When will this Forest End?

(First Person POV)

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in an abandoned warehouse.

It took a while for my senses to wake up which meant I had no choice but to lie motionless on the cold hard floor. Eventually, my vision cleared up and my ears no longer tingled. I was able to move my limbs which were previously numb and in doing so, I forced my body to stand up from the ground.

However, in the process, I noticed something strange.

'Huh? Why are my hands so tiny?'

Gazing down at my miniature hands, a feeling of dread built up in the pit of my stomach. Letting my hands fall down, I glanced down at my legs and realized that they had shrunk as well.

'Aw...don't tell me it's what I think it is...'

I quickly walked over to the nearest window and glanced at my reflection.

What I saw confirmed my guess causing me to let out a whine of a sort.

My body was no longer one that belonged to an adult. It had shrunk into a kid's body!

But that wasn't the only thing I noticed. Aside from the obvious size difference, my facial appearance seems to have been altered as well.

My formerly brown hair was now midnight black and my eyes which used to be dark brown were now dyed golden. In the sunlight, they turned yellow.

Pursing my lips, I had mixed feelings about this. What can I say? Although it was nothing special, I held a strong attachment to my former appearance.

I touched my cheeks and watched my reflection mirror my actions. After a minute, I dropped my hands letting them fall to my sides and sighed.

'Forget about my looks. I have more important things to worry about.'

For example; finding out just where the hell that ROB dumped me.

In a warehouse? Seriously?

Was a regular home too much to ask?


Somewhere else, a certain ROB sneezed.


It didn't take long to find the exit. I wandered around the warehouse for a good couple of minutes before I spotted the door.

Jogging over, I swung open the door and dashed outside, instantly meeting the not-so-blinding sunlight. Blanketing the skies were dark grey and gloomy clouds that threatened rain.

The warehouse which I came out of appeared to be in the middle of a forest. Judging by its rundown state of it and the overgrown weeds that covered the compound, it was clear that the warehouse had been abandoned for some years.

But having a warehouse in such a remote location...in the middle of a forest on top of that...whoever used it before must've had something to hide.

But, that's a mystery for another time.

Right now, my main priority was getting out of this place and finding civilization.

Looking at the eerie trees that lay ahead, I swallowed unsurely and started walking forward. Silently, I hoped that ROB didn't make another mistake.

Otherwise, I really might just kill him.



Letting out another drawled sigh, I glanced up at the sky - a habit which I've recently picked up - and wondered how long I'd been walking.

It was like this forest was endless.

Either that or I've been going in circles this whole time. I desperately prayed the latter was not the case. And now that the sun's going down, the temperature around me is dropping significantly. What's worse is that I only have one layer of clothing on.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to leave the forest before nightfall. This meant I needed to find a safe place to set up camp for the night.

As the thought emerged in my mind, I suddenly heard something.


I paused and turned to look in the direction of the sound - a slight shiver passing through my body. That was definitely the howl of a wolf.


"Aw shit."

I didn't know if it was a werewolf from a pack or a regular wolf. I knew that this was the world of Twilight so the chances of it being a werewolf were pretty high.

'Aren't they like super territorial?' I thought. But then I calmed down.

'No. If I recall correctly, they are not hostile to humans. Only vampires.'

Still, I don't think it would be good for them to discover me. No doubt they've already picked up on my scent.

'I need to hide...'

But where could I hide? There was nothing but trees around me.

Wait a minute...


Glancing up at the tall pine tree in front of me, I suddenly had an idea.

Closing my eyes, I took a breath and quickly recalled a scene in Avatar where Azula used her firebending skills to launch her body into the air. Then I remembered how Ozai was able to fly in the last episode using fire under his feet to act like rockets or jetpacks.

With Azula's skills and knowledge already planted in my mind, I could easily mimic her actions and blast myself off the ground leaving behind a scorch mark on the ground.

I flew up higher and higher till I reached the very top of the pine tree. Behind me was a trail of blue flames that burned brightly.

Once I was high enough, I changed direction and launched myself forward before latching onto the highest branch.

"Huu~ That was scary," I muttered aloud.

Clinging onto the trunk, I tried not to look down and instead turned my attention to the scenery before me.

My eyes widened as my mouth dropped open.


It was amazing.

My view from the top overlooked the entire forest area and mountains on the horizon. It was an incredible sight - one that I never thought I'd be able to see without spending a few thousand to visit.

Suddenly, I thought of something and slapped my forehead.

"Ah- dammit! Why the fuck didn't I do this earlier?!"

It turns out, from up here, I was able to see where the forest ended. I could that just outside the forest was a road that led to a city. From here, I could see a large welcoming sign sitting on the other side of the road and a row of buildings ahead.

I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fuck my life."

Why the hell was I so dumb...
