A Real Templar

"It's okay," Wesley said with a smile.

Jack quickly jumped in, "Let's talk about business, the reason the Assassin League exists is because they stick to..."

When the three arrived at the warehouse that Jack bought, he finally performed the last scene they had planned.

That is - "Take Wesley out of his current life and explain to him the origin and relationship between the Assassin Brotherhood and the Knights Templar, and the reasons why Carlos turned from the dark to the bright."

In any case, in this world, compared to other people, Wesley can be regarded as a naive guy but he is still related to Carlos. Therefore, if Jack wants to carry out his own plan, it's totally worth spending some time and energy to make Wesley his own subordinate.

As for the warehouse they were in, Jack bought it directly after he got the "gift" from Winston and solved the funding problem. Money can solve any problem. Jack just added 10,000 US dollars to the quotation of the warehouse owner, and the warehouse owner delivered the key within an hour, without asking any questions.

"This will be our training place for you," Jack said to Wesley. "Your talent is very strong, but right now, you don't know how to use it."

"Talent..." Wesley recalled being able to see the bullets slowly flying through the air and colliding.

"Is it due to his assasin bloodline?" Carlos asked.

"Yes," Jack nodded. "Through what I told you before about the origins of the Knights Templar and the Brotherhood of Assassins, you should also be clear that, in fact, we are all the same kind of people, but we have different ideals and pursuits."

"When this talent is turned on, it will make your heart rate exceed four hundred beats per minute, and send a large amount of adrenaline into your blood, which will make you see more clearly, react faster, and have even more strength."

"But, there are side effects. To enter this state, you must consume the calories provided by your body for such a functional reaction in the midst of intense actions. Otherwise, too much heat will cause you to have symptoms such as inability to concentrate, rapid blood flow, etc."

"So, I thought it was an anxiety disorder before? Because the symptoms are very similar?" Wesley asked.

"You got it!" Jack said, impressed. "Wesley, before you can get in touch with the reality of the world we live in, you need to be able to control the talent you possess, which is not weaker than your father's talent at all."

"So, what should I do?" Wesley asked eagerly.

"Your father knows more about these things than I do," Jack looked at Carlos, "He's a master assassin..."

Jack said with a smirk—it's not that he doesn't know how to shoot electric arcs, but that he respects those poor physicists too much to show off! That's right, it's definitely not that he can't bend bullets right now!

Moreover, he had to find new people to spread the fire, how could he have time to teach Wesley? At most, he would wait until Carlos teaches Wesley arc shooting, be a bystander, and point out the mistakes that Carlos made during the teaching process...

Speaking of which, the formula of the repairing fluid... He also needed to analyse its marvelous power! And there were also ultra-long-range fixed-point sniper rifles...

"I will teach you, Wesley," Carlos paused, still feeling slightly uncomfortable calling him "son".

"During this period, I will guide you to become a real Assassin." Carlos added.

"Templar!" Jack corrected with a black line on his face.

"Oh, that's right... A real Templar..." Carlos quickly changed his words.

Seeing this scene, Wesley suddenly felt that something seemed off. Combined with Jack's previous introduction of the relationship between the Knights Templar and the Brotherhood of Assassins and the results...

"May I ask..." Wesley looked at the warehouse that was obviously cleared out hastily around him, and the bad feeling in his heart grew stronger, "Where are the rest of our Knights Templar? Won't they come to meet us?"

"Um..." Jack pondered for a while, "From a loose perspective, our Knights Templar only has three members."

"..." Wesley stared wide-eyed, pointing to Carlos, himself, and Jack, "Three? Or from a looser perspective?"

"Yes, but strictly speaking from above, both of you are only reserve soldiers, and I am the only official Templar." Jack nodded.

Anyway, Wesley would find out about this matter later, and now that it was asked, it didn't hurt to say it. As for worrying about him running away... Hehe, who would dare to run away after getting on Jack's thief ship?

Wesley looked at Carlos with a heavy heart, and Carlos nodded silently.

"...Is there still time for me to go back now?" After a long time, Wesley broke the silence and asked.

"If you plan to be captured and served by a group of assassins just to press us about our whereabouts, then yes, of course you can," Jack spread his hands, successfully driving Wesley into despair with a lie that was so proficient he didn't need to write a draft among.

"So, the three of us are going to take down an organization that has been around for thousands of years?" Even though he knew that he was already on a thief ship and could not get off, Wesley still found this a bit unbelievable, "What do you think? Are you crazy?"

"We are also an organization that has been around for thousands of years. From another perspective, we are evenly matched!" Jack patted Wesley on the shoulder with a grin, "Besides, although we are only three now, I am going to recruit others."

"So, you just accept your father's teachings honestly, don't worry, I won't let you die!"

After settling in, Jack left the warehouse. What he said before was not a joke; he was indeed going to recruit people. Moreover, during the recruitment process this time, he will be able to complete the assessment task he received from the Continental Hotel as well..

If we really want to talk about it, if this operation is successful...Wesley, after that, even if he is driven away, he will not leve Jack and Carlos.