The Judge Is A Fake

Just as Jack and Gaius guessed.

The fact that a judge came to the Continental Hotel, including the corresponding photos, was quickly verified by the Hawk Eye organization and reported to the relevant personnel of the High Table. The response from the High Table arrived swiftly, sending waves of shock through the ranks.

"The Judge Is A Fake!"


The Continental Hotel in Rome

The Continental Hotel in Rome exuded an air of elegance and sophistication, its grand lobby adorned with marble columns and plush velvet furniture. The front desk, manned by impeccably dressed staff, was bustling with guests checking in and out.

In a discreet corner of the lobby, a group of fierce individuals huddled together, their expressions tense and anxious. They were Gaius' loyalists, awaiting a summons from the High Table. As the clock ticked, their apprehension grew, and they decided to take matters into their own hands. With determination in their eyes, they marched towards the door of the luxurious showroom.

The front desk attendant, knocked on the door and cleared her throat.

"Sir, Mr. Shark is looking for you," he announced, attempting to mask her nervousness.

Silence echoed from within the room, leaving the front desk attendant bewildered. He exchanged glances with those around her, a silent acknowledgment of the impending uncertainty. After a few tense moments, a sense of urgency gripped the group, and they resolved to breach the door.

With synchronized precision, several individuals stepped forward, their hearts pounding. They kicked open the gate and burst into the room, guns at the ready, only to find Gaius sprawled on the ground, unconscious. The receptionist followed closely behind, his concern etched on his face.

"Sir!" he exclaimed, rushing to Gaius' side.

The room was now alive with a palpable tension as the rest of the men fanned out, each taking up a defensive position. They knew that danger lurked in the shadows—Templars disguised as killers, bent on assassinating Gaius.

With silent determination, the killers combed through the room, their eyes scanning every corner, searching for the elusive fake judge. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, as if at any moment, a hero might burst onto the scene and disrupt the impending doom. Alas, reality reminded them that this was not a movie but a gripping novel.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as the killers scoured every inch of the room, their frustration mounting. How could the fake judge vanish without a trace? There were no secret passages in the room, and the pristine glass surrounding them remained unblemished. It was as if their target had dissolved into thin air.

The assassins exchanged bewildered glances, a mix of disbelief and astonishment painting their faces. They were the best in their field, equipped with the latest high-tech instruments, but all their efforts yielded no clues, no traces left behind.



With a groan, Gaius slowly emerged from his deep slumber, only to be greeted by a persistent pain throbbing at the back of his head.

"Sir? Are you finally awake?" The receptionist, ever attentive, rushed over with a glass of water in hand. "Here, have a sip first..."

Gaius mumbled incoherently, his mind still foggy as he took a few sips from the glass, his vacant gaze fixed on the reception desk. Gradually, his energy began to return.

"Pearsley..." Gaius struggled to speak, his voice laced with confusion. "What's going on? Why am I here? What time is it? How long was I out?"

"Please calm down, sir," Persley said soothingly, attempting to allay his concerns. "You were in a coma for a little over an hour, but it's all in the past now..."

"Tell me what happened!" Gaius demanded, his curiosity piqued.

"Well, you see... that judge you were meeting with, he turned out to be an impostor," Persley revealed. "Upon receiving the news from the High Table, we rushed to rescue you, only to find you alone in the conference room, and the fake judge and his accomplice had vanished into thin air!"

"Vanished?" Gaius furrowed his brow, unsure whether it was the lingering pain in his head or a lapse in his memory.

"How is that even possible? There's only one exit in the meeting room, and the door was guarded. How could they have escaped without anyone noticing, let alone vanish completely?" Gaius demanded, determined to get to the bottom of the mystery.

"Sir, that's precisely what we're trying to figure out," a man burst into the room, accompanied by several individuals who swiftly overpowered Gaius's guards at the door. "I am the real judge, and I'm here to address this matter."

"A judge?" Gaius chuckled, a tinge of apprehension in his voice. "That word doesn't inspire confidence in me anymore."

"Well, it's about time you felt a healthy dose of fear. The man before was nothing more than a audacious thief," the judge's voice was cold and resolute as he approached Gaius's hospital bed, looking down at him. "Mr. Gaius, I have some questions I need you to answer."

Before Gaius could respond, the judge fired off his inquiries one after another, each laden with intrigue.

"Why did that man disappear?"

"Was he a Templar?"

"What transpired during those twenty to thirty-two seconds you were alone in the conference room?"

"And why didn't he simply kill you outright, instead of merely striking you on the head?"

Gaius contemplated the questions in silence, his gaze piercing and frigid as he locked eyes with the judge.

"Are you doubting my integrity?" Gaius queried, his tone dripping with a mix of indignation and defiance.

"This is a matter from the High Table," the judge replied without offering any excuses, his expression still icy and resolute.

Such was the demeanor of both the judge and the High Table—uncompromising and demanding accountability.

"Just being held accountable is enough," Gaius retorted, his voice measured. "I don't know. That fake 'judge' only managed to stun me briefly, and after that, I recall nothing."

"So, a Templar knight impersonating a judge infiltrated the Roman hotel solely to incapacitate you?" the judge inquired, raising an eyebrow.

With the judge's final question hanging in the air, he stood up and declared, "Mr. Gaius, given that your actions may have violated the principle of absolute obedience to the High Table, I hereby order you to return to the Roman Continental Hotel within three hours. Your status as an agent is temporarily revoked, and a new agent will be appointed."

"Agent?" Gaius snapped angrily, his voice tinged with disbelief. "I am the owner of the Continental Hotel!"

"Under the High Table," the judge dismissed, paying little heed to Gaius's protestations. He turned to leave, his words laced with a finality that brooked no argument.

"Have you considered the possibility that this whole ordeal was orchestrated to keep me off balance and cast doubt upon me?" Gaius retorted, his voice turning glacial as the judge approached the exit.

"That's precisely why we are revoking your position," the judge replied, unyielding. This time, he didn't even bother with the word "temporarily."

Or perhaps I've forgotten... Is that even possible?

"Sir..." Persley cast a worried glance at the steely countenance of Gaius.

"Pearsley, how long does it take to reach the Roman Continental Hotel from here?" Gaius posed a seemingly unrelated question.

"Sir, approximately half an hour," Persley replied, her confusion evident. Nonetheless, she answered dutifully.

"Clear the room, have everyone leave. I need an hour of solitude," Gaius commanded abruptly.

"Sir, please reconsider..." Persley implored.

"Just do it!" Gaius's glare was intense, catching Persley off guard.

"...Very well." Persley responded softly, complying with Gaius's directive. "I will issue the order immediately."


As Persley reached the door, Gaius halted her once again. He turned to her and asked, "Persley, if, and I stress if, I were to embark on a course of action that might endanger our lives, would you follow me?"

"As for others, I cannot guarantee, sir," Persley turned around, a smile on her face, "but I will follow in your footsteps until death, sir."

Gaius pondered her response silently for a moment before nodding. "Go ahead, then."

Persley exited the room, closing the door behind her as she set about carrying out Gaius's instructions.

Left alone in the special ward, Gaius leaned back and released a long, weary sigh. It took him a while to gather his thoughts.

"As you wish, Mr. Jack," Gaius whispered in the empty room. His eyes opened, filled with icy resolve. "I agree to your proposal."


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