A Fathers Love

Jack was about to leave with Fox in his hand when Edward timidly spoke up. "Sir, I want to ask," he said, his curiosity getting the better of him. "You... is it really true that you're a killer from the continental hotel?"

Jack turned to face Edward, the moonlight reflecting off his body, making him look like a figure straight out of a movie. "Yes, I am a killer," Jack replied, his voice low and serious.

"But eventhough I am in the dark, and my heart yearns toward the light. I want to bring order back into this world that is shrouded in darkness and whose order is on the verge of destruction. You can call me The Templar!"

As Jack walked away, his pace slightly faster than usual, Edward couldn't help but feel awestruck.

"The Templars... brings order," he muttered to himself before making a decision. He knew what he had to do.


Meanwhile, the sound of wailing could be heard in an abandoned factory that was being used as a training base.

"Ah! Are you serious?" one person exclaimed.

"You hit me so hard?" another person cried out.

"Are you really my father?" yet another person wailed.

Wesley's face was a mess - his nose was visibly crooked, his cheeks were swollen, and his lips were cut and bleeding. The stench of blood filled the air, making it hard to breathe.

Before this, Wesley had been excited to begin his training with Carlos. He had been curious about the methods Carlos would use and whether he could handle a gun. However, what he didn't expect was to be met with a brutal beating.

As Carlos wrapped his hands with bandages, Wesley nervously asked about the training. Carlos responded with a sinister smile and the words, "I'm going to beat you."

Before Wesley could even react, Carlos landed a punch square on his jaw. Wesley's head spun as he stumbled back, and before he could regain his balance, Carlos pulled out a knife and began to cut at him mercilessly. Every inch of Wesley's body felt the sharp sting of the blade as he cried out in agony.

After what felt like an eternity of torture, Wesley finally snapped. With a burst of anger and adrenaline, he launched himself at Carlos, punching him with all his might. Carlos was caught off guard, his nose taking the full brunt of the hit.

With blood pouring from his nose, Carlos looked at Wesley in disbelief. "You dare hit your father? I'm going to teach you a lesson you won't forget!"

The two men clashed in a brutal fight, each determined to come out on top. It was a vicious brawl that left both of them bruised and battered.

When Jack and Fox returned, they were greeted by the shocking scene. Wesley was lying on the ground, his body limping like a dead fish, while Carlos stood triumphantly over him.

"That's what you get for daring to punch your father." he boasted, chest heaving from exhaustion.

Jack looked at the mess in front of him and let out a long sigh. "What in the world did I just come back to?"

"What's going on here?" Jack asked, perplexed.

"Well, he dared to resist," Carlos said with a scowl.

Jack was taken aback. "I thought I had recruited a father and son duo, not a pair of enemies."

Carlos explained, "I'm training him, so I had to beat him first. Then I'll soak him in repair fluid to cultivate his tolerance and purify his body of toxic substances."

Jack was speechless. "Is this really how you communicate between father and son?"

Carlos shrugged. "It's a tough love approach. Do you happen to have any cell repair fluid?"

Jack was caught off guard. "Uh, no."

"I thought you did," Carlos said with a frown as he rubbed the wound on his face. "I thought you did, so I didn't ask," Jack replied innocently.

"Damn it!" Carlos cursed under his breath. "I still have some in my luggage, but it's only enough for two uses... Who's that in your hand? Fox? You caught her?"

Jack threw Fox to the ground with ease. "I wanted to talk to her about joining the Templars, but her attitude towards the matter seemed a bit low."

"Fox, Firefox, she has more pure faith than me," Carlos muttered as he watched her lying on the ground.

Suddenly, Carlos twitched his mouth and winced in pain. He realized that he needed to tend to his wounds. He reached into his bag and pulled out a large packet of white powder.

"I don't think she'll join the Templars," he said.

"I don't force anyone to join," Jack said with a shrug. "I just need her help to defeat the Brotherhood of Assassins. She can do whatever else she wants."

Carlos looked down at the packet of white powder in his hand. "This is the material for the repair solution?"

"Yes," Carlos replied. "You just need to soak these powders in water to use them." Carlos looked around and sighed. "Is it possible to find something to replace the bathtub?"

Wesley slowly regained consciousness, feeling the weight of his bound limbs and the restriction of his head movement. His mind was foggy, and he struggled to remember what had happened before. Suddenly, a figure appeared in his vision.

"Are you awake?" Jack asked.

Wesley tried to speak, but his throat was dry, and his voice came out as a croak. "Where am I? What happened?"

"You're in the cell repair solution," Jack replied while studying the formula. "It's supposed to help repair all your wounds and remove toxins from your body."

"Toxins?" Wesley asked, confused.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "You've been taking sedatives to suppress your assassin blood. Did you really think there wouldn't be any side effects?"

Wesley frowned, trying to remember. He had been taking those pills for as long as he could remember, but he had never been told about any side effects.

Just then, Carlos walked over.

"How's the situation?" Jack asked, knowing that Carlos had been trying to persuade the stubborn Fox on the opposite side.

"No hope," Carlos shook his head. "She's not willing to cooperate."

Jack rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "Looks like we'll have to use another trick."

"Force won't work," Carlos said, shaking his head. "It'll only make things worse."

Jack smiled. "Do you think I'm the kind of person who likes to use violence?"

There was a beat of silence before Carlos and Wesley answered in unison, "Yes."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Fine."

Wesley and Carlos exchanged skeptical glances, wondering what Jack had in store for Fox.