Fox Has A Date With The Dimensional Wrench

Fox hesitated momentarily before finally caving in, "Alright, put the damn materials on the table already."

Jack sauntered over and slapped the thick stack of papers onto the table. He took a few steps back, making it clear that he wasn't looking for trouble.

He knew the information he brought with him was enough to pique Fox's interest and lead her to the truth.

The Continental Hotel had tentacles spread across the globe, with branches in twelve key cities serving as the core nodes of their organization. Not only that, but the Continental Hotel had numerous affiliated organizations, such as intelligence networks and weapons dealers, all of which were the threads linking the twelve nodes together.

It was a massive web covering the entire world; even the authorities dared not attack the Continental Hotel for fear of the consequences. The killers they employed had free reign to wreak havoc wherever they pleased.

Jack had managed to obtain highly credible information from the Continental Hotel. Still, he knew that bringing the organization down would take much more than that.

He thought, "If I want to achieve my plan of uniting all major countries in the world and acting with power, I need to be patient and take it one step at a time."

Jack wasn't some sort of saintly do-gooder; he was only doing this because of the reward he would get from the system after his Templar profession reached the advanced tier.

As he thought about his profession, he realized it was all about maintaining order. It was a general term, but it became more specific once he got involved with the Assassins. Combined with the world's chaos, Jack knew exactly what he had to do.

If he managed to pull it off, he could see himself achieving a breakthrough and possibly even obtaining more professions. But he had to be careful and take it slow. The enemy he was facing was a global powerhouse, and he couldn't afford to rush in blindly.

He needed to win over allies and implement his plan carefully, one step at a time. After all, Jack was no match when it came to machine guns, sniper rifles, rockets, and missiles. He'd have nowhere to run if he got caught in the crossfire.

When Jack recalled his planning process again and researched whether there were any loopholes, Fox had already read the document that Jack had already marked while being on guard against Jack.

Her face was flushed, and her limbs felt weak as she tried to wrap her head around the information she had just discovered.

But as she looked up at Jack, her expression turned accusatory. "You... it's all a coincidence!" Fox exclaimed as she threw the documents aside and pointed her gun at Jack. "These are all fake. You're deliberately deceiving me!"

Jack's face fell as he stared at Fox, his patience thin. "Am I deceiving you?" he asked the smile on his face slowly disappearing. "Believe what you want, but the truth is in front of you."

Jack could feel Fox's mistrust radiating off her in waves as the tension between the two mounted. But he knew he had to make her see reason or risk losing her as a potential ally.

"Now, put down your gun, Ms. Fox," Jack said calmly. "Let's talk about the assassins of your Brotherhood of Assassins and whether what you've done during this time is true for the so-called 'kill one, saving a thousand.'"

Fox remained cold and unyielding. "I want to find out for myself," she said before abruptly pulling the trigger.

Jack didn't even have a weapon in his hand, and Fox believed that with the current distance between them, he wouldn't be able to react in time to avoid her bullet. However, she had underestimated Jack.

Fox's estimate was correct. With the short distance between them, even Carlos, the master assassin, couldn't shoot down Fox's bullets or avoid them.


Jack is not a master assassin. He is... a mechanic! And what do mechanics have? A dimensional wrench.


Fox's eyes widened.

Jack held a wrench in his hand, looking surprisingly calm as he blocked the bullet fired by Fox. "I used to be an auto mechanic for a while," he said nonchalantly, "So, it's normal for me to carry a wrench with me, right?"

Fox's head was spinning. She couldn't understand how Jack had blocked the bullet so easily, let alone sent it flying with a flick of his wrist. She was so confused that she didn't even notice the wrench in his hand until now.

"It seems like we won't be able to have a peaceful conversation," Jack said, standing up slowly. "Looks like I'll have to resort to some measures that I didn't intend to use at first."

As Jack strolled casually towards her, Fox panicked and started firing her gun again. But every bullet she fired was effortlessly blocked by Jack. Just when she thought she had a chance to run away, a flying wrench suddenly came out of nowhere and knocked her unconscious to the ground.

"I rarely get rough with women, but sometimes they can be quite disobedient," Jack muttered as he looked down at Fox's unconscious form. He then turned to the man on the bed.

"Mr. Edward..."

The man didn't move. Jack sighed and tried again. "Mr. EDWARDD..."

Still no response.

"If you don't wake up soon, I might have to use more unpleasant methods. But those methods usually come with a lot of pain." Jack said, his voice tinged with annoyance.

"I...I am up!" Edward suddenly jolted upright and gave up the facade of pretending to be in a coma.

"I have a lot of money, and I can give it to you!"

"I don't want your money, Mr. Edward, and I am not gonna kill you as well," Jack said, shaking his head.

Edward looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"Although your products' prices are high, at least compared with your shady counterparts, you still have a bottom line." Jack patted Edward on the shoulder.

Edward looked relieved. "So what are you going to do with me?"

"Instead of killing you, I'd rather keep you around," Jack said with a grin. "But there's a catch. You have to lower your prices immediately."

Edward nodded eagerly. "Of course, anything you say!"

"Good," Jack said. "But don't make it too low. After all, you also need to make a living." Jack smiled and carried Fox out of the room.