Rogue Vampire (4)

(First Person POV)

It's amazing how life seems to enjoy throwing unexpected situations in my face.

Though, by now, I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. Considering how unordinary my life has been in the past year or so, I shouldn't have been surprised that more random and unexpected situations would be thrown my way.

Take for instance today.

The whole conundrum resounding the recent discovery of a dead body by yours truly has brought more trouble to my life than initially expected.

I mean, how else does one explain why I, a boy that tries to keep out of trouble, gets kidnapped from his own backyard by some crazy lunatic vampire?

Oh, and perhaps I should mention that this was the same vampire responsible for the mutilated corpse.

Running for several kilometres at a speed that could rival the Flash, he brought me to what appeared to be a warehouse.

A very familiar-looking warehouse.

With the bloodsucker's monster-like grip, he didn't really need ropes to keep me bound.

Entering the warehouse, the creature tossed me on the floor roughly before delivering a rough kick to my stomach.


That hurt way more than I was prepared for. I felt the wind knocked out of me as I gasped from the pain.

"W-What are you?!" I stammered. The fear in my voice was partially real. I mean, hell, I was facing a real-life vampire. A vampire that looked as though he was ready to rip me apart limb by limb.

"Hee~ Wouldn't you like to know," the crazy creature licked his lips and watched me squirm with a smirk plastered on his lips. "You've caused me a lot of trouble with your little 'discovery' and I HATE trouble."

Yeah, no kidding.

Stabilizing my breathing, I winced at the pain erupting from my abdomen. No doubt, a bruise would be forming soon.

"Humans...such filthy creatures..." the vampire muttered. "They are nothing more than blood bags to feast on and yet...those traitors actually care about them? How absurd!"

I'm gonna give a guess and say the 'traitors' are the Cullens.

"There's no point struggling. Where we are, only I will be the one to hear your cries," the vampire walked over and kneeled down next to me. His eyes flashed a red glow and his nails grew out along with his canines.

A shiver went down my spine as I stared into those crazed eyes of his. His blood thirst was practically leaking out of him.

He grasped my neck with one hand and began tightening his hold cutting off my windpipe.

I choked and whimpered as his other hand reached down to hold my arm.

Ah, he was going to break it.

"I'm going to torture you until you beg to be killed," he whispered into my ear.

Fucking bastard.

As if I'll let things end like this!

Thinking he'd succeeded in making me scared shitless, he let out a disgusting laugh.

I was scared. There was no doubt about that.

However, I was not helpless. I didn't spend all those days training for nothing. I knew something like this was bound to happen so long as I stayed in Forks but I wasn't expecting for something to happen so soon.

No matter though. I'll still fight back with everything I got.

Using my free hand, I lit a blue flame and shot it up at the bastard's face. The vampire who clearly wasn't expecting it, let out a shriek as my blue flames burnt his flawless chin and his grip on my neck was released.

Using this chance, I raised my leg and kicked the creature away from my body.


The vampire wasn't knocked down which I expected since vampires' physical prowess and strength were far above that of a human but just that brief kick allowed me to stand up and gather my bearings before attacking again.

Using various moves, I shot flames toward the bloodsucker who let out another shriek as the flames hit him.

"W-What is happening?! WHAT ARE YOU?!" the creature who was weak to fire cried out. It managed to dodge some of my shots and fighting its burning pain, the vampire charged at me with its inhumane speed.

I received another kick but this time, it was to my right side which threw me off my feet.

'Ugh fuck!'

This bastard sure knew how to kick hard. If it weren't for the fact my physique was above average, I'm pretty sure that kick would have killed me.

Biting my bottom lip, I ignored the pain and scrambled to my feet again before dodging another blow from the vampire.

The vampire had taken off its coat that was burning with my flames. However, the vampire still had flames spreading around its body.

Were they always flammable?

I did a flip after the creature tried to attack me again and from my feet, a finishing blow of flames shot toward him.


Letting out a horrific screech, the vampire's entire body lit up in flames and its pale skin began turning black.

I couldn't rip off the vampire's head so I could only hope my fire would do the finishing job.

The vampire crumpled to the ground as the flames continued burning.

As for myself, I coughed out a mouthful of blood and clutched my side. With the adrenaline slowly wearing off, the pain in my abdomen and on my side was becoming more apparent.

I wanted to cry out as this was the first time I had felt something so painful before.

I used to be a sheltered kid. What did you expect?

Whimpering, I clutched my side where the pain was gathering and ignored the burning body while hobbling toward the warehouse exit.

However, my vision began darkening and my legs weakened.

I ended up collapsing onto the cold concrete just before I made it to the door but I heard it open all of a sudden. Before I fully lost consciousness, I saw several figures coming toward me.

'Ah...they found me...' was my final thought before my eyes closed and I blacked out.


A/N: Really into Time-travel fanfics lately and was binge reading a Daiya No Ace one called 'A Second Chance at Summer'. Truly one of the best fanfics I've read and I highly recommend it. No romance and has an OP Sawamura. It's on AO3 if anyone is interested. Sadly, it's incomplete.