Infiltrating The Pentagon

The next morning, at 9:55, at the gates of the Pentagon, an unusual air hung over the area. The Pentagon, a highly confidential and vital institution no less important than the White House, was heavily guarded on weekdays. But at this moment, the atmosphere resembled that of wartime readiness.

The guards stood watch, their eyes scanning the surroundings, awaiting the arrival of a certain individual. It was an order from their superiors, though deep down, most of them found it completely improbable. After all, the Pentagon was a military stronghold. Who could believe that someone could approach without secret orders or proper identification, even from outside the building?

"Nine fifty-five," Camilles glanced at the wall clock in the meeting room on the top floor. He turned to Anderson, who was standing beside him, and asked, "Are you sure he can come here without any orders?"

Anderson scratched his head and replied, "I don't know for certain, but... at least in my private villa, he can come and go without a trace. I even installed an infrared camera later, but there was no alarm triggered at all. So, coming here should be no problem."

Curiosity piqued, Camilles nodded and said, "I wonder if last night's events were true."

Anderson nodded affirmatively. "I specifically requested the National Guard to seal off that area. Only the high-ranking officials were allowed in and out, while the general public was evacuated. Afterward... the high table was wiped out completely. Even with nearly 500 people on their side, it didn't matter."

Camille's eyes widened in disbelief. "500 people, equipped with high table forces... and they were defeated?"

"It's said that someone witnessed a ball of lightning obliterating the high table's subordinates," Anderson explained.

"Lightning?" Camilles repeated, trying to make sense of the information.

"Yes, it's not entirely clear what it was. Perhaps it's a new weapon?" Anderson pondered.

"And now it's all over?" Camilles sought confirmation.

"Yes, fighting is prohibited during the day as per our previous agreement. Besides, the battle was mostly one-sided, so dealing with the aftermath won't be too troublesome," Anderson assured.

Time ticked by, and five minutes, although seemingly short, felt lengthy during their conversation. Before they knew it, it was already ten o'clock.

"..." Camilles glanced at Anderson, his expression revealing his expectations.

"It shouldn't be..." Anderson furrowed his brow, uncertainty creeping in.

"I said it's ten o'clock," a voice suddenly resonated from behind them.

"The Pentagon, I'm here."

In a ripple of distortion, Jack materialized out of thin air, catching everyone off guard. The well-trained guards in the conference room immediately pointed their guns at him, prepared to pull the trigger.

Camilles quickly intervened, raising his hand to halt the guards. "Hold your fire. Are you Jack?" he asked Jack, who had now taken a seat.

"He's the one I mentioned to you," Anderson whispered.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Camilles asked, taking his seat, "How did you manage to get in?"

For a person of Jack's caliber, losing his composure was out of the question. Camilles understood that if Jack had intended to harm him, he would have done so long before.

Passing through numerous secure facilities without a trace and appearing directly behind him—Camille wanted to know how it was accomplished, hoping to devise preventive measures.

"Templar, walking under the radiance," Jack replied with a pious expression. "The Illuminati shall protect me."

In reality, however, it was due to Jack's current [Advanced Stealth Skill]!

Having been upgraded by two levels, Jack's skill had evolved from mere shadowing to complete invisibility, with an additional transformation ability. Admittedly, the mana consumption was significantly higher, but his knight's blood granted him increased strength, making it more efficient overall.

Something felt off to Camilles. "...Does such power truly exist?" he asked, his tone filled with seriousness.

Camille found it hard to believe that Jack had entered through any conventional means. After all, he had witnessed Jack materialize out of thin air.

"Only a select few possess this ability, and I happen to be one of them," Jack declared. "Don't worry, Minister Camilles, my goal has never been power. I simply aim to restore order to this world."

Camilles continued his inquiry, "...Alright then. What is it that you want?"

"First, just like last night," Jack began, "We won't impede one another, and I don't expect you to hinder our progress. In order to eliminate the high table, the Knights Templar should enjoy equal or even superior treatment."

Jack proceeded to his second request, emphasizing its importance. "I need the right to broadcast live news, open to everyone."

Camilles frowned, contemplating the implications. "This... poses a dilemma."

"Information channels are crucial," Jack pressed on. "The Knights Templar's objective has never been to control the underground world. We simply seek to maintain order. Therefore, we need to publicize our cause to society and make them aware."

Camilles shook his head, expressing his skepticism. "I find it hard to trust such claims. What if you misuse the platform..."

Jack interrupted, not mincing his words, "Can the situation get any worse? Your credibility, the government, the country, the law... People are well aware of your negligence and indulgence. Are you pretending they're oblivious?"

"Are you going to cover your ears and pretend they don't know?" Jack scoffed. "You may not be able to participate, and I understand that. But I don't need your involvement. I only want to give ordinary people a chance to vent their frustrations and find some semblance of justice."

He continued, unyielding. "Don't be so naive as to claim that you might face consequences from the high table. You're undermining yourself. It's merely the right to broadcast live news. You should express your stance and be willing to pay a price, don't you think?"

"If you can't agree to these two requirements, then I believe our communication comes to an end."

The room fell into a heavy silence. Jack watched Camilles intently, awaiting his response.

"...I must admit, although your words may not be pleasant, they do strike a chord," Camilles broke the silence after a prolonged moment.

"I have always yearned to change the status quo, but I've been restrained by various factors," Camilles confessed. "And from what I've seen of your methods and track record, I do see the potential for success... and hope."

Camilles removed his hat, revealing his graying hair, and scratched his head. "With age comes more worries... Heh, you're right. If you're not willing to pay a price, then it's not truly enjoyable."

"As the Minister of Defense, Camilles Gibbs, I agree to cooperate with you, Jack, and the Knights Templar!"


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