5.3 This messenger has a tight hold

Xianyue flew to Atlas' chambers and directly opened the door. He closed the door behind him and looked at the shape under the covers, with a smile. Xianyue sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the covers.

He could feel Atlas pulling back, so he pulled stronger and finally saw Atlas. He was on his side, his eyes tightly shut. Xianyue brushed the hair out of his face. He caressed Atlas' back and felt him relax.

Xianyue stayed there for more than thirty minutes, looking at him and caressing his back. He stopped when Atlas fell asleep. Xianyue stood up to leave, but Atlas held on to his wrist. He tried to take his hand off, but Atlas' hold was tight.

Xianyue was sure that he was asleep. Atlas frowned when he tried to take his hand off again. He pulled the covers and got in the bed.

Xianyue lay next to him and Atlas turned to face him, still asleep. He looked at his cute face with a smile and caressed his cheek. Xianyue took his hand back and fell asleep.