9.14 This messenger's elixir

Ethan was so adorable that it was impossible to be mad at him. Even after 12 years, it remains the same.

Jonah had never been angry with Ethan since that day. By nature, he wasn't a rebellious or wild person.

Whenever they were working or out, he was always serious. He only let loose when he was with him or Kenan.

Ethan believed that he had found his mate; otherwise, he would never have acted that way. He wished he had acted the same way when he met his mate.

His marriage was arranged, and he had no feelings for his mate, but without him, Ethan wouldn't be standing here today. Jonah's eyes softened as he asked, "How did it go?"

Ethan immediately smiled in response, saying, "Great! He was worried about the fact that he deactivated his gland."

Jonah nodded and asked, "What did you say?" He knew that Ethan wasn't good with words, and this was a delicate subject. If he said something offensive, he'd definitely beat him up for Atlas.