The Plan (Edited on 27/10/2023)

In the midst of their high-stakes planning, the team's camaraderie was as strong as ever. Toretto's hurried interruption had a purpose - he wanted to ensure everything was in order before they embarked on this daring mission. The last thing he wanted was for Jack to take off to some unknown place with Gisele.

Jack, ever the easygoing and adaptable member of the group, readily agreed to wait and glanced around the room. His eyes fell on Brian O'Connor, who had a history with him that involved both friendship and a bit of rivalry. As the two men exchanged a hearty bro hug, it was clear that time had mended their past misunderstandings.

Brian's history with Mia had initially caused friction between him and Jack, but it was all water under the bridge now. Jack's transformation thanks to the "golden finger" had undoubtedly left an impression, and Brian, once a cop, had learned to respect Jack's newfound abilities.

Toretto, the man with the plan, brought everyone's attention back to the task at hand. They were here for a reason - a big job, in fact. The target: Hernan Reyes, a powerful figure in the local drug business. Toretto's motivation was clear; they aimed to dismantle Reyes's financial empire.

The team gathered around the map, its surface covered in red circles, each one representing a piece of Reyes's empire. Brian explained the gravity of their mission. Gisele, the new addition to the team, couldn't help but ponder the wealth of their target.

Their objective was to drain every last bit of Reyes's cash reserves, leaving him with nothing. It was a risky endeavor, and Roman, known for his humor, questioned the sanity of the plan. He had hoped for a legitimate business deal and was reluctant to dive into such a dangerous mission.

Just as Roman began to express his reservations, Jack, always with an eye for the extraordinary, pulled out his phone to capture the moment. A bit of harmless trolling, perhaps a future conversation starter in other worlds. Who could resist such an opportunity?

Brian, however, laid out the gravity of their task. A hundred million dollars were on the line, and Roman's hesitation was swiftly quelled. The allure of such a heist was too strong to resist, even though he'd initially wanted to back out.

With a hint of embarrassment, Roman acquiesced, and the team was once again united in their daring mission. The tension in the room was palpable, but so was the shared determination to take on the challenge.

"It's all right," Brian said, flashing a knowing smile. He had an uncanny ability to understand his friend and knew precisely which buttons to push to get him on board.

Jack promptly recorded the exchange on his high-tech phone, saving it with the title "The Epic Reversal," a testament to the banter and camaraderie among the group.

This hiring mission represented a significant step in Jack's career, propelling him from an Intermediate Auto Mechanic to the coveted Senior status. Moreover, it offered him the chance to venture into uncharted territory, opening the door to a whole new world of opportunities.

While Jack cherished his life in the Fast And Furious realm, he understood that it was merely the beginning of his journey, not the culmination. His ultimate dream was to traverse the boundless cosmos, embarking on epic adventures beyond imagination.

In the spirit of capturing these remarkable experiences, Jack had developed a habit of documenting his most memorable moments using his trusty high-tech phone. It was a way to cherish and reminisce about his extraordinary encounters.

"When we talk about a hundred million dollars, it will be divided equally," Toretto clarified, addressing Roman's earlier question instead of Brian.

Tej, with his characteristic attention to detail, counted the number of people in the group and commented, "So, that's 10 million per person?"

Roman, who had been enthusiastic just moments before, eagerly declared, "Count me in!"

However, Jack interjected, correcting the division, "Actually, it's 11 million per person."

Astonished by Jack's decision not to partake in the monetary gains, Roman couldn't help but exclaim, "Wait, you're not joining in?"

Roman's surprise didn't go unnoticed by Brian, who swiftly intervened, "I'm sorry, Jack. He doesn't fully appreciate your skills."

Jack, displaying his easygoing nature, responded, "It's all right. He hasn't witnessed my skills, so it's natural to have reservations."

Jack harbored no ill will toward Roman; he found the whole situation rather amusing. Besides, he had a secret weapon in his arsenal: a video of the "Epic Reversal," which he could share with the entire group.

"As for the 10 million you mentioned," Jack added with a faint smile, "I don't really need it."

Roman, utterly bewildered, sought an explanation, "Why not?"

To everyone's astonishment, Toretto disclosed, "Because the man standing before you is a billionaire. Ten million means very little to him."

Roman was left speechless, and the shock rippled through the entire group.


Gisele, intrigued by this revelation, finally inquired, "So, you're a billionaire?"

After discussing the plan and making the necessary preparations, Jack set out to retrieve the car, along with the parts and equipment he had packed and shipped. Along the way, he extended an invitation to Gisele, who accepted out of curiosity, and they were now en route to the harbor and Jack's rented warehouse.

Gisele's curiosity got the better of her, and she remarked, "No, you don't look like a billionaire."

Jack, amused by her inquiry, interrupted her, "You want to know why someone like me has such a close relationship with Toretto and the others and why I'm so wealthy while they're still struggling, right?"

Gisele nodded in agreement, and Jack began his story. "A few years ago, I was an ordinary person who had just arrived in the US. I had difficulty even putting food on the table. But with my past skills as a car mechanic and Toretto's support, I managed to reach where I am today."

Jack elaborated, "However, there's a fundamental difference between Toretto and me: I will never willingly engage in illegal activities. Toretto and the others, they're born with a... spirit of adventure. I've tried to line up legitimate jobs for them before, but they all declined. I suppose they want to rely on their own abilities."

"In essence, they can't settle for a conventional life and prefer to live on the edge. Racing perfectly encapsulates that lifestyle. If they had chosen to join me, Toretto and the others wouldn't be in their current predicament."

Jack was understanding and accepting of their choices. "That's fine; I don't intend to force them. Besides, even if I tried, I couldn't. Of course, if they ever need my assistance, I'll be there for them."

"For the past few years, while they were on the run, I provided them with the cars they have now. It's what a brother should do, and I'm more than happy to do it," Jack concluded, demonstrating his unwavering support.

Gisele, perceptive as ever, added, "I believe you have another motive."

Jack chuckled and acknowledged her insight. "I like smart women like you; they're much easier to converse with! How about we go on a date?"

Gisele, teasingly, replied, "It depends on whether you can handle a girl like me."

Jack, feeling up to the challenge, pressed the accelerator and momentarily released the steering wheel. He turned to Gisele, their eyes locking, as the powerful engine roared to life, propelling them forward with incredible force, like an arrow released from a bow.