."

That got a panicked expression from Itachi for a moment. But then immediately he schooled his facial features.

"Uzumaki Naruto, I don't know what are you talking about, but you have to come with us."

"Can I cut her legs Itachi, in case she tried to run away."

"Umm , if you do that then I will tell Sasuke everything, every single thing about the darkness behind the light of konoha."

This time Itachi's expression didn't go unnoticed even by kisame.

"What is she talking about Itachi ?"

Kisame asked curiously.

"Oh how Itachi was threatened by a certain someone in higher ups to kill his entire clan or they will kill his brother. " Oh!! I had to dodge an attack from Itachi while answering kisame's question .

"What !!! " kisame was truly trying to understand my words.

"Is this true Itachi ?" Now kisame was truly curious.

"It is non of your business!!!" Itachi shouted.

As if to prove my words, Sasuke decided to enter the scene at that moment.

"UCHIHA ITACHI !" "why ??? I need answers."

"I need the truth you bastard !!!" Sasuke shouted getting in his fighting stance.

"Hey Sasuke, You don't need him anymore to find the answers. I got my hands on all the secret documents from that man's hideout."

"And by the way that man's name is Shimura Danzo, one of the konoha's elder. He has more political power even the hokage." I shouted while dodging the sloppy attacks from Itachi.

Itachi then stopped attacking. He suddenly looked at kisame and putted him in a genjutsu.

"So you know the truth ?" Itachi asked with a monotone.


"And what are you planning to do with it ?"

"First tell Sasuke ofcourse, he deserve to know. and then leave the village."

"Wait, what is the truth ! someone tell me damn it !" Sasuke shouted.

"jeez stop being a banshi Uchiha, and read it yourself. I am not doing any storytelling. These are the original files."

Then I teleported next to Sasuke and gave him the file on Uchiha massacre. And again teleport back to Itachi.

"Where will you go ? The akatsuki is after you. Or should I say the beast inside you."

"Ara ara you are worried about me Itachi kun .

I am happy. But you don't have to worry about that." "And it seems Jiraya is coming back. You should stay here till he comes. After knowing the truth, I don't think, Sasuke will be safe at village.So I want an excuse for him to travel with us."

While I was talking with Itachi, Sasuke's three tomoe sharingan was spinning madly and finally formed an six pointed star.

When Itachi noticed that, he just whispered

"I am sorry Sasuke. but..."

"Aniki !!!" Sasuke ran towards Itachi and hugged him.

"I don't want to butt in your family reunion, but Jiraya is getting closer." "And I think Sasuke, you should travel with us to cool your head a little. You are not the only one who has grudge against Danzo. And don't you dare going on killing him. It will be too easy."

After that, Jiraya came back and Itachi and kisame ran away. I convinced Jiraya to let Sasuke come with us as well. That night,I and Sasuke stayed in one room and Jiraya stayed in another room. Activating privacy seal and seeing the chance, I told Sasuke every thing happened to me due to Danzo and his hands on Senju clan's annihilation. By the end of it Sasuke was ready to burn the village. Seeing the iron is hot, I decided to hit the hammer.

"I don't know about your revenge, but it is pretty stupid."

"How ? how can you say that after all they did to you ?"

"I am not saying to give up your revenge Sasuke. Now listen to me. I want to live peacefully. I want to do whatever I want without anyone ordering me.I don't want to be someone else's slave,an object or just a weapon to use. I want a place where I can live as I wish."Saying that I showed him my true form. Then I told him everything about me including my past life. First he was angry that even knowing the future, I didn't do anything. But later he understood my reasoning. Finally he agreed to join my side. But in exchange for being my subordinate,I will give him the same power that I gave Hinata. And I will give him chance to get revenge. And I agreed. That night, I removed the curse seal from Sasuke.

Next day Jiraya got an information on Tsunade. She will go to Tanzuka gai in two days. So we resumed our journey.

After knowing, Sasuke has high lightning affinity, Shinyu san agreed to make a lightning based demon fruit. I also told Sasuke my plans on recruiting Tsunade. So he can play along.
