New Skills

It is often said that to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself. This was precisely what Jack had to do to convince the system to include his latest income in the templar's professional compensation and count it as experience value.

Jack was fully immersed in his role as a templar knight, so it was only natural to consider this reward part of his experience points. He had to believe it himself before persuading the system to acknowledge it.

After a while, his action was confirmed to be effective when Edward, being the kind soul he was, directly transferred 11 million dollars to Jack's account. Even if the agreement between the two had not been reached, this amount could still be included in the calculation as an advance payment.


[Templar Knight (90/100)]

Title Bonus:

[Knight Bloodline]




Upon seeing this, Jack exclaimed, "What?! This profession doesn't add any bonus to [Strength] and [Intelligence]??!"

He was surprised, but then he quickly calmed down.

Lost in his thoughts, he forgot about Edward.

"Sir?" Edward asked, bringing Jack back to reality. " there anything you want me to do?"

"Ah, yes," Jack replied, refocusing his attention. "Firstly, I can't monitor you constantly, so we need to update your security measures."

"Understood," Edward said, nodding.

"Secondly," Jack continued, "we need to negotiate with the FDA to approve your drug price reduction, modify the contracts between parties, and ensure that the companies affected can survive. After that, we can find a way to track down the Assassin."

Edward nodded again, understanding the gravity of the situation. "You're right," he said. "What should I do?"

"Before we tackle those issues, I'll update your security measures," Jack said. "We need to be prepared for anything, and I believe machines are often more reliable than humans."

Edward's financial resources allowed for the purchase of top-of-the-line equipment to ensure his safety. Jack knew that the danger had not yet arrived. Though the Brotherhood of Assassins posed a threat, Sloan's current situation meant that it was unlikely they would focus their efforts on his.

With that in mind, Jack set to work, procuring facial recognition technology and installing the thick bulletproof glass and other high-tech gadgets to protect Edward against potential dangers. It was necessary to ensure Edward's safety, and Jack was determined to leave no stone unturned.

After his reforms, Jack left the room and declined Edward's offer to see him off. He planned to test the [Elementary Stealth Skill] he had just acquired and wanted to see its potential. He specifically asked Edward not to inform his subordinates about his existence.

Jack intended to test his newly gained skill and see how effective it was.

As he was standing in a dimly lit area, a security guard walked right past him without noticing his presence. Jack was left speechless and a bit embarrassed.

He was now a faint shadow in human form, almost completely invisible as long as he stayed in the shadows. He was amazed at the effectiveness of the skill and felt like he was using magic.

As he activated the [Elementary Stealth Skill], he felt energy rapidly passing and transforming within his body, combining and changing according to a specific law. These energies wrapped around him and transformed his body into what it was now.

Jack had never felt these special energies before and was surprised to discover it was mana. He realized that he now knew two spells and felt it was normal for a Templar Knight like him to know them.

Even though he is a Templar, he has learned the skills [Stealth] and [Backstab], two skills exclusive to the Assassin.

As Jack moved, he was amazed by how easily he could blend in with his surroundings. He felt like a true master of Stealth and was excited to see what he could accomplish with his newfound ability.

With Stealth skills + his own speed, Jack left the iResearch Group even faster than when he arrived.

"In stealth mode, my speed has definitely improved...and it feels like I'm lighter, almost able to land without making any noise..." Jack evaluated the positive effects of his newly acquired stealth skill.

"So, is this energy my mana?" Jack carefully felt the energy inside his body that he had never used before, energies that he had never even noticed before.

Based on Jack's perception, his mana was being consumed at a fixed rate and transformed into the layer of energy that enveloped him.

Jack took out his phone from his storage space and noticed that the phone was also enveloped in the same energy layer and became shadow-like. At the same time, he felt his mana consumption rate increase slightly.

"It's just a change in appearance, like an invisibility cloak. The larger the area of the energy layer, the faster the mana consumption rate..." Jack concluded as he moved to a remote alley and deactivated his stealth mode.

"I still have half of my mana left, and I'm absorbing some energy from the air to replenish it. The recovery speed is a bit it due to the energy density in the air or my absorption rate?"

"There's no way to test it right now, and I'll need to conduct multiple experiments to analyze the data..." Jack thought to himself as he selected a nearby trash can and used another skill.



Hey guys my new novel is live as I promised. Go and check it out...

Name: Demon King's Multiverse Adventures