9.5 This messenger is sad

After the press conference ended, everyone gathered for a banquet to celebrate the peace treaty.

Atlas ate a little before excusing himself and standing in front of the open doors, gazing out into the garden, lost in thought.

The downside of acquiring more than what you're accustomed to is that it can start to feel normal, causing the absence of it to seem abnormal.

Having experienced the joys of having a husband and a family, he now longed to have that once again.

Despite the difficult decision he had to make, Atlas held onto hope that living in a futuristic era would allow him to carry a child.

However, as they dined, he searched through the world's vast knowledge, only to find nothing that could make his dream a reality. Overwhelmed with disappointment, he felt an honest urge to cry.

Using inhibitors was not an option, as they lasted only ten days, and in the original timeline, the mission lasted two weeks.