The Plan

"Are you sure about that, Carlos?" Jack asked, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism.

Carlos nodded firmly, his mind made up. "Yes, I am willing to join the Templars," he repeated, his voice steady and resolute.

As he spoke, he couldn't help but feel excitement mixed with trepidation. The idea of leaving behind the life of an assassin and joining a new organization was both exhilarating and daunting. But he knew this was the right decision for himself and his son.

In his mind, Carlos had entertained a fleeting thought of taking matters into his own hands and seeking out the assassins who had betrayed their cause. But he quickly dismissed the idea as foolish and impractical.

Instead, he focused on the possibilities that lay ahead. He had always been a skilled fighter and strategist, and he knew that his abilities would be put to good use as a member of the Templars. And if all went well, he could finally leave behind an assassin's dangerous and unpredictable life and create a better future for himself and his son.

But as he thought of Wesley, his heart sank. His son had been living a life worse than death. A mundane and worthless life. He couldn't bear the thought of putting his son in harm's way by introducing him to the assassin's world, but at the same time, he didn't want to abandon him to such a hellish life of torment.

If it wasn't for Jack's arrival, he would not have made a choice until he learned about Sloan's use of the loom, turned against Sloan, and defected from the Assassin's League. But now, he must and is willing to choose in advance. Because now he has a better way.

Looking at Jack, he wondered if this decision to join the Templars or his decision about his son's life was right. Would he be able to keep his son safe? Would he be able to create a better life for himself? He couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt but pushed it aside, determined to see this through to the end.

"I know you may find it a bit abrupt, but for an assassin, taking advantage of fate is the most unbearable thing," Carlos said with a serious expression. He had been a one for too long and was tired of the constant bloodshed.

"Besides...over the years, I have been looking for a way to quit this world, but there is no hope."

Jack listened intently, wondering what was going through Carlos' mind. He had always known that the life of an assassin was not easy, but to hear someone like Carlos talk about quitting the life of a killer was a first for him.

"It wasn't until you found me not long ago that I slowly realized I wanted to become an ordinary person and quit this world. The only way is to destroy this world," Carlos continued, his voice tinged with desperation.

Jack was taken aback by this statement. He had always believed in the Templar Order's mission of bringing order to the world but hearing someone speak passionately about destroying the world was a bit unsettling.

"You have shown me hope, Templars. Embrace order, and only by bringing order to the world can we completely destroy this world ruled by assassins and killers," Carlos said, his voice rising in excitement. "The Templars, the torch of hope that will bring hope to this world!"

However, what was waiting for him was Jack's long silence.

Jack remained silent for a moment, taking in everything Carlos said. He knew that he had to tread carefully with his response.

"What... what's wrong?" Carlos broke the silence with anxiety, "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"No, no, there is no problem. What you said is very good," Jack sighed, trying to mask his unease. "You said it very well. The choice I made was indeed correct!"

"I've decided. You will be in charge of the slogan of our Knights Templar from now on!" Jack said with a smile.

Master Assassin=Senior Templar, this formula is indeed valid. If you are not a senior Templar, you must be unable to say such reasonable words! Even before Jack spread the fire, Carlos had already started to ignite the fire himself!

"Ah?" Carlos was taken aback, "Jack, don't, Jack!"

Jack could see the panic in Carlos' eyes and couldn't help but chuckle. "Ahem, just kidding, don't worry, I'm much more proficient than you in writing propaganda slogans," Jack waved his hand, stopping the joke. "So, now, when do you plan to contact Wesley?"

"Does it have to be like this?" Carlos hesitated again.

"If you plan to become a Templar and fight against the Assassin's Alliance, your son will be taken away by the Assassin's Alliance, cultivated, or even misled to become our enemy," Jack spread his hands, "it's up to you."

Carlos was caught off guard. He had always known that his son's future was in danger, but hearing it put so bluntly made him feel uneasy.

"Well then..." Carlos could only say, "Do you have any plans?"

"You asked me what I plan to do?" Jack was confused.

"It's because I have no idea, so I'm asking for your opinion!" Carlos said confidently.

"You are really..." Jack sighed, but he couldn't help but admire Carlos' determination. "Okay, then, as the guide who guides you into the Knights Templar, let me formulate a detailed plan for you. Make a plan!"


Wesley always felt as if someone around him was watching him these days. However, whenever he felt watched in the dark and looked back in the direction the feeling came from, he could always see nothing abnormal at all.

This made him think for a while that his anxiety attack was happening again as now Wesley was walking on a dark road. He had just finished working overtime at the company at the unreasonable request of the fat woman's boss, and it was almost late at night before he returned home.

The exhausted body, the full hunger that has not had dinner until now, and the mental exhaustion caused by enduring the mental attack of the fat woman boss made him fall into extremely negative emotions.

And it was at this moment that Wesley suddenly felt that feeling of being watched from the dark reappear.

"Huh...huh..." Wesley's breathing gradually became faster, his heart beat faster, and his blood surged. He felt that his perspective seemed to have double images, and the things he saw and the sounds he heard also began to appear slow.

"Damn it..." Wesley leaned against the wall weakly and took out a bottle of tranquilizer pills from his pocket, but he found the bottle empty after opening it.

"Fuck!" Wesley dropped the bottle, stood up, and walked forward. However, the usual distance is not too far. Still, it seems extraordinarily long at this time, especially since there is a kind of secret gaze that can't be traced at all.

"Huh..." Wesley suddenly raised his head and looked toward the line of sight. From his slowed-down perspective, he saw a piece of clothing flashing past the corner of the wall before disappearing! Someone really was watching him!