Hobbs Meet Sand (Edited on 27/10/2023)

**[Jack's Beach Encounter with Hobbs]**

Jack, a billionaire enjoying the lavish beach life, lay on a comfortable beach chair, the sun kissing his well-sculpted physique. Two bikini-clad women attended to him, applying sunscreen with a touch of flirtatious charm, as the endless ocean waves offered a serene backdrop to his leisure.

But this picture-perfect beach scene was about to be interrupted by an unexpected guest. It was none other than Luke Hobbs, the imposing U.S. federal agent portrayed by the muscular Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Hobbs had come knocking on Jack's door, and the reason was clear. Toretto and his crew's audacious move of burning down Reyes' warehouse had not gone unnoticed. Hobbs and his elite team had used cutting-edge facial recognition technology to track down the culprits.

Through meticulous investigation, Hobbs had meticulously dug into the lives of everyone connected to Toretto. Using the "recently entered Rio" criterion, he filtered out the support members Toretto had called in for this high-profile operation. Even though the crew had managed to evade Hobbs and his team, one member couldn't remain hidden: Gisele. She had a personal stake in the operation and had to participate, making her a target.

So, Jack found himself at the beach alone, but for a billionaire who was both a public figure and a strikingly handsome man, finding a beautiful companion was never a concern.

As he reclined on his beach chair, the service of the bikini-clad women applied sunscreen to him, and he reveled in the sight of the vast ocean. The one person Hobbs had his eye on was unmistakably Jack.

In a car with Elena, Hobbs' partner, the discussion about Jack's identity continued. Elena raised valid points about Jack's wealth and business holdings, but Hobbs had something else in mind.

"He's a billionaire and a major shareholder of many big companies!" Elena exclaimed.

Hobbs, however, shook his head. "That's not what I'm concerned about."

He explained his viewpoint, "He's not in the United States now. If he was, I'd have to pay attention to his relationships with the local police, which high-ranking officials he's connected with or what kind of identity he has."

Hobbs made it clear that, in a foreign country where Jack had no influence, the only thing that mattered was physical power. He believed his strength could outmatch Jack's.

Dressed in full-body armor and standing out like a sore thumb on the beach, Hobbs marched down the shoreline to approach Jack.

While Jack was enjoying the shade, he suddenly sensed a looming presence. Opening his eyes, he found himself face to face with a shiny, bald head.

Jack couldn't help but quip, "In this kind of weather, wearing those clothes, coming to the beach... officer, are you too weak to be afraid of the cold?"

The sight of Jack stirred quite a reaction, particularly among the women around. They observed him with a mix of awe and attraction. Elena, in the car with Hobbs, was no exception.

Hobbs couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He had a moment of insecurity, wondering why all eyes were on Jack rather than his own impressive physique. He subconsciously flexed his muscles, attempting to draw attention.

If Jack were privy to Hobbs' thoughts, he might have responded with a playful quip about the dynamics of attraction. But, unaware of Hobbs' musings, he inquired, "Who are you? What do you want with me?"

Hobbs introduced himself as Luke Hobbs, a federal agent, and presented his credentials. He wasted no time in getting to the point.

"Mr. Jack, I need you to tell me everything you know about Dominic Toretto, Brian O'Connor, and everyone else!"

Jack acknowledged Hobbs' presence and inquired, "Agent Hobbs, do you have any evidence that I have had recent contact with Toretto?"

Hobbs was well-prepared and presented a stack of thick materials, citing their past connections and the various ties between Jack and Toretto. However, Jack couldn't resist a playful twist to the conversation.

"Ha, I don't deny this, but there's a slight deviation," Jack admitted, a mischievous smile gracing his lips as he chuckled.

He explained, "I missed two words: once. I used to be friends with Toretto, but now... we're strangers."

Hobbs, unimpressed, accused Jack of sophistry, to which Jack quipped back, "You might think that, but I'm telling the truth."

As Jack summoned two bikini-clad girls who were playing volleyball, Hobbs couldn't help but feel the shift in attention. Jack embraced the girls and humorously mentioned to Hobbs, "Or, Agent Hobbs, what strong evidence do you have that can prove my recent connection with Dominique Toretto?"

Without solid proof, Jack playfully informed Hobbs that he had other priorities. As he enjoyed the beach and the company of the two women, he quipped, "I'm sorry, but I'm not available!"

After that, Jack turned around, ready to make his exit. Nevertheless, much like what Hobbs had explained to Elena during their car ride, in the United States, Hobbs might have been powerless against Jack due to his status and wealth.

However, they weren't in the United States anymore; they were in Rio. In this unfamiliar setting, Hobbs could employ more direct and unscrupulous methods, and there was no guarantee that they wouldn't cross legal boundaries.

"Well, I'm afraid I'll have to resort to more coercive measures," Hobbs announced as he strode forward, firmly grasping Jack's shoulder.

"This isn't the United States, so your status and wealth won't do you any good here. In this place, might makes right!"

In the blink of an eye, the situation escalated beyond anyone's expectations. Jack swiftly pushed the two young women aside, reacting with remarkable speed. Without even looking, he seized Hobbs' hand, effortlessly hoisted him over his shoulder, and tossed him several meters away with incredible force.

Hobbs, now resembling an ostrich with its head buried in the sand, dangled in the air, struggling to extricate himself.

Jack possessed a physique with attributes exceeding 100, nearing 200 points. The system's enhancements were a comprehensive upgrade to his physical capabilities. His strength, speed, coordination, reaction time, defense, resilience, and more were all nearly double the human norm.

Jack had excellent control over these abilities, presenting himself as an ordinary, muscular man unless the situation demanded otherwise.

But when the need arose...

With values nearly double the human limit, tossing a mere 200 pounds was an effortless feat.

Hobbs eventually pulled himself out of the sand, wearing a bewildered expression, his sense of reality momentarily shattered.

"Who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"What just happened?"

Hobbs struggled to grasp the events because, in his perception, he had merely placed his hand on Jack's shoulder and then encountered an irresistible force. The next thing he remembered was soaring through the air, followed by darkness. What on earth had just transpired?

Sitting upright, Hobbs brushed the sand off his head and realized there was some sand in his beard and mouth. He must have looked rather comical.

"Apologies, I didn't intend for things to turn out this way. Perhaps I miscalculated... Well, Agent Hobbs, with all due respect, you might want to eat a bit more. You're rather lightweight, my friend," Jack remarked with a good-natured grin.


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