Rogue Vampire (1)

(General POV)

In the forest of Forks, several blurry figures dashed through the trees.

With glowing eyes, pale skin, and elongated canines, these figures snarled as they chased their target.

The group came to a cliffside where one after the other, they used their inhuman strength to push themselves off the ground and launch themselves to the other side where their target was.

Without waiting for the others, the first group member jumped, landed elegantly, and continued the chase knowing his companions would be able to catch up.

"Dammit, this bastard is fast!" Growled a frustrated Emmett Cullen.

Behind him, Jasper grunted in agreement.

The two male vampires were at the front of the group tracking their prey. Behind them were their mates. Only Alice and Edward did not come as they had other matters to attend to leaving these four to chase down the rogue vampire that snuck into their territory.

At this moment though, Emmett wished Edward was with them as he was the fastest runner of the lot. Emmett was the strongest but his speed lacked behind Edward's which he grudgingly admitted.

"Turn left," Jasper instructed.

The group followed his instructions and changed direction.

The scent was getting stronger meaning they were close to their target.

Up ahead, a man dressed in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt was running away from his pursuers. His eyes were bloodshot and on the side of his mouth was dried blood from his latest victim.

Looking over his shoulder, he noticed the Cullen siblings gaining on him and he let out a snarl.


His brother had warned him not to go messing around in the Cullen's territory and that was exactly what Rowan had done. He had always looked down on the Cullens for their way of life which, in his opinion, showed nothing but cowardice and weakness toward humans. But he had greatly underestimated their strength and viciousness.

After his murder of two humans inside Forks, the Cullens had been after him along with the shifters that guarded this place.

'It was only one human dammit! What's the big deal?!'

Rowan couldn't understand why he was being held as a criminal when their kind was clearly of higher rank than filthy humans.

Shouldn't it be like this? Vampires were a race above humans. Didn't they have the right to do as they pleased?

It was his warped mindset that caused him to become the prey instead of a hunter.

'Damn it all!' he thought angrily. 'If only that fucking kid hadn't found the body...'

If a certain kid hadn't found the body of his victim, he could've had a few more meals before taking off.

Sadly, his feast was cut short due to a miscalculation on his part.

Rowan growled and thought, 'If I can get my hands on that kid, I can have my revenge.'

But first, he needed to get rid of these damned pursuers of his.


A day earlier.

"It's been a week Jacob. You can't still be sulking, can you?"

Rolling his eyes at his friend's forlorn expression, Alan couldn't help but comment. In response, Jacob sent him an annoyed glance before turning back to stare out the window like someone who was abandoned by his lover.

It's been a week since Bella left and Jacob, that poor lovestruck soul, felt her absence more than anyone else did.

Honestly, it was a little unbelievable how head-over-heels he was for her.

The movies didn't touch on their childhood so Alan couldn't be sure as to whether or not Jacob acted the same.

Unfortunately for the little shifter, Bella had no clue about his affection for her.

"You do know you can just call her right?" Alan muttered in a deadpan voice. "Phones do exist."

Like the sun rising after a dark night, Jacob's expression visibly brightened.

'Oh, you poor lovestruck fool' thought Alan. 'Sadly, you are not meant to be together.'

Alan didn't think his presence would change the main couple's relationship. After all, it was clear that Bella could only see Jacob as a friend. Perhaps after this summer, she would see him as a brother.

But as a romantic interest? Alan felt it was unlikely.

After Jacob disappeared from the living room to look for Charlie, Alan turned to Seth - the new addition to their friend group - who was sitting obediently on the floor, watching tv.

"Hey Seth," called Alan.


Alan smirked and pointed his thumb behind him, "Wanna do something fun?"

Seth blinked innocently, "Fun?"

Alan nodded. With a mysterious smile, he bent down and whispered something in the younger boy's ear.

Seth looked at him with shock before grinning along, nodding his head vehemently.

"Yeah, let's do that!"

"Hehe~" Alan let out an evil chuckle.


A few hours later.

Alan and Seth rolled around on the glass, laughing their asses off.

In front of them, a drenched Jacob with glitter all over his body and flour dusted on his face glared at them with utter anger.

"Y-You jerks!" He growled. "You are both so dead!"

Wheezing from his stomach, Alan pointed at him and said, "You look ridiculous!" before letting out an unattractive laugh.

Seth copied his words from behind, "Ridiculous!"

Jacob stared at the youngest of the group in absolute horror.

It seems that the worst has happened!

Seth has been influenced by Alan of all people! It was a nightmare in the making.

Jacob should've never let them meet.

'What am I going to tell his mother?' Jacob groaned inwardly. He sent another scathing look toward the mastermind of this prank and said, "I'm telling Charlie about this."

"Aww, don't be like that~" Alan fake pouted.

"And then I'll have my revenge," continued Jacob. "Just wait Alan, Seth. I'll definitely pay you back for this."

"Yeah yeah, I get it. I'm looking forward to your so-called 'revenge', " teased Alan.

Unfortunately, neither boy noticed someone staring at them with a glare and crossed arms. Only when the man cleared his throat did the trio turn to look behind them.

Standing in the doorway, looking at the mess in front of him was none other than Chief Swan.

Suddenly, Alan froze.

'Ah, crap.'

"Alan! Explain this mess."

'I'm so dead now.'


A/N: I might rewrite some earlier chapters if I have time due to various plot holes. Of course, if you think the plot holes can be ignored then let me know. That is...if you've noticed any.

P.S. Thanks for all the support.