Poor Jim

The phone suddenly rang, interrupting the silence in the train compartment. The man in the sharp suit quickly picked it up and answered before passing it over to Max, who was engrossed in reading a newspaper.

"This is different from what we agreed, Ethan," Max exclaimed over the phone, frustration evident in her voice. "We agreed that you would come here, and we would deal face to face."

"I know, I know, Ms. Max," Ethan replied apologetically, "But I have to take precautions to keep myself safe."

Max let out an exasperated sigh, "Fine, what do you propose?"

Meanwhile, on the train, Jack watched as the two began to trade. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Were they really doing this publicly without soundproofing or confidentiality measures? In a train full of passengers?

He couldn't help but rub his forehead in disbelief. The situation was so absurd it was almost comical. Jack thought, 'These guys are too arrogant for their own good.'

As the illegal transaction continued, Jack couldn't help but feel frustration and amusement. The whole ordeal seemed so hasty and unnecessary. Did they really need to make this deal in such a public place?

Despite his inner complaints, Jack kept his cool and maintained his facade of sleepiness. He listened intently, trying to make sense of the situation.

Ethan's voice crackled through the phone, "The list disk you want is under your seat, with a piece of black tape stuck on it."

Max reached under her seat, feeling around until her hand brushed against a disk with a strip of black tape. She handed it to the man in the suit to verify its authenticity.

"Very well, just turn on the computer on the train, in full view of everyone, and verify the list of CIA agents, and there is no cover at all," Jack thought.

"I really want to see it with my own eyes, and thank you very much, Ethan," Max said, grinning as the list of CIA agents appeared on the computer screen.

"I guess I just want the 5 billion dollars and the traitor," Ethan replied.

"I'm willing to pay 5 billion dollars for this. You deserve it, Ethan," Max said with a chuckle.

"The location and password of the 5 billion dollars were said out loud in public. Are these guys brain-dead.." Jack couldn't help but wonder.

"What about the traitor?" Ethan asked.

"I will tell him where you are, and if you have money in your hand, he will come to you naturally," Max said, raising an eyebrow.

"Then, this is the end of our transaction," Ethan said, "I wish you a pleasant journey."

"You too," Max replied, hanging up the phone.

She signaled to her subordinates to start transmitting the list to their organization. However, just as they were about to enter a tunnel, a warning appeared on the computer screen: [Signal failure].

"What's going on?" Max asked, frowning.

"There is a problem with the signal. I can't transmit it," one of her subordinates replied.

"I have eyes and can see. I mean, why did this happen! Is there something wrong with the battery of the signal generator?" Max exclaimed, frustrated.

"Impossible!" the staff shook their head. "This situation is definitely not a battery problem!"

"Then you should quickly check what is going on. We need to send the file before entering the tunnel!" Max urged.

Jack cast his eyes on Luther, sitting next to him on the left. Luther was also operating on a computer, inputting a string of codes. Then... a string of "intercepted successfully" characters appeared on the computer.

Jack covered his forehead in exasperation. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Interrupting the enemy's signal from just one meter away, the enemy is utterly oblivious to it.

"Ah, I feel like my IQ has been insulted," he muttered.

Standing up, Jack walked towards Max and her subordinates, bowing his head and looking down. Max and her team immediately turned their attention toward Jack, unsure what to expect.

After a few seconds of silence, Max cautiously asked, "Can I help you with something, sir?"

Jack stared at them with a mixture of annoyance and exhaustion. "You guys are so noisy. I'm trying to take a nap here. Can you please keep it down?" he demanded.

Max was taken aback but quickly realized what was happening. "Ah, yes. Sorry, sir. We'll try to be quieter," she replied.

Jack huffed in disapproval before returning to his seat. Max and her team exchanged confused glances.

"What was that all about?" one of them whispered.

Max shrugged. "I have no idea. Let's just get back to business."

Meanwhile, Jack muttered in a perfect British accent, "No quality whatsoever. These fake gentlemen are an insult to the crown."

After a few minutes, Jack claimed he was unwell and headed toward the bathroom. Once there, he quickly changed his clothes and walked toward the luggage compartment.

"Finally, some peace and quiet," he muttered to himself. "Let's get to work."

At this moment, Ethan, Jim, and Claire confront each other in the luggage compartment. To be precise, Jim was threatening Claire and Ethan with a gun.

It had to be said that Jim was very competent as a traitor. He had successfully sent his wife Claire to seduce Ethan, but instead, it was Claire who was seduced by Ethan's charms.

However, this was not surprising. Jim was old and decrepit, while Ethan was strong and handsome. The gap between the two could not be made up. Claire probably would have slept with Ethan long ago if it were not for Jim's money.

Claire had gotten along very closely with Ethan during the operation. Because Ethan had received information from Jack, he had guessed that Jim was the culprit behind everything. Ethan decided to take revenge by sleeping with his wife. So, he had no psychological burden at all and truly had fun with her.

A few days ago, Ethan and Claire had a heart-to-heart conversation at midnight in the bedroom. From there, it was almost non-stop deep and profound conversations with a lot of screaming one after another, on the table in the bathroom, and so on...

A two-way standoff against Jim. Ethan and Claire on one side and poor Jim alone on the other. Even his wife has betrayed him.