2.5 This messenger beloveds

Daniel looked at Damien and gave him a sign. They both know how possessive Atlas is, and they've talked about it before. So, Damien knew he would be annoyed if he acted like he was having a good time.

He just wanted to tease him. Obviously, he only loves him. Atlas walked to the blossom tree, admiring it. How is it possible, and why is his soul split in two?

He is sure that Daniel and Damien are actually one person, but their soul was split. He met people like that before, and over time, he could tell. That's why they're so in sync, like they can read each other's minds.

The reason they were not as happy in the original timeline as they are now, is that they were in conflict. They have this inherent need to be close and get along, but when it doesn't happen, it creates a toxin in their soul.

Over time, it only grows and spreads until each part of the soul is severed from the other. That's what happened, that's why Daniel felt nothing when Damien passed away.

But Atlas has already decided that before he leaves this world, he'll make certain they get along and have each other's back. It's just that, he didn't think that they would be his husband.

Of course, he wished he would find him again, but he never thought in a million years that his soul would split. He's sure it's him. Atlas does not doubt it. He does not know how he followed him and what happened, but he knows it's him.

Just the fact that he feels so selfish and possessive when it comes to them, is proof enough. He felt someone hugging him from behind, and instinctively knew it was Daniel. He had his arms around his neck.

Atlas put a hand in his and looked away when Damien stood before him. Damien turned his head and Atlas looked at him expressionlessly.

"I have to share you with my brother, yet you have a problem with me dancing with your sister?"

Atlas sneered:

"You're sharing me? Damien, aren't you the one who said you won't have anything to do with me, except destroy the onis army?"

What Atlas loves about Silas, the twin's father, is that he is a fair and upright person. When Damien refused, he told him what he said verbatim. Damien blanched a little. He was hoping he would forget his past words.

But right now, he's angry at his father for telling him exactly what he said. Having your words thrown back at you sucks. Daniel couldn't stop himself from laughing, seeing his brother's scared face.

Damien looked at him pleadingly for help, but Atlas held on to Daniel's hand tighter, to let him know he is not to get involved. Understanding, Daniel stayed out of it and shrugged at his brother.

Atlas mocked:

"My sister is available, and she likes you. You should go back to flirting with her."

Damien sighed and took a step closer, looking into Atlas' eyes.

He just wanted to tease him, but he won't do it ever again since he's clearly not his opponent.

"Beloved, you're the only one that I want.

Atlas looked at him, in silence. Damien walked closer to him and give him a peck on the lips. Even if it was quick, Atlas felt that familiar tingling he felt when he would kiss Shengli.

Damien pulled back and looked at his cute blushing face. Atlas turned around and looked at Daniel, slightly worried. Even though he's always with them, nothing happened before.

Daniel said:

"We both are."

He smiled and gave him a peck as well. Atlas relished that familiar sensation again. He left his embrace and went back inside after saying:

"I'm cold."

The twins looked at each other with a smile, then followed him inside. They know he is feeling shy. They love that about him, he is only like that with both of them. Even if he's not vocal, it shows them that he cares for them.

When they were gone, Leah stepped out from behind the bush, shaking in rage. Both of them! He fucking seduced both of them! She breathed heavily, stomping her foot on the ground. She just wants to beat him, but she can't.

He has to die sooner than later or the twin will never move on. They should worship her, not Atlas! Her eyes lit up, Father! He'll never agree.

Not because they're a throuple, but because he certainly will worry about losing his darling son to two men.

She knows how much her father Elijah prefers Atlas over her, he'll never be able to let go of him, especially when there are two of them now. Even if Elijah agreed with the marriage, it was extremely hard on him.

The original told his father to accept any offer if it meant they get to fight together. To reach the center of the onis army to sacrifice himself, the original knew he would need the help of the Church of darkness' army too.

They couldn't do it on their own, or he would've done it already. He had to do a lot of convincing for his father to accept him spending two weeks at their castle, let alone marry both twins.

The original never told him his real plan because he knew Elijah would refuse, and he can't refuse anything from his father. It's just that more and more attacks near his church happened, and he was scared his father and sister would die.

He was willing to sacrifice himself without the least bit of regret for the entire land. Leah knows how much respect Atlas has for his father and if he refuses the three of them being together, he won't fight his decision. She went back inside and found a new dancing partner excited.

The next day, she wrote a letter to Elijah.

*Hello Father,

I hope this letter finds you well. I write to you because I am troubled about brother. He seemed to have fallen in love with Daniel and Damien. I think that he intends to marry both of them now, after the battle. I'm worried they'll take advantage of him. You know how nice and inexperienced Atlas is. He always believes in the best of people, which is good, but still, I'm concerned. Maybe send him a letter to make sure no one influenced his decision. Love Leah.*

She folded the paper, tying it to a bird's leg. She opened the window, and the bird flew out. She looked at it with a smile. What worries her is how the twins feel about Atlas.

She can tell they both love him, and she's worried that if she doesn't stop their relationship now, they'll love him even more. She doesn't want Atlas to become a symbol of lost love once he dies on the battlefield.

If he does, they'll never move on and love her. At first, she thought she loved Daniel, but it all changed the first night they all had dinner together. They were all sitting behind the table and Atlas was in the middle of the twins.

They both filled his plate with food every time it was empty. Never in their life did the servants feel so useless. She saw how every day they doted and pampered Atlas.

She realized she was being naive, by thinking that just Daniel was enough for her. They should both worship her, as will all the land, once she becomes the high priestess.

Elijah was sitting in his office reading papers regarding the church. Since Atlas is gone, he has to take care of everything. He doesn't mind. He knows how much his son does better than anyone.

Even he wasn't as impressive when he was Atlas' age, he's extremely proud of him. He looked up when someone knocked and entered.

The man bowed, presenting a paper.

"Elder priest, this is a letter from your daughter."

Elijah took the note and thanked him. When the man left, he unfolded the paper and read it. When he reached the end, his eyes turned red in anger. The only reason he accepted Silas' offer is that Atlas begged him.

Before he left, he said that regardless of what he proposed for both armies to fight as one, he should accept and he did. He wasn't against marriage per se, but it's hard for him to let go of his son.

After his wife passed away, it was just the two of them for a long time. He has a strong bond with him, and he can admit that he loves him more than Leah.

To be fair, it's easier to love someone truly good and utterly selfless than a manipulative and selfish person. He knows full well how Leah is, and it's not like he didn't use his light sight on her when he was the high priest.

Even if everyone in their family has a light inside of them, only the current high priest has the light sight. But when the high priest is ordained, he swears he won't use it on the people who have the light in them, meaning family.

But from an early age, Elijah could detect signs of Leah being manipulative, so he did. To be fair, he doesn't need light sight to see how selfish she is.

If she sent him a letter it's probably out of jealousy, but still, he can't accept his only son being with the two of them.

He needs to choose and if he can't, then he'll refuse their union. Elijah called in someone and got ready to travel. He needs to speak to Atlas face-to-face.